Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2661 오정석 An Exploratory Study of Generative AI Service Quality using LDA Topic Modeling and Comparison with Existing Dimensions YaeEun Ahn, Jungsuk Oh
서비스 연구
13(4) 191-205 2023 KCI
2660 신재용 The Effect of Market Competition on Executive Pay Cap Sohee Park, Jae Yong Shin 48(6) 29-51 2023 SCOPUS
2659 박진수 Evaluating the Current State of ChatGPT and Its Disruptive Potential: An Empirical Study of Korean Users Jiwoong Choi, Jinsoo Park, Jihae Suh 33(4) 1058-1092 2023 SCOPUS
2658 박원우 통제변수의 활용: 변수의 선택과 투입 절차에 관한 제언 = Control Variable Usage: Recommendations for Procedures of Selection and Inclusion 박원우, 오민주, 유민준 52(6) 1293-1324 2023 KCI
2657 김우진 Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks Yunxiao Liu, Woojin Kim, Jongsub Lee 52(6) 979-1013 2023 SCOPUS
2656 김우진 Comply or Explain 원칙 재검토: 기업지배구조 보고서상 핵심지표 준수 여부 신뢰도와 설명 충실도 검증 = Re-evaluation of Comply or Explain Rule: Testing Credibility of Self-Disclosed Corporate Governance Reports in Korea 김우진, 이민형, 김유경 20(3) 305-332 2023 KCI
2655 백복현 외부감사인의 감사조정 결정과 회계품질: 감사 전˙후 재무제표 비교를 통한 실증분석 = Auditors’ Audit Adjustment Decisions and Financial Reporting Quality: Comparative Analysis on Pre- and Post-Audit Financial Information 백복현, 한승엽, 김우진, 이찬석 48(6) 121-162 2023 SCOPUS
2654 김우진 외부감사인의 감사조정 결정과 회계품질: 감사 전˙후 재무제표 비교를 통한 실증분석 = Auditors’ Audit Adjustment Decisions and Financial Reporting Quality: Comparative Analysis on Pre- and Post-Audit Financial Information 백복현, 한승엽, 김우진, 이찬석 48(6) 121-162 2023 SCOPUS
2653 이종섭 Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks Yunxiao Liu, Woojin Kim, Jongsub Lee 52(6) 979-1013 2023 SCOPUS
2652 석승훈 Interactions between public and private health insurance under moral hazard = 도덕적 해이 하에서 공적의료보험과 민영의료보험의 상호작용 S.Hun Seog, Jimin Hong 34(4) 77-118 2023 KCI