[일반] 네덜란드 Masstricht University summer program홍보
경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 네덜란드 Maastricht University Summer Program 안내입니다.
더 자세한 정보는 아래내용및 첨부자료 를 통해 확인바랍니다.
지원희망자는 직접 온라인 지원 및 링크에 나와있는 summer program담당자에게 연락하시면 됩니다.
Enjoy the summer and design your future
Enrol in challenging and exclusive courses with students from around the world.
Take a look at our website to see which courses are on offer this summer and to apply
Popular courses
• European Welfare State: current
challenges and perspectives
• Marketing (skills) for the 21st Century
• Development Projects Management
• Country Risk Analysis
• Leadership and Management in a
Global World
• Geopolitical Scenario Planning
• Positive Psychology
• Journalistiek & effectief schrijven (NL)
Courses on offer in July & August | €400 - €1000
You can also share the link: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/about-um/other-offices/maastricht-summer-school
And connect with:
For more information you can always contact: Summerschool (SSC) summerschool@maastrichtuniversity.nl
- MSS FINAL student recruitment flyer 2019.pdf (431 KB, download:191)