Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2621 서경원 Efficient computation of discrete games: Estimating the effect of Apple on market structure Doug J. Chung, Kyoungwon Seo, Reo Song 32(7) 2245-2263 2023 SCIE 4.8
2620 황인이 Optimal Ratcheting in Executive Compensation Iny Hwang, Youngsoo Kim, Michael K. Lim 20(2) 166-185 2023 SSCI 2.5
2619 박성호 Effect of general health checks on the treatment of chronic diseases: accounting for self-selection in the retrospective cohort study using Korea National Health Insurance data Sungwook Yoon, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park 13(3) e064425(1-7) 2023 SCIE
2618 김우진 Do Corporations Retain Too Much Cash? Evidence from a Natural Experiment Hwanki Brian Kim, Woojin Kim, Mathias Kronlund 36(7) 2839-2877 2023 SCOPUS
2617 김상훈 Self-Quantification of Services: Cost of Real-Time Feedback Kyoung Tae Huh, Youseok Lee, Sang-Hoon Kim 164 113947(1-11) 2023 SCOPUS
2616 김상훈 Standing the test of time: What makes a book survive on the bestseller list? Inyoung Lee, Jisu Yi, Sang-Hoon Kim 164 114013(1-9) 2023 SCOPUS
2615 최선화 카카오페이 경영진의 스톡옵션 행사와 주식매도 사례 = Stock Option Exercise and the Sale of Shares by Kakaopay’s Top Management 최아름, 최선화 32(3) 137-165 2023 KCI
2614 조우제 Meeting and Surpassing Service Quality Thresholds: Quality Dimensions in Software Development and Maintenance Outsourcing RAMANATH SUBRAMANYAM, WOOJE CHO, M.S. KRISHNAN 29(1) 65-90 2023 KCI
2613 이종섭 Family Feud: Succession Tournaments and Risk-Taking in Family Firms Jongsub Lee, Hojong Shin, Hayong Yun 52(3) 324-353 2023 SCOPUS
2612 이유재 The Overall t-test Investigating a Conflict between the Individual t-test and the Overall F-test in Regression Analysis SANG-JUNE PARK, YOUJAE YI 29(1) 1-24 2023 KCI