Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2043 황이석 Asset Growth and Analysts’ Multi-Period Earnings Forecasts Hyungjin Cho, Sunhwa Choi, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 43(2) 89-127 2018 SCOPUS
2042 황이석 재벌의 소유구조와 원가 하방탄력성: 중핵기업을 중심으로 = Ownership Structure and Cost Downward Elasticity of Chaebol: Focusing on Central Firms 황이석, 이문영, 최세라 43(4) 161-199 2018 SCOPUS
2041 황이석 Does Managerial Ability Matter in Private Firms? Evidence from Korea Lee-Seok Hwang, Taejin Jung, Seunghee Yang, Kyunghwa Yu 47(2) 213-247 2018 SCOPUS
2040 최선화 기존 감사인의 감사실패로 인한 신규 감사인 선택과 감사인 교체 이후 감사품질 = Auditor Selection and Audit Quality after Audit Failure 최선화 60(4) 77-106 2018 KCI
2039 최선화 Asset Growth and Analysts’ Multi-Period Earnings Forecasts Hyungjin Cho, Sunhwa Choi, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 43(2) 89-127 2018 SCOPUS
2038 최선화 특수관계자 거래의 이해, 관련 규제와 공시 : H글로벌 사례를 중심으로 = Related Party Transactions, Regulations and Disclosures : A Case of H Global 최선화 27(4) 87-113 2018 KCI
2037 최선화 Auditors’ Strategic Audit Pricing: Evidence from the Preand Post-IFRS Periods Sunhwa Choi, Youn-Sik Choi, Bum-Joon Kim 37(4) 75-94 2018 SCOPUS
2036 신재용 보수적 외부감사로 인한 회계처리이슈 고찰 : 대우건설 J프로젝트를 중심으로 = The Study of Accounting Issues Caused by Conservative Auditing : The Case of Daewoo E&C Overseas Construction Projec 신재용, 강동창 32(5) 1-25 2018 KCI
2035 신재용 한국 기업의 임원 간 연봉격차 (Executive pay slice)와 조세회피의 관계 = Relation between Executive Pay Slice and Corporate Tax Avoidance in Korean Firms 권세원, 정선문, 김경원, 신재용 32(6) 165-190 2018 KCI
2034 신재용 The effects of politically connected outside directors on firm performance: Evidence from Korean chaebol firms Jae Yong Shin, Jeong‐Hoon Hyun, Seungbin Oh, Hongsuk Yang 26(1) 23-44 2018 SCOPUS