
김정욱 교수
교수 / 재무금융


Jung-Wook Kim joined the faculty of Seoul National University Graduate School of Business in 2010. He graduated from Seoul National University summa cum laude in 1991. He received his PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 2001. He taught at the University of Alberta School of Business in Canada from 2001 until 2010 before he joined SNU. Jung-wook Kim is recently working on the issues in behavioral finance, dynamics of firm-performance heterogeneity, the impact of productivity growth on asset returns, and the importance of allocative efficiency in economic growth. Jung-wook Kim was awarded several prizes for his excellence in teaching, including the Allyn Young Prize from Harvard University in 2001. He published research papers in leading journals of finance and economics including the Journal of Financial Economics and the Review of Economics and Statistics. His work on trading volume published in the Financial Analysts Journal has been covered by many investment banks’ research digests.


Ph.D 1995-2001 Harvard University (Economics)  
B.A 1987-1991 서울대학교 (경제학과) 


  1. 서울대학교 사회과학대학 최우등 졸업, 서울대학교 총장상 (1991).
  2. Harvard University, Economics 10 (Ec10), 6학기 연속 우수강의상.
  3. Harvard University, Allyn Young 최우수강의상 (2001).

  4. Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business, Professor
  5. Seoul National University, Graduate School of Business, Associate Professor
  6. University of Alberta, School of Business, Assistant Professor


[Journal Articles]

  1. "Additional Credit for Liquidity-Constrained Individuals: High-Interest Consumer Credit in Korea" (with Seungyeon Won and Jung-In Kim), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017.
  2. "Productivity Growth and Stock Returns: Firm- and Aggregate-Level Analyses" (with Hyunbae Chun, and Randall Morck), Applied Economics, 2016.
  3. "Investors' Interacting Demand and Supply Curves for Common Stocks" (with Martin Dierker, Jason Lee and Randall Morck), Review of Finance, 2016.
  4. "How Does Information Technology Improve Aggregate Productivity? A New Channel of Productivity Dispersion and Reallocation" (with Hyunbae Chun and Jason Lee), Research Policy, 2015.
  5. "Firm Heterogeneity, R&D, and Economic Growth" (with Hyunbae Chun and Joonkyung Ha), Economic Modelling, 2014.
  6. "Technology Shocks and Employment: Evidence from U.S. Firm-Level Data" (with Hyunbae Chun), B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011.
  7. "Capital Allocation, Stock Return Volatility, and Productivity Growth in U.S. Industries" (with Hyunbae Chun), Applied Economics Letters, 2011.
  8. Varying Heterogeneity among U.S. Firms: Facts and Implications (with Hyunbae Chun and Randall Morck), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011
  9. Capital Gains Overhang and the Earnings Announcement Volume Premium (with Wonseok Choi and Kenton Hoyem), Financial Analysts Journal, 2010
  10. Declining output growth volatility: A sectoral decomposition (with Hyunbae Chun), Economics Letters, 2010
  11. Analyst Forecast Dispersion, Trading Volume, and Stock Return (with Wonseok Choi and Kenton Hoyem), Seoul Journal of Economics, 2009
  12. Underreaction, Trading Volume, and Post-Earnings Announcement Drift (with Wonseok Choi), Korea Review of Applied Economics, 2009
  13. Creative Destruction, Heterogeneous Firm Growth, and Efficient Resources Reallocation (with Hyunbae Chun), Journal of Economics Resarch, 2009
  14. Creative Destruction and Firm-Specific Performance Heterogeneity (with Hyunbae Chun, Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung), Journal of Financial Economics, 2008