Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
993 최진남 Group‐level organizational citizenship behavior : Effects of demographic faultlines and conflict in small work groups Jin Nam Choi, Thomas Sy 31(7) 1032-1054 2010 SCOPUS
992 최진남 What makes a group of good citizens? The role of perceived group‐level fit and critical psychological states in organizational teams Yuhyung Shin, Jin Nam Choi 83(2) 531-552 2010 SCOPUS
991 최진남 Pay for performance in emerging markets : Insights from China Jing Du, Jin Nam Choi 41(4) 671-689 2010 SCOPUS
990 최진남 Layoff victim's employment relationship with a new employer in Korea : effects of unmet tenure expectations on trust and psychological contract Min Soo Kim, Jin Nam Choi 21(5) 781-798 2010 SCOPUS
989 최진남 Does power matter? Negotiator status as a moderator of the relationship between negotiator emotion and behavior Arif Nazir Butt, Jin Nam Choi 21(2) 124-146 2010 SCOPUS
988 최진남 몰입과 창의성, 돈으로 살 수 있나? 최진남 49 21-27 2010
987 최진남 경영자가 주도한 혁신, 성과에 영향 못 미쳐 최진남 54 120-123 2010
986 윤석화 도움행동의 해석에 관한 연구 : 행위자 자기표현 조절능력과 평가자 이미지 향상동기의 조절효과(Are we on the same page? Role of actor’s and perceiver’s characteristics in interpreting helping behaviors) 김보영, 박오수, 윤석화 39(3) 739-767 2010 KCI
985 윤석화 자기지향적 완벽주의, 조직지원인식, 상사의 모욕적 행동이 과업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구(The effects of self-Oriented Perfectionism, Perceived Organizational Support, and Abusive Supervision on Task performance) 손승연, 이수진, 박희태, 윤석화 18(2) 139-177 2010 KCI
984 서경원 Symmetry of evidence without evidence of symmetry Larry G. Epstein, Kyoungwon Seo 5(3) 313-368 2010 SCOPUS