
[일반] 영국 Cass Business School  summer program홍보

2019-04-03l 조회수 4689
경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 영국 Cass Business School의 썸머프로그램 홍보입니다.

지원희망자는  직접 온라인 지원하면되며, 지원 시,협정교 지원자라고 언급하기 바랍니다. (10% 프로그램비 할인적용)


 We just wanted to bring to your attention the following exciting opportunity for your students to participate in Cass London Summer School 2019!


For more information please see our attached summer school brochure and video: 


*** Please note that this summer programme is not included in our exchange agreement.

Students from partner universities are eligible for a 10% tuition fee discount to the advertised cost.


Cass London Summer School 2019!

Career-minded students are turning their back on the beach and heading off to summer school to give themselves a competitive head start.

The Cass London Summer School offers insights into key issues in finance, covering important areas such as mergers and acquisitions, computational finance, fund management and shipping, with all of the teaching based in our modern postgraduate facility located at the crossroads of the City of London and Tech City.


The final list of modules for 2019 will be confirmed soon, modules offered in 2018 were:

  • Introduction to Finance
  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods
  • Hedge Funds and the Asset Management Industry
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Shipping Markets and Finance
  • Computational Finance & Financial Modelling


8 July to 26 July 2019

For further information please contact the Summer School Coordinator:


+44 (0)20 7040 8606
