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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
Material Type Faculty/
Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles 장정주 Technostress and ICT-enabled Productivity: The Moderating Role of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation = 테크노스트레스가 ICT 활용 생산성에 미치는 영향: 외재적 및 내재적 동기의 조절효과 검증
(한국전자거래학회지 28(4), 123-147)
Sungho Yoon, Boram Kwon, Jungjoo Jahng 2023
Journal Articles 이우종 The Intermediary Role of ESG Ratings in the Relation between the Issuance of Sustainability Reports and the Cost of Equity Capital
(Seoul Journal of Business 29(2), 1-30)
Journal Articles 이관휘 Commonality in Tail Risk Premia around the World = 꼬리 위험프리미엄의 동조화 현상에 대한 연구: 전세계 주식시장을 중심으로
(한국증권학회지 52(6), 979-1008)
Kuan-Hui Lee, Shu-Feng Wang 2023
Journal Articles 오정석 An Exploratory Study of Generative AI Service Quality using LDA Topic Modeling and Comparison with Existing Dimensions
(서비스 연구 13(4), 191-205)
YaeEun Ahn, Jungsuk Oh 2023
Journal Articles 신재용 The Effect of Market Competition on Executive Pay Cap
(회계학연구 48(6), 29-51)
Sohee Park, Jae Yong Shin 2023
Journal Articles 박진수 Evaluating the Current State of ChatGPT and Its Disruptive Potential: An Empirical Study of Korean Users
(Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 33(4), 1058-1092)
Jiwoong Choi, Jinsoo Park, Jihae Suh 2023
Journal Articles 박원우 통제변수의 활용: 변수의 선택과 투입 절차에 관한 제언 = Control Variable Usage: Recommendations for Procedures of Selection and Inclusion
(경영학연구 52(6), 1293-1324)
박원우, 오민주, 유민준 2023
Journal Articles 김우진 Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 52(6), 979-1013)
Yunxiao Liu, Woojin Kim, Jongsub Lee 2023
Journal Articles 김우진 Comply or Explain 원칙 재검토: 기업지배구조 보고서상 핵심지표 준수 여부 신뢰도와 설명 충실도 검증 = Re-evaluation of Comply or Explain Rule: Testing Credibility of Self-Disclosed Corporate Governance Reports in Korea
(법경제학연구 20(3), 305-332)
김우진, 이민형, 김유경 2023
Journal Articles 백복현 외부감사인의 감사조정 결정과 회계품질: 감사 전˙후 재무제표 비교를 통한 실증분석 = Auditors’ Audit Adjustment Decisions and Financial Reporting Quality: Comparative Analysis on Pre- and Post-Audit Financial Information
(회계학연구 48(6), 121-162)
백복현, 한승엽, 김우진, 이찬석 2023
Journal Articles 김우진 외부감사인의 감사조정 결정과 회계품질: 감사 전˙후 재무제표 비교를 통한 실증분석 = Auditors’ Audit Adjustment Decisions and Financial Reporting Quality: Comparative Analysis on Pre- and Post-Audit Financial Information
(회계학연구 48(6), 121-162)
백복현, 한승엽, 김우진, 이찬석 2023
Journal Articles 이종섭 Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 52(6), 979-1013)
Yunxiao Liu, Woojin Kim, Jongsub Lee 2023
Journal Articles 석승훈 Interactions between public and private health insurance under moral hazard = 도덕적 해이 하에서 공적의료보험과 민영의료보험의 상호작용
(리스크관리연구 34(4), 77-118)
S.Hun Seog, Jimin Hong 2023
Books 오정석 이것만 알면 스타트업 인싸 전규열, 조봉현, 오정석 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 When perspective-taking fails to inhibit customer aggression toward service employees
(Service Industries Journal 43(13/14), 1034-1054)
Yongju Kwon, Youjae Yi 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 서비스 유형별 서비스 품질 차원이 고객만족에 미치는 영향: 실용적 vs. 쾌락적 서비스의 비교 연구 = The Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction by Service Type: A Comparative Study between Utilitarian and Hedonic Services
(서비스마케팅저널 16(2), 5-20)
이유재, 이청림 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 충동성과 탐닉기회의 상호작용이 탐닉소비에 미치는 영향: 목표갈등과 부정정서의 연속적 매개효과를 중심으로 = The Interactive Effect of Impulsivity and Indulgence Opportunity on Consumers’ Indulgent Consumption: The Serial Mediating Role of Goal Conflict and Negative Affect
(소비문화연구 26(4), 153-170)
박지혜, 이유재 2023
Books 주우진 마케팅관리 : 21세기 고객가치 창출전략(제6판) 주우진, 박철, 김현식 2023
Journal Articles 최진남 Collective turnover and firm innovation: Knowledge-sharing system as a contingency
(Journal of Product Innovation Management 40(6), 817-835)
Young Jin Ko, Jin Nam Choi 2023
Journal Articles 장정주 Determining Priority in Smart City Technologies and Services for International Development Cooperation
(Journal of Computer Information Systems 63(6), 1332-1344)
Yuna Ro, Ilsue Roh, Jungjoo Jahng, Boram Kwon 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 Assessment of six alternative models of service quality
(Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 34(3/4), 364-396)
Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi, Yeong-Ran Lee 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 Assessing differences between simple slopes in simple slopes analysis
(Journal of Business Research 168, 114204(1-12))
Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 Multiplicative versus additive models in measuring service quality
(Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 34(15/16), 2105-2123)
Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi, Yeong-Ran Lee 2023
Journal Articles 이제호 Giant cluster formation and integrating role of bridges in social diffusion
(Strategic Management Journal 44(12), 2950-2985)
Sungyong Chang, Jeho Lee, Jaeyong Song 2023
Journal Articles 이우종 Internal Information Quality and Corporate Employment Decisions
(Australian Accounting Review 33(3), 262-283)
Ahrum Choi, Woo-Jong Lee, Yong Gyu Lee, Gaoguang Zhou 2023
Journal Articles 이용규 Internal Information Quality and Corporate Employment Decisions
(Australian Accounting Review 33(3), 262-283)
Ahrum Choi, Woo-Jong Lee, Yong Gyu Lee, Gaoguang Zhou 2023
Journal Articles 송재용 Giant cluster formation and integrating role of bridges in social diffusion
(Strategic Management Journal 44(12), 2950-2985)
Sungyong Chang, Jeho Lee, Jaeyong Song 2023
Journal Articles 박성호 Positive Demand Spillover of Popular App Adoption: Implications for Platform Owners’ Management of Complements
(Information Systems Research 34(3), 961-995)
Mi Hyun Lee, Sang Pil Han, Sungho Park, Wonseok Oh 2023
Journal Articles 김우진 Skewness preference and IPO underpricing: International evidence
(Research in International Business and Finance 66, 102054(1-19))
Eunyoung Cho, Woojin Kim 2023
Journal Articles 최종학 적자기업의 배당지급과 이익반응계수 = Loss Firms’ Dividend Payment and Earnings Response Coefficient
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 65(3), 119-154)
김예원, 이문영, 최종학 2023
Journal Articles 최선화 국내 외국인 투자기업의 국가 간 소득이전에 관한 연구 = Analysis of Cross-jurisdictional Income Shifting by Foreign-controlled Firms in Korea
(회계학연구 48(5), 39-71)
조재희, 정태진, 최선화 2023
Journal Articles 윤석화 리더의 비인격적 감독이 구성원의 과업성과에 미치는 영향: 리더-구성원 교환관계(LMX)의 매개효과와 구성원의 이미지 향상동기의 조절효과 = Abusive Supervision and Task Performance: The Mediating Role of LMX and The Moderating Role of Self-Enhancement Motive
(리더십연구 14(3), 97-117)
김석영, 김명선, 윤석화 2023
Journal Articles 윤석화 Empowering and directive leadership and taking charge: a moderating role of employee intrinsic motivation
(Journal of Managerial Psychology 38(6), 389-403)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Seokhwa Yun, Minyoung Cheong 2023
Journal Articles 유병준 The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction in Mobile Social Media
(Sustainability 15(14), 11214(1-14))
Kyeongmin Yum, Byungjoon Yoo 2023
Journal Articles 이용규 Management of operating cash flows before and after the scandals in the early 2000s: An examination of meeting or beating analyst cash flow forecasts
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 42(3), 107071(1-23))
Jeung-Yoon (Jen) Chang, Juan Jose Molina Hernandez, Yong Gyu Lee, Young-Zik Shin 2023
Journal Articles 이우종 Do more readable sustainability reports provide more value-relevant information to shareholders?
(Finance Research Letters 57, 104154(1-5))
Minkwan Ahn, Doowon Jung, Jeong-Taek Kim, Woo-Jong Lee, Hee-Yeon Sunwoo 2023
Journal Articles 유병준 온라인 플랫폼이 디지털 콘텐츠 시장에 미치는 영향과 과제 = Effects and Challenges of Online Platforms on the Digital Content Market
(전략경영연구 26(2), 81-112)
최영근, 강형구, 유병준, 전성민 2023
Journal Articles 이우종 Unintended Consequences of Leverage Regulation: Evidence from Korea
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 52(4), 502-538)
Taejin Jung, Natalie Kyung Won Kim, Woo-Jong Lee, Daniel Yang 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 국내 온라인 서비스 품질 연구에 관한 종합적 고찰: 2001-2021년의 연구를 중심으로 = A Critical Review of Online Service Quality Research: Focusing on Studies from 2001 to 2021
(마케팅연구 38(3), 45-90)
박현아, 이청림, 이유재 2023
Journal Articles 최선화 법인세 주석을 활용한 기업의 조세부담 분석: 글로벌 반도체 기업 사례를 중심으로 = Analysis of Corporate Tax Burdens of Global Semiconductor Companies Using Income Tax Footnotes
(회계저널 32(4), 125-162)
최선화, 김예원, 황이석, 김경준 2023
Journal Articles 황이석 법인세 주석을 활용한 기업의 조세부담 분석: 글로벌 반도체 기업 사례를 중심으로 = Analysis of Corporate Tax Burdens of Global Semiconductor Companies Using Income Tax Footnotes
(회계저널 32(4), 125-162)
최선화, 김예원, 황이석, 김경준 2023
Journal Articles David Schoenherr Strategic Formal Layoffs: Unemployment Insurance and Informal Labor Markets
(American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15(1), 292-318)
Bernardus Van Doornik, David Schoenherr, Janis Skrastins 2023
Book Chapters 송재용 포스트 팬데믹 시대 한국 기업, 전략 패러다임 대전환으로 글로벌 초일류로 도약하라
(패러다임 대전환 380-407, 자의누리)
송재용 2023
Book Chapters 이제호 플랫폼 사업에서 승자가 되려면 현대판 봉이 김선달이 되라
(패러다임 대전환 220-240, 자의누리)
이제호 2023
Book Chapters 송재용 자발적 사업 포트폴리오 조정에 나서라
( 패러다임 대전환 132-155, 자의누리)
송재용, 윤우진 2023
Book Chapters 송재용 포스트 팬데믹 시대, 글로벌 가치사슬의 대격변이 온다
( 패러다임 대전환 84-99, 자의누리)
송재용 2023
Book Chapters 송재용 전략 패러다임의 대전환이 한국 기업의 운명을 결정한다
( 패러다임 대전환 12-31, 자의누리)
송재용 2023
Books 최진남 스마트 경영학(개정판) 최진남, 성선영 2023
Journal Articles 이유재 Morning deals make me feel smart: Consumer evaluations of online sales promotions differ by time of day
(Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 73, 103381(1-8))
Yookyung Park, Youjae Yi 2023
Journal Articles 임재현 Optimal Ratcheting in Executive Compensation
(Decision Analysis 20(2), 166-185)
Iny Hwang, Youngsoo Kim, Michael K. Lim 2023