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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
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Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.24 김원수 외 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 Assessing Method Variance in Multitrait-Multimethod Matrices: The Case of Self-Reported Affect and Perceptions at Work
(Journal of Applied Psychology 75(5), 547-560)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 The Effects of Contextual Priming in Print Advertisements
(Journal of Consumer Research 17(2), 215-222)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 A critical review of consumer satisfaction
(Review of Marketing 68, 40-48)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 Cognitive and Affective Priming Effects of the Context for Print Advertisements
(Journal of Advertising 19(2), 40-48)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 Direct and Indirect Approaches to Advertising Persuasion : Which Is More Effective?
(Journal of Business Research 20(4), 279-291)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 The Indirect Effects of Advertisements Designed to Change Product Attribute Beliefs
(Psychology and Marketing 7(1), 47-63)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles 이유재 The level of effort required for behaviour as a moderator of the attitude–behaviour relation
(European Journal of Social Psychology 20(1), 45-59)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi, Johann Baumgartner 1990
Journal Articles 박원우 A Review of Research on Groupthink
(Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 3(4), 229-245)
Won-Woo Park 1990
Thesis/Dissertation 최혁
Intertemporal and cross-sectional variation of corporate dividend policy
Hyuk Choe 1990
Thesis/Dissertation 김상훈
조직의 마케팅조사 수행과 의사결정자의 마케팅정보 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인
김상훈 1990
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.23 韓羲泳 외 1989
(Journal of International Business Studies 20(3), 437-463)
Susan P. Douglas, Dong Kee Rhee 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 Rejoinder to: An investigation of the structure of expectancy-value attitude and its implications
(International Journal of Research in Marketing 6(2), 89-94)
Youjae YI 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 An investigation of the structure of expectancy-value attitude and its implications
(International Journal of Research in Marketing 6(2), 71-83)
Youjae YI 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 The Degree of Intention Formation as a Moderator of the Attitude-Behavior Relationship
(Social Psychology Quarterly 52(4), 266-279)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 On the Use of Structural Equation Models in Experimental Designs
(Journal of Marketing Research 26(3), 271-284)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 Antecedents Of Behavior Change
(Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science 12, 12-17)
Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 An investigation into the role of intentions as mediators of the attitude-behavior relationship
(Journal of Economic Psychology 10(1), 35-62)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Johann Baumgartner, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles 이유재 On the Evaluation of Main Effects in Multiplicative Regression Models
(Journal of the Market Research Society 31(1), 133-138)
Youjae Yi 1989
Thesis/Dissertation 송재용
韓國財閥의 經營成果에 관한 硏究
宋在鎔 1989
Thesis/Dissertation 고봉찬
株價指數先物去來의 株式市場 情報 效率性 增大效果에 관한 實證硏究
高奉贊 1989
Thesis/Dissertation 박원우
A comprehensive study of Janis' groupthink model : questionnaire development and empirical tests
Thesis/Dissertation 조재호
Three essays on asset pricing theory
Jaeho Cho 1989
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.22 곽수일 외 1988
Thesis/Dissertation 석승훈
情報의 遲延이 情報價値에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究
石承勳 1988
Journal Articles 이유재 On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models
(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 16(1), 74-94)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1988
Thesis/Dissertation 이경묵
小集團의 類型에 따른 集團有效性에 관한 硏究
李京默 1988
Thesis/Dissertation 조성욱
市場構造가 技術革新에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究
趙成旭 1988
Thesis/Dissertation 박상욱
電力配分 시스템의 擴張 및 運營計劃에 사용되는 技法에 대한 硏究 : 動態的 接近法을 中心으로
朴相昱 1988
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.21 金元銖 외 1987
Journal Articles 주우진 Industrial Purchasing: An Empirical Exploration of the Buyclass Framework
(Journal of Marketing 51(3), 71-86)
Erin Anderson, Wujin Chu, Barton Weitz 1987
Thesis/Dissertation 주우진
The effect of product and retail differentiation on prices and channel profits : a generalized framework
Wujin Chu 1987
Thesis/Dissertation 이유재
The chain reaction effects of advertising on attitude
Youjae Yi 1987
Thesis/Dissertation 안태식
Efficiency and related issues in higher education : a Data Development Analysis approach
Tae Sik Ahn 1987
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.20 金正年 외 1986
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.19 郭秀一 외 1985
Books 박원우 Internationalization of Finance and the Role of Foreign Banks in Korea(Korea Development Institute Working Paper no. 8505) Joong-woong Kim, Wonwoo Park 1985
Thesis/Dissertation 황이석
의사 결정 지원 기법이 경영자의 예측 성과에 미치는 영향
황이석 1985
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.18 김원수 외 1984
Thesis/Dissertation 박원우
組織의 環境適用에 있어서 經營戰略과 組織構造의 關係에 관한 연구
朴元雨 1984
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.17 한희영 외 1983
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.16 민상기 외 1982
Thesis/Dissertation 이동기
企業과 政府關係의 變遷에 대한 實證的 分析
李東琪 1982
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.15 吳相洛 외 1981
Thesis/Dissertation 최혁
會計情報의 企業失敗豫測力에 關한 實證的 硏究
崔爀 1981
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.14 심병구 외 1980
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.13 金元銖 외 1979
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.12 吳相洛 외 1978
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.11 오상락 외 1977