[일반] [주한미국상공회의소] AMCHAM Energy & Environment Committee 웨비나 안내
오는 2월 25일 목요일 오후 1시 30분부터 AMCHAM Energy & Environment Committee에서 누구나 참여 가능한 무료 웨비나를 개최합니다. Zoom을 통해 개최 될 예정인 본 웨비나에서는 '디지털이 에너지 산업에 미칠 영향'에 대해 업계 주요 인사를 초청해 의견을 들어 보는 시간을 가져볼 예정입니다. 사전 등록하신 분에 한해 참여 가능하며, 사전 등록은 우측의 링크를 통해 간단하게 진행하실 수 있습니다(https://bit.ly/3pFM7Yu)
에너지 & 환경 산업에 관심 있는 분들의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다:
1. 날짜: 2021.2.25 (목)
2. 시간:13:30pm~14:30pm
3. 대상: 에너지& 환경산업에관심 있는 모든 분
4. 참여방법: 우측 링크를 통한 사전 접수 → https://bit.ly/3pFM7Yu
*RSVP는 2월 24일 정오에 마감됩니다.
Over the recent years, the energy industry has been engaging in rapid digitalization, a transformation catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMCHAM Energy & Environment Committee will host a meeting to discuss the topic of “Digital in the energy industry” with Senior Vice President of @KT’s Institute of Convergence Technology Dr. Soonmin Bae, Managing Director of the @Boston Consulting Group Abhik Chatterjee, and Vice President/Digital Asia Pacific of @Baker Hughes Ahmed Ibrahim. Dr. Bae will be sharing her insight on the topic of “Views on Smart Energy for Korea,” followed by Abhik Chatterjee’s discussion on the topic “Challenges and Approaches to Deploying Digital in the Energy Industry.” Ahmed Ibrahim will lead the final session with a case study review about “AI Applications in the Oil and Gas/Energy Sector." RSVP via the link below!
1. Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
2. Time: 13:30pm ~ 14:30 PM
3. Venue: Zoom
4. Topic: Digital in the Energy Industry
5. Cost:
- KRW 0 for members
- KRW 0 for non-members
6. RSVP/PAYMENT by Noon, Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at: https://bit.ly/3pFM7Yu
에너지 & 환경 산업에 관심 있는 분들의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다:
1. 날짜: 2021.2.25 (목)
2. 시간:13:30pm~14:30pm
3. 대상: 에너지& 환경산업에관심 있는 모든 분
4. 참여방법: 우측 링크를 통한 사전 접수 → https://bit.ly/3pFM7Yu
*RSVP는 2월 24일 정오에 마감됩니다.
Over the recent years, the energy industry has been engaging in rapid digitalization, a transformation catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMCHAM Energy & Environment Committee will host a meeting to discuss the topic of “Digital in the energy industry” with Senior Vice President of @KT’s Institute of Convergence Technology Dr. Soonmin Bae, Managing Director of the @Boston Consulting Group Abhik Chatterjee, and Vice President/Digital Asia Pacific of @Baker Hughes Ahmed Ibrahim. Dr. Bae will be sharing her insight on the topic of “Views on Smart Energy for Korea,” followed by Abhik Chatterjee’s discussion on the topic “Challenges and Approaches to Deploying Digital in the Energy Industry.” Ahmed Ibrahim will lead the final session with a case study review about “AI Applications in the Oil and Gas/Energy Sector." RSVP via the link below!
1. Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
2. Time: 13:30pm ~ 14:30 PM
3. Venue: Zoom
4. Topic: Digital in the Energy Industry
5. Cost:
- KRW 0 for members
- KRW 0 for non-members
6. RSVP/PAYMENT by Noon, Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at: https://bit.ly/3pFM7Yu