Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
33 이유재 Multiple Comparison and Cross-Validation in Evaluating Structural Equation Models Youjae Yi, Kent Nassen
Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science
15 407-411 1992 SCOPUS
32 이유재 Assumptions of the Two-Step Approach: Reply to Anderson and Gerbing Claes Fornell, Youjae Yi 20(3) 334-339 1992 SCOPUS
31 이유재 Assumptions of the Two-Step Approach to Latent Variable Modeling CLAES FORNELL, YOUJAE YI 20(3) 291-320 1992 SCOPUS
30 박원우 인사평가의 새로운 방향 : CIPP모델을 중심으로한 관리지향적 평가 = Toward A New Human Resource Evaluation : Management-Orientel Evaluation Using CIPP Model 朴元雨 16 137-146 1992
29 박원우 Empowerment : 파워다툼에서 파워증대로의 사고·행동전환 朴元雨 3 197-210 1992
28 박원우 組織變革 : 危機克服의 綜合的 過程 = A Comprehensive Process to Overcome Crisis : Organizational Transformation 朴元雨 1(1) 143-172 1992
27 안태식 銀行營業店의 成果評價方法으로서의 DEA : 테스트와 比較 = DEA as a Performance Evaluation Method of Bant Branches Test and Comparison 安泰植 21(1) 71-102 1991 KCI
26 이유재 Assessing Construct Validity in Organizational Research Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi, Lynn W. Phillips 36(3) 421-458 1991 SCOPUS
25 이유재 Direct Regression, Reverse Regression, and Covariance Structure Analysis CLAES FORNELL, BYONG-DUK RHEE, YOUJAE YI 2(3) 309-320 1991 SCOPUS
24 이유재 The Influence of Contextual Priming on Advertising Effects Youjae Yi 18 417-425 1991