Current Issue
CONTENTS of Volume 30, Number 2, December 2024
Purchase Intention of Content Consumers: Role of Customer Engagement
Author Namrata Ladha, Prateek Maheshwari, Vivek Sharma
Keywords Namrata Ladha, Prateek Maheshwari, Vivek Sharma
This study generates new knowledge on how digital content marketing affects customer engagement and purchase intention. While Phase I of the study is conducted on Indian youngsters to understand their expectations of brand’s content by employing the Theory of Consumption Values, for Phase II of the study, a hypothetical content (stimuli) is developed based on the findings of Phase I. Thereafter, the stimuli is used to gauge consumers’ attitude towards content marketing, engagement, and purchase intention. The study uncovers customers’ expectations from digital marketers and provides significant insights into what works and what doesn’t in content marketing.
Mean-Centered Moderated Regression Models: A Reassessment of Their Role in Moderation Analysis
Author Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi
Keywords moderation, collinearity, main effect, simple effect, mean-centered model
Moderated regression models (MRMs) are widely used in business research to investigate how the relationship between a predictor and an outcome changes across different levels of a moderator. A common issue in MRM is multicollinearity, and mean-centering is often applied to address this problem, though its effectiveness is debated. This study reveals that the t-test for the main effect of the focal predictor at the mean of a moderator in a mean-centered MRM is equivalent to testing the overall simple effect of the predictor as a population-level effect, independent of specific moderator levels. This insight provides a fresh perspective on the utility of mean-centering in MRMs. Beyond mitigating multicollinearity, mean-centering offers a practical and efficient approach for understanding the average impact of a predictor across varying contextual conditions. By assessing both main effects and interaction effects within a single model, researchers can derive more nuanced insights into complex business phenomena, ultimately supporting more informed strategic decision-making.
Job Crafting in Response to Workplace Ostracism: The Mediating Role of Anxiety
Author Ye Kang Kim, Hyeongki Kim, Yoonho Noh, Jinho Lee, Sujin Lee
Keywords ostracism, job crafting, affective events theory, anxiety
Workplace ostracism places individuals in challenging situations, but ostracized employees may overcome the negative effects. This research explains how ostracism induces anxiety, which leads to specific job crafting behavior: increasing social resources (ISR). A two-wave longitudinal survey supports our hypotheses that ostracized employees feel more anxiety, anxiety is positively related to ISR, and anxiety mediates the relationship between ostracism and ISR. This study enriches the ostracism literature by linking ostracism and ISR, and reveals that workplace ostracism affects job crafting through anxiety. Our study suggests that those ostracized can overcome their negative situation partly through job crafting.
Spillover Effects of Financial Reporting on Public Firms’ Corporate Investment: Evidence from Structural Estimation
Author Chongho Kim
Keywords spillover effects, financial reporting, corporate investment, structural estimation
I examine whether public firms’ financial reporting has spillover effects on the amount and efficiency of other public firms’ investment and quantify the relative importance of these indirect spillover effects vis-a-vis the direct effects due to firms’ own financial reporting. Using structural estimation, I examine the effect of financial reporting on aggregate output from the public corporate sector’s investment and estimate that a significant portion―roughly half of the total effect of financial reporting and a quarter of the marginal effect of an incremental change in financial reporting precision―is due to spillover effects.
Seoul Journal of Business

ISSN 1226-9816 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)