[일반] (Updated)Notice on Course Override for the exchange/visiting students
Notice on Course Override
For the Courses Offered by C.B.A.
○ Available Course : Major elective courses(only in case you get a permission from the instructor)
○ Application Period : 2020.3.16.(Mon.) ~ 2020.3.20.(Fri.), 9 am to 5 pm (revised)
○ Application Method(revised)
1. Fill out the override form.
2. Get your professor's electronic signature by e-mail or Make a file of the e-mail contents with permission.
3. Submit the file online (Please refer to the home screen of business school homepage during the period.)
→ Please refer to the attached file(online application manual).
○ The exchange/visiting students are not possible to use the override-form about the required courses(major requirements).(1~11) The only way to register the courses is to use the online system(sugang.snu.ac.kr).
1. 251.101 경영학원론(Principles of Management)
2. 251.205 회계원리(Principles of Accounting)
3. 251.207A 경영과학(Management Science)
4. 251.209 조직행위론(Organizational Behavior)
5. 251.301 재무관리(Financial Management)
6. 251.326 경영정보론(Management Information System)
7. 251.303 인사관리(Human Resource Management)
8. 251.306 관리회계(Managerial Accounting)
9. 251.320 생산관리(Operations Management)
10. 251.321 마케팅관리(Marketing Management)
11. 251.424 경영전략(Strategic Management)
★ Exception: 1 course is possible for the exchange/visiting students to get the sign of the professor on the override-form.
251.207A (001,002) 경영과학(Management Science) 임재현 교수님(Professor Michael K Lim)
and 4 courses below are open only for the specific students, and not open to the other students(including exchange/visiting students).
12. 035.001 컴퓨터의 개념 및 실습(Digital Computer Concept and Practice)
13. M2171.001900 경영을 위한 경제학(Economics for Business)
14. M2171.002000 경영학과 나의 미래(Business Administration and My Future)
15. M2171.002100 경영철학과 윤리(Business Philosophy and Ethics)
○ This notice can be changed or updated. Exchange/Visiting students have to check this notice frequently.
- online application manual.pptx (2 MB, download:170)
- override form.pdf (54 KB, download:197)