
조승아 교수
조승아 Cho, Theresa Seung Ah
교수 / 전략/국제경영
전화번호02-880-5077 위치59-1동 607호 emailtcho@snu.ac.kr


조승아 교수는 현재 경영대학에서 경영전략과 조직이론, 그리고 협상전략에 대해 연구 및 강의를 하고 있다. 미국 하버드 대학에서 경제학 학사, 그리고 컬럼비아 경영대학에서 석사 및 박사학위를 받았고 2007년에 서울대학교에 부임하기 전까지 미국New Jersey에 있는 Rutgers University 대학에서 조교수 및 (종신)부교수로 재직하였다. 서울대학교 국제협력본부 본부장, 서울대학교 경영대학 학생부학장, 하버드 대학 총동문회 이사 및 한국 전략경영학회 부회장등을 역임하였다.

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  1. 미국 하버드 대학 학사 (경제학), 1990

  2. 미국 컬럼비아 경영대학 석사(경영전략), 1996

  3. 미국 컬럼비아 경영대학 박사 (경영전략), 1999

[연구/강의 분야]

  1. 경영전략

  2. 조직이론/국제경영

  3. 협상전략/의사결정


  1. 서울대학교 경영대학 교수 (2008-현재)

  2. 서울대학교 국제협력본부 본부장 (2022-2024)

  3. 현대제철 (주) 사외이사 (2024-현재)

  4. KT (주) 사외이사 (2023-현재)

  5. 하버드 대학 총동문회 (Harvard Alumni Association) 이사 (Elected Director) (2024-현재)

  6. 삼성 SDS (주) 사외이사 (2020-2024)

  7. 서울대학교 경영대학 학생부학장(2020-2021)

  8. 한국 전략경영학회 부회장 (2017-2018)

  9. 하버드 대학 총동문회 (Harvard Alumni Association) 동아시아 담당 이사 (2018-2021)

  10. 애큐온 캐피탈 (전 KT 캐피탈) (주) 사외이사 (2015-2019)

  11. 서울대학교 국제협력본부 부본부장 (2015-2016)

  12. 한인경영학자협회 회장 (2014-2015)

  13. 미국 Rutgers University 종신 교수 (1997-2007)


  1. Finalist for the Best Paper Award, Strategy Division, The 2022 Academy of Management Association Annual Conference, “Analyst Coverage and Innovation Strategy: A Cognitive Perspective."

  2. KSG Entrepreneurship Research Award, 2019 Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Vienna, Austria.

  3. Best Paper Award, 2019 European Academy of Management (EURAM).

  4. Finalist / Honorable Mention, 2018 Strategic Management Society Best Paper Prize.

  5. Best Paper Award, 2018 Strategic Management Society Cooperative Interest Group.

  6. The Best Conference Paper Award (Honorable Mention), 2018 Meeting of the Strategic Management Society.

  7. Elected as the Representative-at-Large, Strategic Management Society, Behavioral Strategy Interest Group, 2018-present.

  8. Appointed as the Director of Asia-Pacific Clubs and SIGs, Harvard Alumni Association, 2018-2021.

  9. The Best Conference Paper Award (Honorable Mention), 2018 Meeting of the Strategic Management Society.

  10. Institute of Management Research Grant, Seoul National University, 2008-2014.

  11. The Best Alliance Program Research Award, 2013.

  12. The Overseas Training Expense Program for Humanities & Social Sciences, Seoul National University, 2012.

  13. The Aspiring Researcher Program at Seoul National University, 2011.

  14. Young Faculty Research Award, Korea Research Foundation, 2009.

  15. Thomas H. Mott Award for Teaching Excellence, Rutgers Business School, 2004.

  16. Finalist, The William Newman Award for the Best Paper Based on Dissertation, Academy of Management, 2001.

  17. Rutgers Business School Technological Management Research Center Grant, 2003-2004.

  18. GE Teaching Fellow, 2000-2001.

  19. Rutgers University Research Council Grant, 1999-2006.

  20. Rutgers Business School Research Resource Committee Grant, 1999-2006.

  21. Recipient of With Distinction honors for the doctoral thesis (awarded to the top 1% of the doctoral candidates), Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1999.

  22. Member, Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, 1999-present

  23. Columbia University Doctoral Fellowship, 1991-1995.

  24. Harvard College Scholarship, 1987-1990.

  25. Dean’s List, Harvard College, 1987-1990.

  26. First Place, The Korea Times Literary Competition, Non-Fiction Division (in Korean), 1990.

  27. Rotary Scholarship, 1986.



  1. Hanisch, M., Koenig, A., Haussler, C., Graf-Vlachy, L. and Cho, T. S. “Kindred spirits: Cognitive frame similarity and good faith provisions in strategic alliance contracts." Forthcoming at Strategic Management Journal.

  2. Mack, D., Cho. T.S. and Yi, A.C. 2024. “Attentional engagement and strategic responses to discontinuous environmental change: Evidence from the U.S. banking industry," Strategic Organization, 22:49-90.

  3. Ahn,S. and Cho. T.S. 2022. “The effects of analyst coverage on innovation strategy: A cognitive perspective,” The academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.

  4. Ahn, S., Cho, C.K. and Cho, T.S. 2021. “Performance feedback and organizational learning: The role of regulatory focus,” Management Decision, 59:616-637.

  5. Cho, C. K., Cho, T. S., and Lee, J. 2018. “Managerial attributes, consumer proximity, and corporate environmental performance,” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

  6. Cho, C. K. and Cho, T. S. 2018. “On averting disappointment: Remedying the impact of shifting expectations,” Frontiers in Psychology. In Press.

  7. Hanisch, M., Koenig, A., Haussler, C., Graf-Vlachy, L. & Cho, T. S. 2018. “The Influence of cognitive frame similarity on contingency planning in strategic alliances,” The Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.

  8. Chung, D., Kang, J. and Cho, T. S. 2018. “TMT knowledge specificity, organization search scope and innovation performance,” International Journal of Technology Management, 78: 208-233.

  9. Choi, J. N., Sung, S. Y., & Cho, T. S. 2014. “Creative contribution of individuals in groups: Effects of goal orientation and participative safety,” Social Behavior and Personality, 41.

  10. Mack, D. and Cho, T. S. 2011. “SK Telecom R11; Going for the global leadership,” Asian Case Research Journal, 15:2.

  11. Ahn, K. J., Chae, H. W., Song, J. Y. and Cho, T. S. 2009. “The effects of founder-CEO attributes on alliance formation of venture startups: The social network perspective,” Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.

  12. Cho, T. S. and Shen, W. 2007. “Exploring the linkage between environmental shift and changes in executive compensation: The role of executive turnover,” Strategic Management Journal, 28:747-754.

  13. Cho, T. S. and Hambrick, D. 2006. “Attention patterns as mediators between top management team characteristics and strategic change: The case of airline deregulation,” Organization Science, 17:453-469.

  14. Cho, T. S. 2006. “The effects of executive turnover on top management team's environmental scanning behavior after an environmental change,” Journal of Business Research, 59:1142-1150.

  15. Shen, W. and Cho, T. S. 2005. “Exploring involuntary executive turnover through a managerial discretion framework,” Academy of Management Review, 30:843-862.

  16. Hambrick, D.C., Finkelstein, S., Cho, T.S., and Jackson, E. M. 2005. “Isomorphism in reverse: Institutional theory as an explanation for recent increases in intraindustry heterogenity and managerial discretion,” Research in Organizational Behavior (Issue 26). Staw, B. and Kramer, R. M. (Ed). Berkeley: Elsevier.

  17. Cho, T. S. 2001. “The Effects of top executive team composition, pay structure and attention on strategic change: A case of airline deregulation,” Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings (nominated for the William Newman Best Paper Award Based on Dissertation).

  18. Hambrick, D. C., Cho, T. S., and Chen, M. J. 1996. “Top management team heterogeneity and competitive behaviors of the firm," Administrative Science Quarterly, 41: 659-684. Reprinted in Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy, 2004. Keasey, K., Thompson, S. and Wright, M. (Ed.). Surrey, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

  19. Cho, T. S., Hambrick, D. C. and Chen, M. J. 1994. "The effects of top management characteristics on competitive behaviors of firms," Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.

[Articles in Korean Journals]

  1. Choi, W.S., Ahn, S. H. & Cho, T.S. 2021. “Interfirm rivalry in action: An exploratory study of multiplex theaters in Korea,” Korea Business Review, 25: 27-55.

  2. Cho, T. S. 2013. “No longer a singular market: An exploratory study of divergent preferences of Chinese consumers as revealed through online forums for automobiles,” International Business Journal. Vol. 24(2).

  3. Cho, T. S. 2011. “Environmental scanning behavior of the top managers: A regulatory focus model,” Seoul Journal of Business. Vol. 17(2): 151-166.

  4. Cho, T. S. 2011.”Exploring the effects of macrocultural forces on institutional isomorphism,” Journal of Strategic Management. 14 (2): 77-92.

  5. Cho, T. S. 2009. “Managerial attention and organizational adaptation following an environmental shift,” Korean Management Review.

  6. Ahn, K.J., Chae, H., Song, J. and Cho, T. S. 2009. “The effects of founder-CEO attributes on alliance formation of venture start-ups: A social network perspective,” Korean Business Review, 38 (6): 1545-1572.