
이종섭 교수
교수 / 재무금융


Jongsub Lee is Professor of Finance at Seoul National University (SNU). Before joining SNU, he was Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Florida (UF), Warrington College of Business, and was also named the UF Foundation Preeminence Term Professor for his outstanding record of academic accomplishment. His main areas of research include corporate finance, corporate governance, and banking. His work has been published in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Finance (JF), the Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), the Review of Financial Studies (RFS), the Review of Asset Pricing Studies (RAPS), the Review of Corporate Finance Studies (RCFS), and the Journal of Accounting and Economics (JAE). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies by the Korean Securities Association (KSA). He also serves as the associate editor of various academic journals, including the Financial Review by the Eastern Finance Association, the International Review of Finance, and the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal by the Asian Finance Association (AsianFA). He was a vice president of the KSA and a director of the Korean Finance Association (KFA), the Korean Association of Financial Engineering (KAFE), and the Korean Financial Management Association. At SNU, he served as the vice director of the Institute of Management Research at SNU Business School and the vice director of the SNU EMBA program. He is currently the vice director of the Advanced Management Program (AMP) for top executives of leading Korean corporations.
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박사, 재무금융, 뉴욕대학교 스턴경영대학, 2011.
석사. 재무금융, 뉴욕대학교 스턴경영대학, 2009.
석사, 금융공학, 컬럼비아대학교, 2004.
학사, 기계항공우주공학부, 최우등졸업, 서울대학교 공과대학, 2003.


서울대학교경영대학(원) 정교수
서울대학교경영대학(원) 부교수
서울대학교AI 연구원겸무교수
(前) University of Florida Warrington College of Business 조교수, University Chair


제4회 K-Management 혁신논문상, 한국경영학회, 2024.
AJFS Best Paper Award, 2023.
Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance, Semi-finalist, Financial Management Association, 2023.
Best Paper Award (2편), Winner, 재무금융 5개 학회 공동학술대회, 2023.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 한국재무학회 2021 추계학술대회.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 재무금융 5개 학회 공동학술대회, 2021.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 제15회 한국증권학회 국제학술대회 (CAFM), 2020.
Best Paper Award, Winner, FMA Asia/Pacific Conference, 2019.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 제13회 한국증권학회 국제학술대회 (CAFM), 2018.
IFSID Derivatives Research Grant, 2017.
Best Paper Award in Investments, Semi-finalist, Financial Management Association, 2017.
University Professorship, UF Office of the Provost, 2016 - 2019.
소장학자상, 한미재무학회, 2016.
Second Place Winner, The 22nd Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) Annual Academic Competition, 2016.
Outstanding Paper Award, Winner, The 11th Annual Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance, 2016.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 제11회 한국증권학회 국제학술대회 (CAFM), 2016.
제9회 신한은행 최우수논문상, 한미재무학회, 2015.
Best Paper Award in Investments, Semi-finalist, Financial Management Association, 2014.
Best Paper Award, Semi-finalist, Financial Management Association, Asian Meeting 2014.
Best Paper Award, Winner, 제8회 한국증권학회 국제학술대회 (CAFM), 2013.
Wharton Research Data Services Best Empirical Paper Award, Winner, Southern Finance Association, 2013.
Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance, Semi-finalist, Financial Management Association, 2012.
Beta Gamma Sigma, NYU Stern School of Business Chapter, 2011.
Best Ph.D. Paper Award, Finalist, European Finance Association, 2010.
Best Ph.D. Paper Award, Winner, Financial Management Association European Meeting, 2010.
Best Dissertation Proposal Award in International Finance, Winner, Financial Management Association, 2009.
C.W. Nichols Foundation Fellowship, NYU Stern, 2009.
Commendation for Teaching Excellence, NYU Stern UG Program, 2008.
NYU Stern School of Business Fellowship, 2005 - 2009.
삼성이건희장학금 (경영학박사트랙), 2005 - 2009.
성적우수장학금, 서울대학교, 1998 - 2003.


Editor-in-Chief, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (2024 -)
Associate Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (2020-2023)
Associate Editor, Financial Review (2023 -)
Associate Editor, International Review of Finance (2023 -)
Associate Editor, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (2021-)
Associate Editor, Asian Review of Financial Studies (2020 -)
한국증권학회부회장 (2023-2024)
한국재무학회이사 (2022-)
한국금융공학회이사 (2023-)
한국재무관리학회이사 (2024-)
해태제과㈜사외이사/보상위원회위원장 (2023 -)
한국ESG기준원ESG 전문가자문위원단자문위원 (2023 -)
한국금융연구원연구자문위원 (2023 -)
부산 블록체인 규제자유특구 운영위원 (2023 -)
금융투자협회토큰증권법안T/F 위원 (2023)
금융위원회디지털자산민관합동TF 위원 (2022 -)
금융위원회금융규제혁신디지털혁신분과위원 (2022 -)
기획재정부재정정책자문위원 (2022 -)
공무원연금공단자산운용위원 (2022 -)
국토교통부철도산업안전체계개선TF 거버넌스분야자문위원 (2023)



1. Lee, Jongsub, Kwang J. Lee, and Nandu J. Nagarajan. "Birds of a feather: Value implications of political alignment between top management and directors." Journal of Financial Economics 112, no. 2 (2014): 232-250.

2. Lee, Jongsub, Andy Naranjo, and Stace Sirmans. "Exodus from sovereign risk: Global asset and information networks in the pricing of corporate credit risk." The Journal of Finance 71, no. 4 (2016): 1813-1856.

3. Lee, Jongsub, Andy Naranjo, and Guner Velioglu. "When do CDS spreads lead? Rating events, private entities, and firm-specific information flows." Journal of Financial Economics 130, no. 3 (2018): 556-579.

4. Houston, Joel F., Jongsub Lee, and Felix Suntheim. "Social networks in the global banking sector." Journal of Accounting and Economics 65, no. 2-3 (2018): 237-269.

5. Lee, Jongsub, Andy Naranjo, and Stace Sirmans. "CDS momentum: Slow-moving credit ratings and cross-market spillovers." The Review of Asset Pricing Studies 11, no. 2 (2021): 352-401.

6. Lee, Jongsub, Tao Li, and Donghwa Shin. "The wisdom of crowds in fintech: Evidence from initial coin offerings." The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11, no. 1 (2022): 1-46.

7. Bartram, Söhnke M., Jennifer Conrad, Jongsub Lee, and Marti G. Subrahmanyam. "Credit default swaps around the world." The Review of Financial Studies 35, no. 5 (2022): 2464-2524.

8. Kim, Sehoon, Nitish Kumar, Jongsub Lee, and Junho Oh. "ESG lending." European Corporate Governance Institute - Finance Working Paper, no. 817. 2022 (R&R at JFE).

9. Lee, Jongsub, Hojong Shin, and Hayong Yun. "Family Feud: Succession Tournaments and Risk-Taking in Family Firms." Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 52, no. 3 (2023): 324-353.

10. Liu, Yunxiao, Woojin Kim, and Jongsub Lee. "Control Beyond Ownership: Open-Book Accounting in Unbalanced Supply Chain Networks." Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 52, no. 6 (2023): 979-1013.


1. Sustainable Private Capital Markets, Climate Change and Climate Finance: Current Experience and Future Directions (2023), Asian Development Bank Publication (Edited by Moshirian, Fariborz and Cyn-Young Park).

기타 언론인용 및 기고

1. Harvard Business Review, May 2014, "When the Board Agrees with the CEO's Politics, Oversight Suffers."

2. The Boston Globe, March 2, 2014, "Be creative - like a criminal: And more surprising insights from the social sciences."

3. Board Alert, July 2014, "Thought Leadership Snapshot: When the Board Agrees with the CEO's Politics, Oversight Suffers."

4. Columbia Law School (CLS) Blue Sky Blog, October 20, 2016, "Shades of Gray in Board Independence."

5. Bloomberg, December 5, 2017, "Agency Costs and Hedge-Fund Size."

6. Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, December 30, 2017, "Credit Default Swaps, Agency Problems, and Management Incentives."

7. Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, April 11, 2018, "The Information Value of Corporate Social Responsibility."

8. Duke Law School The FinReg Blog, July 24, 2018, "The Wisdom of Crowds in Initial Coin Offerings."

9. UN PRI Blog, July 20, 2022, "Sustainability-linked loans: A strong ESG commitment or a vehicle for greenwashing?"