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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
Material Type Faculty/
Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles 최진남 Change‐oriented organizational citizenship behavior : effects of work environment characteristics and intervening psychological processes
(Journal of Organizational Behavior 28(4), 467-484)
Jin Nam Choi 2007
Journal Articles 최진남 Group composition and employee creative behaviour in a Korean electronics company : Distinct effects of relational demography and group diversity
(Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80(2), 213-234)
Jin Nam Choi 2007
Books 이경묵 제일화재해상보험(주) 이경묵, 최진남, 윤현중 2007
Books 최진남 제일화재해상보험(주) 이경묵, 최진남, 윤현중 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Nonlinear influences of stressors on general adjustment : the case of Japanese expatriates and their spouses
(Journal of International Business Studies 38(6), 928-943)
Riki Takeuchi, David P Lepak, Sophia V Marinova, Seokhwa Yun 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Top Manager’s Efficacy Beliefs and Organizational Outcomes : An Application of Social Cognitive Theory
(Seoul Journal of Business 13(2), 139-155)
Seokhwa Yun 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Leadership and Teamwork : The Effects of Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Team Citizenship
(International Journal of Leadership Studies 2(3), 171-193)
Seokhwa Yun, Jonathan Cox, Henry P. Sims, Jr., Sabrina Salam 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Employee Self-Enhancement Motives and Job Performance Behaviors : Investigating the Moderating Effects of Employee Role Ambiguity and Managerial Perceptions of Employee Commitment
(Journal of Applied Psychology 92(3), 745-756)
Seokhwa Yun, Riki Takeuchi, Wei Liu 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Goal Orientation and Goal Setting : Predicting Performance by Integrating Four-Factor Goal Orientation Theory with Goal Setting Processes
(Seoul Journal of Business 13(1), 21-47)
David J. Radosevich, Mark R. Allyn, Seokhwa Yun 2007
Journal Articles 윤석화 Impression management, social exchange, and organizational citizenship behaviors
(Review of Business Research 7(5), 129-134)
Byung Min, Oh Soo Park, Won-Woo Park, Hee Joon Park, Seokhwa Yun 2007
Journal Articles 서경원 Coarse contingencies and ambiguity
(Theoretical Economics 2(4), 355–394)
Larry G. Epstein, Massimo Marinacci, Kyoungwon Seo 2007
Book Chapters 최진남 Beyond the Iron Rice Bowl : Life stage and family dynamics in unemployed Chinese workers
(Unemployment in China : economy, human resources and labour markets 108-127, Routledge)
Richard H. Price, Jin Nam Choi, Sandy Lim 2007
Books 송재용 전략이란 무엇인가(역저) 코넬리스 클뤼버, 존 피어스 2세 지음, 송재용 外 옮김 2007
Books 이우종 Changes in value relevance, timeliness, and transparency of reported accounting information : an analysis of Korean listed fims Lee-Seok Hwang, Moon Hyun Kym, ByungCherl Sohn, Woo-Jong Lee 2007
Books 황이석 CFO 강의노트 : 회계정보를 활용한 신재무전략 황이석 2007
Books 주우진 개성상인의 현대경영학적 재조명 주우진 2007
Books 오정석 수익 분배의 경제학 : 디지털 시대, 합리적인 수익 분배 모델을 찾아서 오정석 2007
Books 박철순 한국 이동통신 서비스 및 단말기 산업의 변천과 발전방향 박철순, 김성훈 2007
Books 박남규 전략적 사고 : 왕대리를 구하라! 박남규 2007
Books 김성수 불가사리 전략 김성수 2007
Books 김성수 한국기업 성과급제도의 변천 김성수, 박찬희, 김태호 2007
Books 노상규 한국 온라인게임산업의 발전과정과 향후 과제 노상규, 위정현 2007
Books 노상규 (인터넷 진화의 열쇠) 온톨로지 : 웹 2.0에서 3.0으로 노상규, 박진수 2007
Thesis/Dissertation 신재용
Essays on the relation between institutional ownership composition and the structure of CEO compensation
Jae Yong Shin 2006
Books 오정석 한국 PC산업의 발전 과정 김상훈, 오정석 2006
Thesis/Dissertation 최선화
(The)Effect of quarterly review by auditors on the timing of adjustments to quarterly earnings = 감사인의 반기검토가 분기재무제표의 조정항목에 미치는 영향
최선화 2006
Journal Articles 박철순 제도적 환경의 변화와 재벌의 대응: 대우그룹의 사례 = Changing Institutional Contexts and Responses of Korean Chaebol: DAEWOO GROUP
(경영교육연구 10(1), 81-98)
박철순, 김성훈 2006
Journal Articles 안태식 부가가치 구성요소의 하방경직적 행태에 관한 연구: 외환위기 전후 기간의 비교를 중심으로 = Stickiness of the Components of Value-Added: Comparison between before and after the financial crisis in Korea
(관리회계연구 6(1), 27-45)
안태식, 양대천, 이상열, 표세원 2006
(Asia Pacific Management Accounting Journal 1(1), 67-98)
Tae-Sik Ahn, Kyoung-Joon Cho, Hyung-Rok Jung 2006
Journal Articles 최종학 Implications of Comprehensive Income Disclosure For Future Earning and Analysts’ Forecasts
(Seoul Journal of Business 12(2), 77-109)
Jong-Hag Choi, Yoonseok Zang 2006
Journal Articles 백복현 The use of management forecasts to dampen analysts’ expectations
(Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 25(5), 531-553)
Bok Baik, Guohua Jiang 2006
Journal Articles 백복현 Self-Selection Bias in Consensus Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 35(6), 141-168)
Bok Baik 2006
Journal Articles 김병도 환경경영이 기업가치에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Environmental Performance on the Market Value of Korean Firms
(경영논집 40(3/4), 89-121)
문정은, 김병도 2006
Journal Articles 황이석 Digital E-Accounting : 삼성전자 회계프로세스의 혁신 = Digital e-Accounting: The Accounting Process Innovation of Samsung Electronics
(회계저널 15(3), 85-107)
이창우, 정운오, 최외홍, 황이석 2006
Journal Articles 황이석 국제회계기준에 따른 우리나라 회계교육과 공인회계사 선발 및 교육제도 개선방안 = International Education Standards and Their Implications for Accounting Education and CPA Certification in Korea
(회계저널 15(3), 135-163)
주인기, 권수영, 황이석, 심태섭 2006
Journal Articles 신재용 An Empirical Analysis of an Incentive Plan with Relative Performance Measures: Evidence from a Postal Service
(Accounting Review 81(3), 533-566)
Ella Mae Matsumura, Jae Yong Shin 2006
Journal Articles 황인이 Vendor Certification and Appraisal : Implications for Supplier Quality
(Management Science 52(10), 1472-1482)
Iny Hwang, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Lixin (Nancy) Su 2006
Journal Articles 최혁 거래 전 정보공개와 가격발견 = Pre-trade Information and Price Discovery
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 35(4), 143-190)
이우백, 최혁 2006
Journal Articles 최혁 한국주식시장에서의 정보비대칭 측정치 비교 = Comparisons of Information Asymmetry Measures in the Korean Stock Market
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 35(5), 1-44)
최혁, 양철원 2006
Journal Articles 최혁 하루중 유동성 형성 과정과 가격발견 = Liquidity Formation and Price Discovery
(재무연구 19(2), 1-38)
이우백, 최혁 2006
Journal Articles 이경미 The Use of Cues Depends on Goals : Store Reputation Affects Product Judgments When Social Identity Goals Are Salient
(Journal of Consumer Psychology 16(3), 260-271)
Kyoungmi Lee Sharon Shavitt 2006
Journal Articles 송인성 Measuring Cross-Category Price Effects with Aggregate Store Data
(Management Science 52(10), 1594-1609)
Inseong Song, Pradeep K. Chintagunta 2006
Journal Articles 송재용 What Is Behind the Surge in Korean Patenting in the United States? = 미국에서의 한국 특허 급증 원인에 대한 연구
(국제경영연구 17(4), 51-79)
Jaeyong Song 2006
Journal Articles 송재용 해외 자회사의 현지화 수준 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 일본 전자업체의 해외 자회사를 중심으로 = A Study on the Determinants of Localization of Japanese Multinational
(경영학연구 35(2), 389-411)
송재용, 윤채린 2006
Journal Articles 송재용 Intellectual Property Regimes, Innovative Capabilities, and Patenting in Korea
(Seoul Journal of Business 12(2), 57-75)
Jaeyong Song 2006
Journal Articles 박남규 CJ 엔터테인먼트: 한국의 역동적인 문화를 해외시장으로 = CJ Entertainment: The Entry of Korean Dynamic Culture into Global
(국제경영리뷰 10(3), 189-222)
박남규 2006
Journal Articles 이동기 외국인합작투자기업의 지분변화: 외국인투자자의 지분증가를 중심으로 = A Study on the Determinants of the Change in Equity Structure of International Joint Venture in Korea
(무역학회지 31(5), 135-148)
이동기, 조영곤 2006
Journal Articles 이동기 Expatriate staffing policy and its impact on foreign affiliate’s performance: the case of Japanese manufacturers = 파견자 정책과 해외 자회사의 성과: 일본 제조업 사례를 중심으로
(국제경영리뷰 10(1), 201-228)
Naoki Ando, Dongkee Rhee 2006
Journal Articles 이동기 농심의 성공과 글로벌화 전략: 중국시장 진출을 중심으로 = The Globalization Strategy of Nongshim: Foreign Direct Investment in China
(국제경영리뷰 10(2), 137-164)
이동기, 최진아 2006
Journal Articles 조승아 Attention as the Mediator Between Top Management Team Characteristics and Strategic Change : The Case of Airline Deregulation
(Organization Science 17(4), 453-469)
Theresa S. Cho, Donald C. Hambrick 2006