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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
Material Type Faculty/
Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles 박소정 금융이해력, 거주지와 개인연금 및 보장성 보험 가입의 관계 = The Relationship between Financial Literacy, Residing Area, and the Demand for Private Pension and Insurance
(보험금융연구 33(3), 3-39)
손준호, 박소정 2022
Journal Articles 김정욱 기본소득의 경제학: 기본소득과 노동공급의 관계에 대한 문헌 연구를 중심으로 = A Survey of Universal Basic Income and its Impact on Labor Supply
(한국사회정책 29(3), 73-96)
김정욱, 원승연 2022
Journal Articles 강성춘 증권분석가의 이직에 따른 이익 예측행태의 변화 = Analysts’ Job Change and Earnings Forecast Behaviors
(회계학연구 47(4), 151-184)
박소희, 신재용, 강성춘 2022
Journal Articles 신재용 증권분석가의 이직에 따른 이익 예측행태의 변화 = Analysts’ Job Change and Earnings Forecast Behaviors
(회계학연구 47(4), 151-184)
박소희, 신재용, 강성춘 2022
Journal Articles 이우종 회계제도 개혁이 자본시장에 미치는 영향: 감사인 지정의 효과를 중심으로
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 64(3), 387-425)
김우진, 김세희, 백복현, 이우종 2022
Journal Articles 백복현 회계제도 개혁이 자본시장에 미치는 영향: 감사인 지정의 효과를 중심으로
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 64(3), 387-425)
김우진, 김세희, 백복현, 이우종 2022
Journal Articles 김우진 회계제도 개혁이 자본시장에 미치는 영향: 감사인 지정의 효과를 중심으로
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 64(3), 387-425)
김우진, 김세희, 백복현, 이우종 2022
Books 석승훈 미소보험(Microinsurance)의 경제학적 고찰 석승훈, 홍지민 2022
Books 황이석 CFO 강의노트(16판) : 회계정보를 활용한 新재무전략 황이석 2022
Books 석승훈 사라진 흘러간 단단함 : 위험과 금융과 기업에 대한 수필 석승훈 2022
Books 최종학 (서울대 최종학 교수의) 숫자로 경영하라 5 최종학 2022
Books 백복현 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제4판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2022
Books 최종학 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제4판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2022
Journal Articles 윤석화 Leader boundary-spanning behavior and creative behavior: the role of need for status and creative self-efficacy
(Leadership and Organization Development Journal 43(6), 835-846)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Donghwan Lee, Seokhwa Yun 2022
Journal Articles 박성호 The effect of epidemic outbreak on healthcare usage: Lessons from the 2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak in South Korea
(Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A 185(3), 1319-1343)
Jinhwan Park, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park 2022
Journal Articles 김우진 Corporate executives’ incentives and ESG performance
(Finance Research Letters 49, 103187(1-8))
Ga-Young Jang, Hyoung-Goo Kang, Woojin Kim 2022
Journal Articles 최동범 ESG 경영과 대리인 문제 = ESG and Managerial Agency Problems
(한국증권학회지 51(4), 417-445)
정성준, 최동범 2022
Journal Articles 이경묵 우리나라 국민의 반기업정서 현황과 영향요인 = Negative Attitudes towards Korean Companies in Korea: Current State and Their Antecedents
(조직과 인사관리연구 46(3), 107-132)
이경묵, 전향숙 2022
Journal Articles 배종훈 차이와 갈등의 의례 네트워크: 이방인의 수용 과정 = Ritual Networks of Difference and Conflict: Accepting Strangers into the Workplace
(인사조직연구 30(3), 135-160)
배종훈, 김민수, 김영규, 박상찬, 이승윤 2022
Journal Articles 이경미 기업의 혁신개방성 이미지와 사회 공헌 활동에서의 내집단 강조가 소비자의 기업 평가에 미치는 영향 = How a Company’s Innovative Image and Communal Messages in CSR Can Interact in Shaping Consumer Evaluation
(마케팅연구 37(3), 73-100)
한혜주, 박혜원, 박수진, 이경미 2022
Journal Articles 박기완 The Intelligent Are Full of Doubt: Why Probabilistic Uncertain Advice is Evaluated More Highly than Certain Advice = 왜 불확실한 확률 조언이 확실한 조언보다 선호되는가?
(마케팅연구 37(3), 1-26)
Minjeong Ko, Kiwan Park 2022
Books 이관휘 투자의 기초 : 주식부터 채권, 환율까지 이관휘 2022
Journal Articles 서경원 Foundations of ambiguity models under symmetry: α-MEU and smooth ambiguity
(Journal of Economic Theory 199, 105202(1-34))
Peter Klibanoff, Sujoy Mukerji, Kyoungwon Seo, Lorenzo Stanca 2022
Journal Articles 백복현 Income Smoothing through R&D Management and Earnings Informativeness
(Accounting Review 97(3), 25-49)
Bok Baik, Katherine A. Gunny, Boochun Jung, Duri Park 2022
Journal Articles 박성호 Bypassing Performance Optimizers of Real Time Bidding Systems in Display Ad Valuation
(Information Systems Research 33(2), 399-412)
Ranjit M. Christopher, Sungho Park, Sang Pil Han, Min-Kyu Kim 2022
Journal Articles 박성호 A sequential choice model for multiple discrete demand
(Quantitative Marketing and Economics 20(2), 141-178)
Sanghak Lee, Sunghoon Kim, Sungho Park 2022
Journal Articles 김상훈 Psychological determinants of non-attendees’ resistance toward performing arts
(Journal of Business Research 149, 690-699)
Jisu Yi, Youseok Lee, Jungmin Suh, Sang-Hoon Kim 2022
Journal Articles 황이석 Earnings Conservatism and Repatriation Tax Costs
(회계학연구 47(3), 103-138)
Lee-Seok Hwang, Myung-In Kim 2022
Journal Articles 최선화 경영자 보상계약에서 회계성과지표의 사용: 시계열적 변화를 중심으로 = The Use of Accounting Performance Measures in Executive Compensation Contracts: Evidence on Time-Series Changes
(회계저널 31(3), 97-126)
안재환, 최선화 2022
Journal Articles 이우종 ESG 활동과 기업가치의 상관관계와 인과관계 = Value Implications of ESG Performance
(회계저널 31(3), 31-60)
김세희, 선우희연, 이우종, 정아름 2022
Journal Articles 최진남 Affect stability and employee creativity: the roles of work-related positive affect and knowledge sharing
(European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 31(3), 331-340)
In-Jo Park, Jin Nam Choi, Kai Wu 2022
Journal Articles 최진남 How do feedback seekers think? Disparate cognitive pathways towards incremental and radical creativity
(European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 31(3), 470-483)
Min Yu, Jin Nam Choi 2022
Journal Articles 최진남 Translating proactive and responsive creativity to innovation implementation: The roles of internal and external team behaviours for implementation
(Creativity and Innovation Management 31(2), 162-178)
Hyunjee Hannah Kim, Jin Nam Choi, Thomas Sy 2022
Journal Articles 조우제 Unlatching or latching a door to the competitor
(Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 34(6), 1245-1265)
Wooje Cho, Woojung Chang, Dongryul Lee 2022
Journal Articles 이유재 Assessing moderator effects, main effects, and simple effects without collinearity problems in moderated regression models
(Journal of Business Research 145, 905-919)
Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi 2022
Journal Articles 석승훈 Market insurance and endogenous saving with multiple loss states
(North American Journal of Economics and Finance 61, 101679(1-15))
S. Hun Seog, Jimin Hong 2022
Journal Articles 주우진 A Design-related Information Processing Model for Brand Communication in Retail Spaces
(Journal of Distribution Science 20(6), 109-123)
Jeongmin LEE, Wujin CHU, Jisu YI 2022
Journal Articles 이종섭 Sabotage! Whistle-blowing Inside Family Firms During Succession Tournaments
(Seoul Journal of Business 28(1), 67-112)
Journal Articles 신재용 Informativeness of Peer Performance and Analyst Forecasts in Performance Target Setting
(Seoul Journal of Business 28(1), 1-30)
Journal Articles 배종훈 Venture Capitalists in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Fitness-reducing Competition
(Seoul Journal of Business 28(1), 31-66)
Journal Articles 박기완 직무 만족-불만족에 대한 결정요인으로서 인지된 혁신성 수준의 역할에 대한 연구: 텍스트 마이닝 기법의 활용 = The Role of Perceived Innovativeness as a Factor Determining Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: An Application of Text Mining Techniques
(서비스마케팅저널 15(1), 5-25)
장호준, 서교원, 김종대, 한윤지, 송승연, 박기완 2022
Journal Articles 최동범 Clogged Intermediation: Were Home Buyers Crowded Out?
(Journal of Money Credit and Banking 54(4), 1065-1098)
Journal Articles 이유재 Is returning a product worth my time? The impact of time cues on consumer product returns
(Psychology and Marketing 39(7), 1413-1427)
Shinhyoung Lee, Youjae Yi 2022
Journal Articles 이유재 Is a gift on sale “heart-discounted”? Givers’ misprediction on the value of discounted gifts and the influence of service robots
(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 65, 102489(1-12))
Yookyung Park, Youjae Yi 2022
Journal Articles 이우종 Pro-Labor Institutions and Corporate Employment Efficiency
(Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance 37(3), 547-561)
Boochun Jung, Tony Kang, Woo-Jong Lee, Gaoguang (Stephen) Zhou 2022
Journal Articles 송인성 From intuition to intelligence: a text mining?based approach for movies’ green-lighting process
(Internet Research 32(3), 1003-1022)
Jongdae Kim, Youseok Lee, Inseong Song 2022
Journal Articles 박기완 How looking forward over the short period to-go affects consumer enjoyment: Role of temporal scarcity in access-based services
(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 65, 102521(1-12))
Shinhyoung Lee, Kiwan Park 2022
Journal Articles 박기완 Cause-related marketing of luxury brands: Nudging materialists to act prosocially
(Psychology and Marketing 39(6), 1204-1217)
Sukhyun Kim, Kiwan Park, L. J. Shrum 2022
Journal Articles 조성욱 Housing Price Risks and Lending Behavior of Banks before and after the 2008 Financial Crisis
(재무연구 35(2), 37-72)
Sung Wook Joh, Seongjun Jeong 2022
Journal Articles 장정주 Factors Affecting the Usefulness of Online Reviews: The Moderating Role of Price = 온라인 리뷰 유용성에 영향을 미치는 요인: 가격의 조절 효과
(한국전자거래학회지 27(2), 153-173)
Jiyun Yun, Yuna Ro, Boram Kwon, Jungjoo Jahng 2022