Heejoon Park is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at Seoul National University. Prior to joining Seoul National University, he was an assistant professor at University of Manitoba, Canada. He has a BBA degree from Seoul National University and received his PhD in Labor-Management Relation at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
His research focuses on strike and dispute resolution, the effects of labor unions on organizational and individual outcomes in Korea and the effects of compensation on firm performance. His research has appeared in Industrial Relations, Personnel Psychology and the Journal of Management.
He won the Best Paper Award from the Korean Academy of Management in 2006. He was awarded Vilas Travel Fellowship and Vilas Professional Development Fellowship from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He serves as a committee member of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Public Administration and the Security and National Labor Relations Commission. Also he serves as an associate director of the Institute of Management Research at Seoul National University and an executive director of the Korea Academy of Business Ethics.
His research focuses on strike and dispute resolution, the effects of labor unions on organizational and individual outcomes in Korea and the effects of compensation on firm performance. His research has appeared in Industrial Relations, Personnel Psychology and the Journal of Management.
He won the Best Paper Award from the Korean Academy of Management in 2006. He was awarded Vilas Travel Fellowship and Vilas Professional Development Fellowship from University of Wisconsin-Madison. He serves as a committee member of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Public Administration and the Security and National Labor Relations Commission. Also he serves as an associate director of the Institute of Management Research at Seoul National University and an executive director of the Korea Academy of Business Ethics.
박사 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Industrial Relations Research Institute
석사 서울대학교 경영대학
학사 서울대학교 경영대학
[Academic Experience]
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Industrial Relations Research Institute, 강사
The George Washington University, School of Business and Public Management, 객원조교수
University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business, 조교수
서울대학교 경영대학, 조교수
한국인사조직학회, 감사 (2006)
한국생산성 학회, 이사 (2006)
한국기업경영학회, 이사 (2006)
[Honors and Awards]
국제학술상, 한국인사조직학회 (2006).
Vilas Travel Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001).
Vilas Professional Development Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1999).
박사 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Industrial Relations Research Institute
석사 서울대학교 경영대학
학사 서울대학교 경영대학
[Academic Experience]
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Industrial Relations Research Institute, 강사
The George Washington University, School of Business and Public Management, 객원조교수
University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business, 조교수
서울대학교 경영대학, 조교수
한국인사조직학회, 감사 (2006)
한국생산성 학회, 이사 (2006)
한국기업경영학회, 이사 (2006)
[Honors and Awards]
국제학술상, 한국인사조직학회 (2006).
Vilas Travel Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001).
Vilas Professional Development Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1999).
Park, Heejoon and Antonioni, David (2007). Personality, reciprocity, and strength of conflict resolution strategy. Journal of Research in Personality, 41: 109-124.
Park, Heejoon (2006). The Effect of Interpersonal Affect on Performance Ratings: Is it real or spurious? Seoul Journal of Business, 12: 37-56.
Park, Heejoon (2006). Organizational learning and the narcotic effect. 노사관계연구, 17: 71-89.
조봉순, 김기태, 박희준 (2006). 인사 부서 규모의 결정요인과 인사보수 규모가 조직생산성에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구. 생산성논집, 20(3):149-167.
Park, Heejoon, McHugh, Patrkck, and Bodah, Matthew (2006). Revisiting general and specific union beliefs: The union-voing intentions of professionals. Industrial Relations, 45 270-289.
Antonioni, David & Park, Heejoon (2001). The effects of personality similarity on peer ratings of contextual work behaviors. Personnel Psychology, 54: 331-360.
Antonioni, David & Park, Heejoon (2001). The relationship between rater effect and three directions of 360-degree ratings. Journal of Management, 27: 479-495.
Pricer, Robert W. & Park, Heejoon (2000). Moving from entrepreneurship utopianism to entrepreneurship “topianism”: The commercialization of new technology and venture creation. Asian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 3: 3-34.
김승택, 임상훈, 박희준, 정동구, 김기호. (2006). 노동시장 조기경보시스템 (EWS) 지표 개발연구. 노동연구원.
이원덕, 박우성, 박희준 (1997). 선진국 다국적기업의 국제인사관리. 노동연구원
Park, Heejoon and Antonioni, David (2007). Personality, reciprocity, and strength of conflict resolution strategy. Journal of Research in Personality, 41: 109-124.
Park, Heejoon (2006). The Effect of Interpersonal Affect on Performance Ratings: Is it real or spurious? Seoul Journal of Business, 12: 37-56.
Park, Heejoon (2006). Organizational learning and the narcotic effect. 노사관계연구, 17: 71-89.
조봉순, 김기태, 박희준 (2006). 인사 부서 규모의 결정요인과 인사보수 규모가 조직생산성에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구. 생산성논집, 20(3):149-167.
Park, Heejoon, McHugh, Patrkck, and Bodah, Matthew (2006). Revisiting general and specific union beliefs: The union-voing intentions of professionals. Industrial Relations, 45 270-289.
Antonioni, David & Park, Heejoon (2001). The effects of personality similarity on peer ratings of contextual work behaviors. Personnel Psychology, 54: 331-360.
Antonioni, David & Park, Heejoon (2001). The relationship between rater effect and three directions of 360-degree ratings. Journal of Management, 27: 479-495.
Pricer, Robert W. & Park, Heejoon (2000). Moving from entrepreneurship utopianism to entrepreneurship “topianism”: The commercialization of new technology and venture creation. Asian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 3: 3-34.
김승택, 임상훈, 박희준, 정동구, 김기호. (2006). 노동시장 조기경보시스템 (EWS) 지표 개발연구. 노동연구원.
이원덕, 박우성, 박희준 (1997). 선진국 다국적기업의 국제인사관리. 노동연구원