
[일반] Notice on Re-entry Permit System and Submission of Diagnosis for Re-entry into the ROK

2020-12-14l 조회수 748

In response to the global spread of COVID-19, the government of the Republic of Korea(ROK) implements a re-entry permit system and a medical certificate submission system effective from June 1st, 2020 to protect the health and safety of its citizens and foreigners staying in the ROK and to prepare for a second wave of pandemic spread warned by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Please understand that this is an inevitable measure to protect the health and safety of Korean citizens and foreigners staying in the ROK against COVID-19, and we ask for cooperation and understanding for any inconvenience.

□ Application for Re-entry Permit
(Re-entry is restricted when leaving the ROK without obtaining a re-entry permit)

 ○ Eligibility: Registered aliens (regardless of nationality) seeking re-entry into the ROK after departure from the country as of June 1, 2020
  ※ Yet, those falling under item ⓐ, ⓑ are not required to apply for a Re-entry Permit.
   ⓐ Those with Diplomats (A-1), Overseas Korean (F-4) status
   ⓑ Those recognized as refugees who hold a valid refugee travel document

  ○ Application: Jurisdictional Immigration (branch) Offices or Immigration (branch) Offices at ports and airports
   ※ Making an online (visit) reservation at the HiKorea website is necessary to visit a jurisdictional immigration (branch) office.
    ※ Application is also available at immigration offices at ports and airports on the departure day, without making prior reservations.

   ○ Required documents: passport, copy of alien registration, re-entry permit application and letter of explanation

  ※ Travelers for the purpose of business activities, journalism, or academic activities can apply for a "Medical Examination Exemption Certificate" by submitting supporting documents proving the purpose of travel. (Please visit www.hikorea.go.kr for more information on this exemption)

□ Diagnosis Requirement for those seeking re-entry  
(Those without a written diagnosis are not permitted to re-enter the ROK)

   ○ Eligibility: Registered aliens (regardless of nationality) seeking re-entry into the ROK after departure from the country as of June 1, 2020.
  ※ Yet, those falling under item ⓐ, ⓑ or ⓒ are not required to carry and present a written diagnosis.
   ⓐ Those with Diplomats (A-1), Overseas Korean (F-4) status
   ⓑ Those with a valid ‘Isolation Exemption Certificate’ issued by a Korean embassy or consular office
   ⓒ Travelers for the purpose of business activities, journalism, or academic activities with a valid 'Medical Examination Exemption Certificate’issued by local immigration offices

   ○ Requirement: A diagnosis report issued by a local medical institute must be presented when boarding, and submitted to immigration authorities, which is issued within 2 days (excluding holidays) before departure date (yet, in unavoidable circumstances, it shall be issued within 3 days (excluding holidays)

 < Important Note on "Diagnosis Report" >

■ A diagnosis report must be written either in Korean or English and be issued by an authorized local medical institute. However, under exceptional circumstances, a diagnosis report written in third languages other than English or Korean, can be accepted when submitted with a full English or Korean translation with 'translation certificate'. (notarization for the translation is NOT required)

■ It must include the date of examination (valid only when examined within 48 hours in advance of departure date), and the presence or absence of fever, cough, chills, headache, difficulty of breathing, muscle pain and pulmonary symptoms (X-ray scans are not required), and must be signed by a medical examiner. (It does not have to include a COVID-19 test result)
   (A medical certificate with COVID-19 test negative result shall also be deemed as valid.)

○ Note: Entrants from certain countries may be required to carry and submit a negative COVID-19 PCR certificate pursuant to relevant provisions.

Please refer to attached files for more information about online re-entry permit system and application for exemption from medical examination and scope of validity for diagnosis