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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
Material Type Faculty/
Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles 김우진 Stock return commonality within business groups : Fundamentals or sentiment?
(Pacific Basin Finance Journal 35, 198-224)
Min-Su Kim, Woojin Kim, Dong Wook Lee 2015
Journal Articles 김우진 Infant firms in emerging market: An analysis of stand-alones vs. subsidiaries
(Emerging Markets Review 25, 30-52)
Soo Jin Kim, Woojin Kim, Dong Ryung Yang 2015
Journal Articles 김우진 Is Cross‐Listing a Commitment Mechanism? : The Choice of Destinations and Family Ownership
(Corporate Governance : An International Review 23(4), 307-330)
Jaiho Chung, Hyejin Cho, Woojin Kim 2015
Journal Articles 김우진 Debt and Taxes : Evidence from Foreign versus Domestic Subsidiaries in an Emerging Market
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 44(2), 246-280)
Woojin Kim, Hyo‐Jeong Lee 2015
Journal Articles 박원우 Person-Group Fit: Diversity Antecedents, Proximal Outcomes, and Performance at the Group Level
(Journal of Management 41(4), 1184-1213)
Jee Young Seong, Amy L. Kristof-Brown, Won-Woo Park, Doo-Seung Hong, Yuhyung Shin 2015
(Social Behavior and Personality 43(10), 1699-1714)
Journal Articles 박원우 내부기업가 육성
(경영사례연구 48/49, 19-37)
박원우 2015
Journal Articles 김성수 Tightening up the Performance-Pay Linkage : Roles of Contingent Reward Leadership and Profit-Sharing in the Cross-Level Influence of Individual Pay-for-Performance
(Journal of Applied Psychology 100(2), 417-430)
Joo Hun Han, Kathryn M. Bartol, Seongsu Kim 2015
Journal Articles 김성수 Taking It to Another Level : Do Personality-Based Human Capital Resources Matter to Firm Performance?
(Journal of Applied Psychology 100(3), 935-947)
In-Sue Oh, Seongsu Kim, Chad H. Van Iddekinge 2015
Journal Articles 김성수 Tangible and Intangible Rewards and Employee Creativity : The Mediating Role of Situational Extrinsic Motivation
(Creativity Research Journal 27(4), 383-393)
Hye Jung Yoon, Sun Young Sung, Jin Nam Choi, Kyungmook Lee, Seongsu Kim 2015
Journal Articles 김성수 The differentiating effects of workforce aging on exploitative and exploratory innovation : The moderating role of workforce diversity
(Asia Pacific Journal of Management 32(2), 481-503)
Jisung Park, Seongsu Kim 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Mechanisms Underlying Creative Performance : Employee Perceptions of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards for Creativity
(Social Behavior and Personality 43(7), 1161-1180)
Hye Jung Yoon, Sun Young Sung, Jin Nam Choi 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Does Emotional Intelligence Matter in Interpersonal Processes? The Mediating Role of Emotion Management
(Seoul Journal of Business 21(2), pp. 45-70)
Jin Nam Choi, Goo Hyeok Chung, Sun Young Sung, Arif Nazir Butt, Moataz Soliman, Jin Wook Chang 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Rewards and employee creative performance : Moderating effects of creative self‐efficacy, reward importance, and locus of control
(Journal of Organizational Behavior 36(1), 59-74)
Muhammad Abdur Rahman Malik, Arif N. Butt, Jin Nam Choi 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Convergent perceptions of organizational efficacy among team members and positive work outcomes in organizational teams
(Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 88(1), 178-202)
Jing Du, Yuhyung Shin, Jin Nam Choi 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Top Management Ethical Leadership and Firm Performance : Mediating Role of Ethical and Procedural Justice Climate
(Journal of Business Ethics 129(1), 43-57)
Yuhyung Shin, Sun Young Sung, Jin Nam Choi, Min Soo Kim 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Multi-level Longitudinal Dynamics Between Procedural Justice and Interpersonal Helping in Organizational Teams
(Journal of Business and Psychology 30(3), 513-528)
Yuhyung Shin, Jing Du, Jin Nam Choi 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Tangible and Intangible Rewards and Employee Creativity : The Mediating Role of Situational Extrinsic Motivation
(Creativity Research Journal 27(4), 383-393)
Hye Jung Yoon, Sun Young Sung, Jin Nam Choi, Kyungmook Lee, Seongsu Kim 2015
Journal Articles 최진남 Swing a Golf Club or an Organization? A Case of External Corporate Venture
(경영사례연구 v.48/49, 39-49)
Goo Hyeok Chung, Jin Nam Choi 2015
Journal Articles 서경원 A computationally fast estimator for random coefficients logit demand models using aggregate data
(RAND Journal of Economics 46(1), 86-102)
Jinhyuk Lee, Kyoungwon Seo 2015
Journal Articles 윤석화 The Effect of Coworker Knowledge Sharing on Performance and Its Boundary Conditions : An Interactional Perspective
(Journal of Applied Psychology 100(2), 575–582)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Seokhwa Yun 2015
Journal Articles 윤석화 Knowledge sharing, work–family conflict and supervisor support : investigating a three-way effect
(International Journal of Human Resource Management 26(19), 2434-2452)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Soojin Lee, Eunkyung Park, Seokhwa Yun 2015
Journal Articles 윤석화 Sharing my knowledge? An interactional perspective
(Journal of Managerial Psychology 30(8), 986-1002)
Soojin Lee, Yongsu Yoo, Seokhwa Yun 2015
Journal Articles 윤석화 Knowledge Sharing, Abusive Supervision, and Support : A Social Exchange Perspective
(Group and Organization Management 40(5), 599-624)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Myungsun Kim, Seokhwa Yun 2015
Journal Articles 서경원 Exchangeable capacities, parameters and incomplete theories
(Journal of Economic Theory 157, 879-917)
Larry G. Epstein, Kyoungwon Seo 2015
Journal Articles 배종훈 질문한다, 조직학습(Questions on Organizational Learning)
(인사조직연구 23(4), 33-60)
김영규, 박상찬, 배종훈 2015
Book Chapters 이경묵 한국기업 특유의 조직특성과 경영방식은 무엇인가 : 한국기업의 빠른 성공은 어떻게 가능했는가
(K-매니지먼트 : 기로에 선 한국형 기업경영 51-77, 클라우드나인)
이경묵 2015
Books 박원우 조직행동론(제16판)(역저) Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge 지음 ; 김태열, 박기찬, 박원우, 이덕로 옮김 2015
Books 박원우 조직관리 박원우 2015
Books 황이석 CFO 강의노트(13판) : 회계정보를 활용한 新 재무전략 황이석 2015
Books 최종학 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제2판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2015
Books 최종학 마흔, 감성의 눈을 떠라 : 서울대 최종학 교수와 함께 떠나는 문화기행 최종학 2015
Books 주우진 마케팅관리 : 21세기 고객가치 창출전략(제3판) 주우진, 박철, 김현식 2015
Books 조재호 현대재무관리 : 연습문제 풀이 및 해답(제8판) 박정식, 박종원, 조재호 2015
Books 조재호 현대재무관리(제8판) 박정식, 박종원, 조재호 2015
Books 이용규 회계와 사회(제7판) 송인만, 백원선, 백태영, 이용규, 이종은, 이효익, 최관, 최영수 2015
Books 이유재 (마케팅의 동향을 앞서 보려면 꼭 알아야 할) 마케팅 연구의 흐름 이유재 엮음 2015
Books 백복현 재무회계 강의 백복현, 정부천 2015
Books 백복현 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제2판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2015
Books 박철순 (글로벌 시대의) 국제경영(8판)(역저) Charles W.L. Hill 저 ; 박철순 옮김 2014
Thesis/Dissertation 김송희
Data-driven Decisions in Service Systems
Song-Hee Kim 2014
Journal Articles 김송희 Choosing Arrival Process Models for Service Systems: Tests of a Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process
(Naval Research Logistics 61(1), 66-90)
Song-Hee Kim, Ward Whitt 2014
Journal Articles 김송희 Are Call Center and Hospital Arrivals Well Modeled by Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes?
(Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 16(3), 464-480)
Song-Hee Kim, Ward Whitt 2014
Journal Articles 안태식 수익비용대응의 변화: 재무구조의 영향에 대한 분석 = The Changes in Matching between Revenue and Expense: The Effect of Financial Structures
(회계학연구 39(1), 43-76)
현정훈, 안태식, 오승빈, 조형진 2014
Journal Articles 안태식 The Determinants of Nonfinancial Information Disclosure in Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)
(회계학연구 39(2), 179-219)
Jiwon Hyeon, Tae-Sik Ahn, Youn-Sik Choi, Jeong-Hoon Hyun 2014
Journal Articles 최종학 감사인 교체와 감사인의 보수적 회계감사 = The Conservative Audit Approach and Auditor Change
(회계ㆍ세무와 감사 연구 56(1), 179-211)
신근식, 조형진, 최종학 2014
Journal Articles 최종학 Financial Crisis, Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Ownership Structure
(회계저널 23(3), 119-160)
Catherine Heyjung Sonu, Myung-In Kim, Jong-Hag Choi 2014
Journal Articles 최종학 감사법인 강제교체제도 도입을 둘러싼 논란: 현황파악 및 선행연구의 발견에 대한 문헌검토와 정책제언 = Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation: Understanding of the Current Status, Literature Review on the Findings in Prior Studies, and Policy Suggestions
(회계저널 23(6), 37-87)
최아름, 선우혜정, 최종학 2014
Journal Articles 최종학 회계감사시장의 경쟁수준과 감사품질 및 감사보수 사이의 관계 = The Effect of the Level of Competition in Audit Market on Audit Quality and Audit Fees
(경영학연구 43(5), 1529-1556)
조형진, 송보미, 최종학 2014
Journal Articles 최종학 Association between Big 4 auditor choice and cost of equity capital for multiple-segment firms
(Accounting and Finance 54(1), 135-163)
Jong-Hag Choi, Woo-Jong Lee 2014