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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
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Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles 박성호 When Loyalty Goes Mobile: Effects of Mobile Loyalty Apps on Purchase, Redemption, and Competition
(Information Systems Research 31(3), 835-847)
Yoonseock Son, Wonseok Oh, Sang Pil Han, Sungho Park 2020
Journal Articles 김상훈 해외여행 온라인 구매채널 선택에서 구매채널 지식, 여행 경험, 성별 차이의 영향: 항공권과 숙박 구매 서비스의 비교 = The Influence of Purchase Channel Knowledge, Travel Experience, and Gender on Online Travel Reservation Channel Choice: Comparison between Flight and Accommodation Reservation Services
(관광경영연구 24(5), 541-564)
이승환, 김상훈 2020
Journal Articles 유병준 소비자 특성에 따른 가격 촉진 효과에 대한 실증 연구: 플랫폼 구독 경제를 중심으로 = Consumer Heterogeneity and Price Promotion Effectiveness in Subscription-based Online Platforms
(Information Systems Review 22(3), 143-156)
김창근, 유병준, 이재환 2020
Journal Articles 최선화 Managerial Ability and Income Smoothing
(Accounting Review 95(4), 1-22)
Bok Baik, Sunhwa Choi, David B. Farber 2020
Journal Articles 백복현 Managerial Ability and Income Smoothing
(Accounting Review 95(4), 1-22)
Bok Baik, Sunhwa Choi, David B. Farber 2020
Journal Articles 채준 Contrarian profits of the firm-specific component on stock returns
(Pacific Basin Finance Journal 61, 101176(1-23))
Joon Chae, Ryumi Kim 2020
Journal Articles 박소정 Double-counting problem of the bonus–malus system
(Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 93, 141-155)
Rosy Oh, Kyung Suk Lee, Sojung C. Park, Jae Youn Ahn 2020
Journal Articles 윤석화 Knowledge Sharing, Hypercompetitiveness, and Contextual Factors: Investigating a Three-Way Effect
(Journal of Business and Psychology 35(4), 489-502)
Seoin Yoon, Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Changwon Go, Seokhwa Yun 2020
Journal Articles 윤석화 The Trickle-Down Effect of Abusive Supervision: The Moderating Effects of Supervisors’ Task Performance and Employee Promotion Focus
(Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 27(3), 241-255)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Soojin Lee, Seokhwa Yun 2020
Journal Articles 오정석 Digital transformation of business ecosystems: Evidence from the Korean pop industry
(Information Systems Journal 30(5), 866-898)
Felix T. C. Tan, Jan Ondrus, Barney Tan, Jungsuk Oh 2020
Journal Articles 이유재 When people low in social class become a persuasive source of communication: Social class of other donors and charitable donations
(Journal of Business Research 112, 45-55)
Moon-Kyung Cha, Youjae Yi, Jaehoon Lee 2020
Journal Articles 박성호 The impact of disclosing inventory-scarcity messages on sales in online retailing
(Journal of Operations Management 66(5), 534-552)
Sungho Park, Elliot Rabinovich, Christopher S. Tang, Rui Yin 2020
Journal Articles 송재용 Blending talents for innovation: Team composition for cross-border R&D collaboration within multinational corporations
(Journal of International Business Studies 51(5), 851-885)
Eunkwang Seo, Hyo Kang, Jaeyong Song 2020
Journal Articles 최진남 Different Moods Lead to Different Creativity: Mediating Roles of Ambiguity Tolerance and Team Identification
(Creativity Research Journal 32(2), 161-173)
Tae Jin Hwang, Jin Nam Choi 2020
Journal Articles 김우진 The Effect of Pension Fund Activism on the Stock Market and the Role of Media: Evidence from Korea = 연기금 행동주의가 주식시장에 미치는 영향과 언론의 역할
(한국증권학회지 49(4), 489-513)
Kyung Ryang Ko, Woojin Kim 2020
Journal Articles 김병도 온라인 구전의 양(Volume)과 방향성(Valence), 그리고 박물관 관람객수의 상관성에 대한 연구 = Research on the Interrelationship Among Volume and Valence of eWOM and the Number of Visitors of a Museum
(마케팅연구 35(3), 1-23)
석준희, 이유석, 김병도 2020
Journal Articles 김상훈 제품의 디자인이 성능 추론에 미치는 영향: 디자인 전형성과 제품 유형의 차이를 중심으로 = The Effects of Product Design on Functionality Inference: Focusing on Typicality of Design and Different Product Types
(마케팅연구 35(3), 47-67)
권정은, 김상훈 2020
Books 박남규 창의적 사고 박남규 2020
Journal Articles 송재용 넷플릭스의 경쟁 전략: 네트워크 효과, 콘텐츠 재판매, 오리지널 콘텐츠의 전략적 조합 = Netflix’s Competitive Strategy: Strategic Combination of Network Effects, Contents Reselling and Original Contents
(전략경영연구 23(2), 25-45)
민병준, 고제경, 송재용 2020
Journal Articles 송재용 해외 R&D 자회사의 글로벌 조직 정체성과 지식 습득: 일본 다국적 기업 해외 R&D 자회사의 글로벌 지식 습득 = Global Organizational Identity and Global Knowledge Sourcing of Overseas R&D Subsidiaries: Studies of Overseas R&D Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals
(국제경영연구 31(3), 1-34)
박연진, 송재용, Kazuhiro Asakawa 2020
Journal Articles 송재용 다국적 기업 내부 배태성과 해외 자회사의 활용적 및 탐험적 혁신 = Internal Embeddedness within Multinational Corporations and Exploitative and Exploratory Innovations of Overseas Subsidiaries
(경영학연구 49(4), 1033-1058)
김초월, 송재용 2020
Journal Articles 박진수 Transparency and accountability in AI decision support: Explaining and visualizing convolutional neural networks for text information
(Decision Support Systems 134, 113302(1-11))
Buomsoo Kim, Jinsoo Park, Jihae Suh 2020
Journal Articles 주우진 Fairness perception of ancillary fees: Industry differences and communication strategies
(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 55, 102092(1-11))
Wujin Chu, Jeongmin Lee, Chris Baumann, Christine Kang 2020
Journal Articles 주우진 The Role of Imagery vs. Analytical Advertisement on New Products Evaluation
(Asia Marketing Journal 22(2), 59-85)
Juyon Lee, Wujin Chu 2020
Journal Articles 김준범 The Effect of Consideration Set on Market Structure
(Asia Marketing Journal 22(2), 1-18)
Jun B. Kim 2020
Journal Articles 채준 Dividend Month Premium in the Korean Stock Market
(선물연구 28(2), 263-296)
Bonha Koo, Joon Chae 2020
Journal Articles 백복현 특수관계자 그룹의 집합적 지배력과 소속 회사의 실질 지배력 판단: 롯데그룹의 KT렌탈㈜ 인수 사례를 중심으로 = Collective Control of An Affiliated Group and Judgement on De Facto Control of A Member Firm: A Case Study on Lotte’s Acquisitionof KT Rental
(회계저널 29(3), 341-383)
한승엽, 정선문, 백복현, 김영준 2020
Journal Articles 이우종 Political Uncertainty and Cost Stickiness: Evidence from National Elections around the World
(Contemporary Accounting Research 37(2), 1107-1139)
Journal Articles 최진남 Dual pathways of emotional competence towards incremental and radical creativity : resource caravans through feedback-seeking frequency and breadth
(European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 29(3), 421-433)
Sun Young Sung, Young Won Rhee, Jae Eun Lee, Jin Nam Choi 2020
(Academy of Management Perspectives 34(2), 226-239)
Journal Articles 최선화 특수관계자 거래가 감사계약의 Realization Rate에 미치는 영향 = The effect of related-party transactions on the realization rate of audit engagements
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 62(2), 1-28)
한우기, 최선화, 남기만 2020
Journal Articles 최혁 가치평준화 투자전략이 투자성과를 개선하는가? = Does Value Averaging Strategy Improve Investment Performance? Evidence from the Korean Fund Market
(한국증권학회지 49(3), 313-340)
최혁, 반주일 2020
Journal Articles 이관휘 Can Liquidity be a Risk Factor that Predicts Economic Growth?: The U.S. and International Evidence
(금융연구 34(1), 1-20)
Yunsung Eom, Kuan-Hui Lee, Shu-Feng Wang 2020
Journal Articles 배종훈 The Tragedy of Contract and the Naturalistic Fallacy at the Workplace
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(1), 1-19)
Journal Articles 오정석 The Importance of Quality Management Implementation in Public Sector and Role of Behavioral Quality Management Practice
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(1), 21-48)
Journal Articles 김상훈 머신러닝 기법을 적용한 게임 산업 내 트위터 구전 효과 분석 : 구전의 양과 방향성 및 정보 불일치의 효과를 중심으로 = A Study of Twitter Effect in the Game Industry Using Machine Learning : Focusing on Volume, Valence, and Information Inconsistency
(대한경영학회지 33(4), 649-665)
이현경, 김상훈, 이지수 2020
Journal Articles 김상훈 잠재계층 분석과 의사결정나무 분석을 활용한 공연 예술 시장세분화 연구: 저빈도 관객을 중심으로 = Segmentation of Performing Arts Market: An Application of Latent Class Analysis and Decision Tree Analysis to Infrequent Attendees
(소비자학연구 31(3), 245-267)
이유석, 이지수, 김상훈 2020
Journal Articles 송재용 Managing Internal and External Knowledge: Localization and Local Experience in Multinational Firms
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(1), 49-82)
Journal Articles 주우진 혁신성 새로움이 소비자 구매 의향에 미치는 영향: 친숙성과 지각된 위험의 매개 효과와 속성 대 편익 소구의 조절 효과를 중심으로 = The Effects of Innovation Newness on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: Focusing on the Mediating Role of Familiarity and Perceived Risk and the Moderating Role of Attributes vs. Benefits Appeal
(마케팅연구 35(1), 97-117)
이주연, 주우진 2020
Journal Articles 안태식 북한회계의 원가계산에 관한 연구 = A Study on Costing of North Korean Accounting
(정부회계연구 18(1), 1-37)
정형록, 김미옥, 안태식, 허성준 2020
Journal Articles 백복현 Hedge fund ownership and voluntary disclosure
(Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 54(3), 877-910)
Bok Baik, Jin‑Mo Kim, Kyonghee Kim, Sukesh Patro 2020
Journal Articles 김병도 Impact of CSR news reports on firm value
(Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32(3), 644-663)
Junhee Seok, Youseok Lee, Byung-Do Kim 2020
Journal Articles 최선화 전기오류의 수정: M메디 사례를 중심으로 = Correction of Prior Period Errors: A Case of M-Medi
(회계저널 29(2), 219-249)
황주희, 최선화, 남기만 2020
Journal Articles 신재용 Compensation Consultant Fees and CEO Pay
(Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1), 51-78)
Jeh-Hyun Cho, Iny Hwang, Jeong-Hoon Hyun, Jae Yong Shin 2020
Journal Articles 이우종 Regional crime rates and corporate misreporting
(Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting 49(1), 94-123)
Hyungjin Cho, Sera Choi, Woo-Jong Lee, Seunghee Yang 2020
Books 박기완 트렌드를 넘는 마케팅이 온다 : 급변하는 세상에서 흔들리지 않는 마케팅 10 박기완 2020
Journal Articles 황인이 Compensation Consultant Fees and CEO Pay
(Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1), 51-78)
Jeh-Hyun Cho, Iny Hwang, Jeong-Hoon Hyun, Jae Yong Shin 2020
Journal Articles 유병준 An Empirical Analysis of In-app Purchase Behavior in Mobile Games = 모바일 게임 인앱구매에 영향을 주는 요인에 관한 연구
(Information Systems Review 22(2), 43-52)
장문경, 김창근, 유병준 2020
Journal Articles 황인이 Managerial Ability and Dividend Policy
(회계학연구 45(2), 171-207)
Iny Hwang, Jin-Ha Park, Sera Choi 2020
Journal Articles 김상훈 Reciprocal Relationship between Movies and the Movie-Themed Mobile Games = 영화와 영화 기반 모바일 게임 간의 상호 인과성에 관한 연구
(마케팅연구 35(2), 39-53)
Youseok Lee, Jisu Yi, Sang-Hoon Kim 2020