
[일반] 이탈리아 Bocconi University Summer Program홍보

2019-04-02l 조회수 1816

경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 이탈리아 Bocconi 대학의 Summer Program 안내입니다.


자세한 정보는 아래내용및 링크를 통해 확인바랍니다.
지원희망자는 직접 온라인 지원 및  링크에 나와있는 summer program담당자에게 연락하시면 됩니다.

링크: https://www.unibocconi.eu/wps/wcm/connect/bocconi/sitopubblico_en/navigation+tree/home/programs/summer+school/for+international+bsc+university+students

 This summer Bocconi University will offer once again its Summer School, a selective three-week (1-19 July 2019) study program taught in English and open to motivated bachelor students. Bocconi Summer School is not only a unique chance to participate in an intensive learning environment, but students will be in Milan, Italy’s bustling commercial and financial hub.

It is also a great opportunity for participants to socialize and learn from other bright, committed young people – each class group will represent a pool of talent with a lot to share, inside the classroom and out. Milan and Italy offer students many possibilities to build some memories during their free time. They will be able to enjoy fun evenings and tours around town, weekend visits to the artistic and cultural wonders of Venice, Rome and Florence or day trips to the seaside, the mountains, the alpine lakes.

Bocconi Summer School offers seven courses: Digital Marketing, Economics of European Union, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Equity and Venture Capital Financing, Fashion and Design Management, International Business, Luxury Management. The study environment involves innovative multi-media spaces, lectures with teamwork projects and company visits. All in all, three memorable weeks to learn, experience new surroundings and earn academic credits.