Recent Issues

Vol.2/1 (1996, Fall)
How the Nature of Ownership and Cultural Variables in International Joint Ventures Affect the Shaping of Business Strategies and Financial Performance
Author Suck-Chul Yoon
Keywords Ownership
How the Nature of Ownership and Cultural Variables in International Joint Ventures Affect the Shaping of Business Strategies and Financial Performance
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
The Information Content of Dividend Changes and Earnings: A Test of Signal Mitigation
Author Lawrence D. Brown, Dosoung Choi, and Kwon-Jung Kim
Keywords Dividend Changes, Earnings
The Information Content of Dividend Changes and Earnings: A Test of Signal Mitigation
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
What is the Firm?
Author Dong-Sung Cho
Keywords Firm
What is the Firm?
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
A Study on Human Resource Development to Competitiveness of Korean Manufacturing Firms
Author Jong-Tae Choi
Keywords Manufacturing
A Study on Human Resource Development to Competitiveness of Korean Manufacturing Firms
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
Identification of Market Assets and Relationship Merits as Major Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Pacific Market
Author Jong Won Lim
Keywords Market,Relationship
Identification of Market Assets and Relationship Merits as Major Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Pacific Market
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
Product Proliferation and the Determination of Slotting and Renewal Allowances
Author Paul R. Messinger and Wujin Chu
Keywords Allowances
Product Proliferation and the Determination of Slotting and Renewal Allowances
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
Key Success Factors and Management Patterns of Five Major Korean Companies
Author Yoo Keun Shin
Keywords Management
Key Success Factors and Management Patterns of Five Major Korean Companies
Vol.1/1 (1995, Fall)
Absorption, Assimilation, and Diffusion of Imported Technology
Author Suck-Chul Yoon
Keywords Absorption,Assimilation
Absorption, Assimilation, and Diffusion of Imported Technology - A Case of a Machinery Company in Korea in the 1970s -
Seoul Journal of Business
ISSN 1226-9816 (Print)
ISSN 2713-6213 (Online)