
[일반] 스웨덴 Stockholm University Summer Program홍보

2019-04-02l 조회수 1748

경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 스웨덴 스톡홀롬 대학의 Summer Program 안내입니다.

자세한 정보는 아래내용 첨부한 파일을 확인바랍니다.


참가희망 지원자는 직접 온라인 지원과 함께, 지원사실 여부를 4월10일 전까지 알려주시기 바랍니다. (이메일: michelle28@snu.ac.kr)

사무실을 통해 노미네이션을 해주어야만, 프로그램 참가비가 면제됩니다.

링크참조: https://www.sbs.su.se/english/education/courses-and-programmes/summer-programme#Costs

We are pleased to announce our Summer Program exclusively for students from our partner universities. This programmes is part of the exchange agreement to help with the student balance between our universities.

Please also know that you can send us both law students and/or business students, as long as they have one (1) year of studies finished when they get here they meet the pre-requisites for the courses. The limit is set to five (5) students per partner university and they are free to mix and match courses should they want to.


Dates and Sessions:

Session 1: July 1, 2019 to July 12, 2019

Session 2: July 15, 2019 to July 26, 2018

Session 3: July 29, 2019 to August 9, 2019 

Please note that our courses are given during different periods and more detailed information about the Summer Programme can be found on Departments of Law’s website (https://www.jurinst.su.se/english/education/courses-and-programmes/summer-programme/courses-and-dates)  or on SBS website ( https://www.sbs.su.se/english/education/courses-and-programmes/summer-programme#Programme dates and courses) Please feel free to share this with your students.


Courses from the Department of Law and Business School:

Business courses: all courses are 3 ECTS (detailed schedule over session not yet available).

Current topics in: Management, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and PR & Marketing.


Department of Law: all courses are 3.5 ECTS.

Session 1: International Human Rights Litigation + Law & Economics + Dynamic Competition Policy Session 2: Practical Antitrust Assessment + Practical Merger Control Session 3: EU Law in Brief + Copyright in the Digital Market + International Arbitration Law