About the Journal

The Seoul Journal of Business is a KCI accredited journal, dedicated to advancing our understanding of business administration on all of its domains. We publish semi-annually, on the 28th of June and December. We welcome academic articles ranging from empirical studies to theory and review articles. The scope is broad and flexible. You can download all of the formerly published research articles of the SJB (in PDF format) at https://cba.snu.ac.kr/research/SJB/current-issue.
The SJB launched the SJB Best Paper Awards in 2021. The annual award recognizes excellence in the application of theory and empirics in business administration. SJB announces two best papers after rigorous assessment by three of our editors. The Best Paper Awards will consist of first and second prizes. The Golden paper and Silver paper will be awarded $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. Awards will be given to papers published in the SJB. For submission, manuscripts submitted for consideration should meet our requirements for reference citations and style. You can check our guideline at https://cba.snu.ac.kr/research/SJB/guideline.
We announce The Best Paper Award for 2023 as follows:
Golden paper: Hee-Yeon Sunwoo, A-Reum Jung, Sehee Kim, and Woo-Jong Lee. The Intermediary Role of ESG Ratings in the Relation between the Issuance of Sustainability Reports and the Cost of Equity Capital
Silver paper: Jungsuk Han. Financial Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Information Processing Efficiency
For questions regarding the journal, the review process, or to submit your paper should be directed to the Editor via email (snusjb@snu.ac.kr).