
박성호 교수 (코빗 석학교수)
교수 (코빗 석학교수) / 마케팅


박성호 교수는 서울대학교 경영대학 및 경영대학원 코빗 석학교수로 재직하고 있다. 서울대학교에 부임하기 전 10년간 미국 애리조나 주립대 W. P. Carey School of Business에서 조교수, 부교수로 일하며 정년을 보장받았다. 서울대에서는 마케팅애널리틱스, 마케팅모형, 마케팅관리, 신상품개발, 마케팅조사 등을 강의하고 있다. 박성호 교수는 다변화된 유통환경에서 소비자들의 구매 행동을 데이터 기반으로 분석하는 데 관심이 있다. 최근엔 디지털광고, 인플루언서마케팅, 고객경험마케팅의 효과를 분석하고 최적화하는 연구 및 자문을 진행하고 있다. 또한 디지털전환의 핵심인 데이터의 관리, 분석 및 사업화에 대한 연구와 자문을 수행하고 있으며, 이를 위한 새로운 통계 및 계량경제 모형 또한 개발하고 있다. 박교수의 연구는 경영학분야 최고 권위지인 Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management 등에 게재되었다. 박교수는 마케팅 연구의 최고 권위기관인 미국의 Marketing Science Institute가 연구 업적이 탁월한 차세대 학문리더에게 격년으로 수여하는 ‘Young Scholar’로 2017년에 선정되었다.


코넬대학교 (Cornell University) Johnson Graduate School of Management 경영학(마케팅) 박사
KAIST 경영대학원 경영공학 석사
서울대학교 인문대학 언어학 학사

서울대학교 경영대학/경영대학원 코빗석학교수 (2024-) / 교수 (2023-) / 부교수 (2020-2023)
서울대학교 경영대학원 EMBA 주임교수 (2024-) / 부주임교수(2022-2024)
서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 푸드테크학과 겸무교수 (2022-)
서울대학교 AI연구원 겸무연구원 (2023-)
서울대학교 출판문화원 출판위원 (2023-)
서울대학교 그린바이오과학기술연구원 겸무연구원 (2024-)
애리조나 주립대학교 (Arizona State University) W. P. Carey 경영대학 종신부교수 (2016-2020) / 조교수 (2010-2016)

[주요 수상]
경영과학회 우수논문상, 2023
통합마케팅학회 우수발표논문상, 2023
한국경영과학회지 최우수논문상, 2023
European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) 최우수논문상, 2018
MSI Young Scholar, Marketing Science Institute, 2017
Finalist, William F. O’Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research, 2014
KAIST 경영대학원 최우수석사논문상, 2004

[기업 자문 활동]
아모레퍼시픽, LG전자, NAVER, 파마리서치, 한국수력원자력, 교보생명, SK브로드밴드, 한국표준협회 등

[임직원 교육 활동]
현대자동차, 기아자동차, 제일기획, LINE, 신한은행, IBK기업은행, 파마리서치, 종근당, GC녹십자, 존슨앤존슨, KT 등


한국유통학회 상임이사 (2024-현재)
한국경영과학회 학술이사 (2024-현재)
한국마케팅학회 이사 (2022-현재)
한국소비자학회 이사 (2022-현재)
소비자학연구 편집위원 (2022-현재)
한국경영과학회지 편집위원 (2022-현재)

Journal of Marketing Research, Editorial Review Board (2016-현재)
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Minitrack Co-Chair (2020-현재)

Yoon, Sungwook, Hyungsoo Lim, Sungho Park, "Impact of Wireless Emergency Alerts on a Floating Population: An Analysis of Panel Data from Seoul, South," JMIR Public Health & Surveillance, forthcoming.

Lim, Stanley, Elliot Rabinovich, Sanghak Lee, Sungho Park, "Estimating Stockout Costs and Optimal Stockout Rates: A Case on the Management of Ugly Produce Inventory," Management Science, forthcoming.

Kwon, K. Hazel, Mi Hyun Lee, Sang Pil Han, Sungho Park, "Fake Thumbs in Play: A Large-Scale Exploration of False Amplification and False Diminution in Online News Comment Spaces," New Media and Society, forthcoming.

Lee, Mi Hyun, Sang Pil Han, Sungho Park, Wonseok Oh (2023), "Positive Demand Spillover of Popular App Adoption: Implications for Platform Owners’ Management of Complements," Information Systems Research, 34(3), 961-995.

Kim, Su Jung, Mi Hyun Lee, Juwon Hong, Sungho Park (2023), "How Mobile Users Respond to Pre-Roll Skippable Advertising Differently than Personal Computer (PC) Users: An Analysis of Individual-Level Clickstream Data," International Journal of Advertising, 42(4), 713-739.

Falkenström, Fredrik, Sungho Park, Cameron McIntosh (2023), "Using Copulas to Enable Causal Inference from Non-Experimental Data: Tutorial and Simulation Studies," Psychological Methods, 28(2), 301-321.

Yoon, Sungwook, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2023), "Effect of General Health Checks on the Treatment of Chronic Diseases: Accounting for Self-Selection in the Retrospective Cohort Study Using Korea National Health Insurance Data," BMJ Open, 13, e064425.

Christopher, Ranjit, Sungho Park, Sang Pil Han, Min Kyu Kim (2022), "Bypassing Performance Optimizers of Real Time Bidding Systems in Display Ad Valuation," Information Systems Research, 33(2), 399-412.

Park, Jinhwan, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2022), "The Effect of Epidemic Outbreak on Healthcare Usage: Lessons from 2015 MERS Outbreak in South Korea," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 185(3), 1319-1343.

Lee, Sanghak, Sunghoon Kim, Sungho Park (2022), "A Sequential Choice Model for Multiple Discrete Demand," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20(2), 141-178.

Kim, Chul, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2022), "Copula-based Direct Utility Models for Correlated Choice Alternatives," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20(1), 69-99.

Lee, Mi Hyun, Su Jung Kim, Sang-Hyeak Yoon, Sungho Park (2022), "An Integrative Approach to Determinants of Pre-Roll Ad Acceptance and Their Relative Impact: Evidence from Big Data," Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 76-84.

Jo, Sangkyun, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2021), "Impact of Differential Copayment on Patient Healthcare Choice: Evidence from South Korean National Cohort Study," BMJ Open, 11, e044549.

Lim, Stanley F., Elliot Rabinovich, Sungho Park, Minha Hwang (2021), “Shopping Activity at Warehouse Club Stores and Its Competitive and Network-Density Implications,” Production and Operations Management, 30(1), 28-46.

Park, Sungho, Elliot Rabinovich, Christopher Tang, Rui Yin, Jiayi Yu (2020), “Technical Note: Should an Online Seller Post Inventory Scarcity Messages?,” Decision Sciences Journal, 51(5), 1288-1308.

Son, Yoonseock, Wonseok Oh, San-Pil Han, Sungho Park (2020), “When Loyalty Goes Mobile: Effects of Mobile Loyalty Apps on Purchase, Redemption, and Competition,” Information Systems Research, 31(3), 835-847.

Park, Sungho, Elliot Rabinovich, Christopher Tang, Rui Yin (2020), “The Impact of Disclosing Inventory Scarcity Messages on Sales in Online Retailing,” Journal of Operations Management, 66(5), 534-552.

Yoon, Sungwook, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2020), “The Effect of General Health Checks on Healthcare Utilization: Accounting for Self-Selection Bias,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 183(1), 3-36.

Wang, Shi (Helen), Charles Noble, Darren Dahl, Sungho Park (2019), “Successfully Communicating a Co-Created Innovation,” Journal of Marketing, 83(4), 38-57.

Miller, Chadwick, Michael Wiles, Sungho Park (2019), “Trading On Up - An Examination of Factors Influencing the Degree of Upgrade: Evidence from Cash for Clunkers,” Journal of Marketing, 83(1), 151-172.

Kim, Chul, Duk Bin Jun, Sungho Park (2018), “Capturing Flexible Correlations in Multiple-Discrete Choice Outcomes Using Copulas,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(1), 34-59.

Han, Sang-Pil, Sungho Park, Wonseok Oh (2016), “Mobile App Analytics: A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice Framework,” MIS Quarterly, 40(4).

Hwang, Minha and Sungho Park (2016), “The Impact of Wal-Mart Supercenter Conversion on Consumer Shopping Behavior,” Management Science, 62(3), 817-828.

Jun, Duk Bin, Jihwan Moon, Sungho Park (2016), “Temporal Disaggregation: Methods, Information Loss, and Diagnostics,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 34(1), 53-61.

Park, Sungho and Sachin Gupta (2012), “Handling Endogenous Regressors by Joint Estimation Using Copulas,” Marketing Science, 31(4), 567-586.

Park, Sungho and Sachin Gupta (2012), “Comparison of SML and GMM Estimators for the Random Coefficient Logit Model Using Aggregate Data,” Empirical Economics,43(3),1353-1372.

Jun, Duk Bin, Dong Soo Kim, Sungho Park, Myoung Hwan Park (2012), “Parameter Space Restrictions in State Space Models,” Journal of Forecasting, 31(2), 109-123.

Park, Sungho and Sachin Gupta (2011), “A Regime-Switching Model of Cyclical Category Buying,” Marketing Science, 30(3), 469-480.

Park, Sungho and Sachin Gupta (2009), “Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Random Coefficient Logit Model Using Aggregate Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 46(August), 531-542, Finalist for the 2014 O’Dell Award.