CBA 협정교

경영대학은 글로벌 리더 양성을 목표로 (2024년 3월 기준) 세계 25개국 58개의 유수한 경영대학들과 학생 교환 협정을 체결하여, 서울대 국제협력본부의 교환학생 프로그램과 별도로, 경영대 자체 교환학생 프로그램을 운영하고 있습니다.
USA Canada United Kingdom Ireland Finland Sweden France Germany Netherlands Austria Italy Switzerland Spain Portugal Turkey Singapore China Hong Kong Japan Thailand Kazakhstan Vietnam Russia New Zealand
지역 국가 대학교 / 단과대학 학사 석사
Asia China Nankai University / Business School O O
Northwestern Polytechnical University / School of Management O
Peking University / Guanghua School of Management O O
Shanghai Jiaotong University / Antai College of Economics & Management O O
Tsinghua University / School of Economics & Management O O
Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong / Faculty of Business and Economics O
Japan Hosei University O O
Meiji University / School of Business Administration O O
Nagoya University of Commerce & Business O O
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics & Strategic Research O
Singapore National University of Singapore / Business School O O
Thailand Chulalongkorn University / Chulalongkorn Business School O O
Thammasat University / Thammasat Business School O O
Vietnam VinUniversity O
Europe Austria WU Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien (Vienna University) O O
Finland Aalto University / School of Business O O
France EDHEC Business School O O
Emlyon Business School O O
ESSEC Business School O O
HEC School of Management O O
ISC Paris School of Management O O
NEOMA Business School O O
Germany European Business School O O
Hamburg Business School O O
Munich Business School O O
Technische Universitat Munchen / TUM School of Management O O
University of Kalserslautern O O
University of Mannheim O O
WHU-OTTO Beisheim School of Management O O
Ireland University of Dublin / Trinity College O
Italy Bocconi University O O
Netherlands Maastricht University / School of Business and Economics O O
University of Groningen / Faculty of Economics and Business O
Portugal Universidade Catolica Portuguesa / Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics O O
Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University / Business School O O
Spain IE Business School O
Sweden Lund University / School of Economics and Management O
Stockholm University / School of Business O O
Switzerland University of St. Gallen / Business School O O
Turkey Sabanci University O
UK City, University of London / Bayes Business School (formerly known as CASS Business School) O
North America USA Boston University / School of Management O
California State University, Fresno / Craig School of Business O
Miami University / Farmer School of Business O
Temple University / Fox School of Business O
University of Hawai`i at Manoa / College of Business Administration O O
University of Southern California / Marshall School of Business O
University of Texas, Austin / McCombs School of Business O
Canada HEC Montreal O
McGill University / Desautels Faculty of Management O
Queen's University / Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business O
University of British Columbia / Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration O
University of Calgary / Haskayne School of Business O O
University of Victoria / Peter B. Gustavson School of Business O
York University / Schulich School of Business O
Oceania Australia University of New South Wales / Faculty of Commerce and Economics O
University of Queensland / Faculty of Business, Economics and Law O
New Zealand University of Auckland O