
[일반] 핀란드 Aalto University Summer program홍보

2019-04-02l 조회수 1327

경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 핀란드 알토대학의 Summer Program 안내입니다.


자세한 정보는 아래내용 첨부한 파일을 확인바랍니다.

*참가희망 지원자는 직접 온라인 지원함과 동시에, 지원사실 여부를 4월18일 전까지, 저에게 알려주기 바랍니다.
(이메일: michelle28@snu.ac.kr )
 노미네이션을 사무실을 통해 해주어야만, 프로그램 참가비가 전액 면제됩니다. (협정교대상  참가자 tuition면제)

개요: Discover the advantages of digital trends, emerging technologies, business design thinking, and datadriven business, while enjoying the
nightless summer nights, sauna with locals, beautiful beaches, buzzing start-up scene, and Nordic superfoods in Finland’s innovation
capital Espoo.

July 1–12, 2019. Academic Summer Course(6 ECTS) at Aalto University School of Business.

Learning Outcomes:
Learn and explore key topics in digital business

Understand the constantly evolving digital business landscape both locally and globally

Plan projects and understand the project management life-cycle

Work in international multi-disciplinary virtual teams

Become familiar with typical digital business scenarios

Gain both theoretical and practical knowledge on digital business transforming industries

Understand social, economic, and environmental sustainability issues related to digital business landscape and become able to evaluate sustainability in the decision making

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