경영학 박사학위 수여자

졸업연월 성명 논문제목
2017.8 권세원 Essays on the target setting in annual executive bonus contracts
2017.8 김창희 공유경제의 성장과 금융위기로 인한 서비스 산업 양극화에 관한 연구
2017.8 서지혜 does construct overload truly overload the performance?
2017.8 송보미 Tax Movitated Income Shifting by Multinationals under a Worldwide Tax System Evidence from Korea
2017.8 유단 Governance Structure, Firm Performance, and Strategic Change in Chinese Firms
2017.8 현지원 Essays on Weight Allocation across Multiple Tasks
2017.2 김서영 The Virtuous Cycle of Helping: Receiving Volutary vs. Solicited Help from other customers
2017.2 양동령 Three Essays on corporate Governance
2017.2 조은영 Essays on Financial Markets