[일반] Notice on Course Override for the exchange students.
Notice on Course Override
For the Courses Offered by B.A.
The exchange students could not be possible use the override form about the required courses.(1~12)
The only way to register the courses is using the online system(sugang.snu.ac.kr).
1. 251.101 경영학원론
2. 251.103 경제원론
3. 251.205 회계원리
4. 251.207A 경영과학
5. 251.209 조직행위론
6. 251.301 재무관리
7. 251.326 경영정보론
8. 251.303 인사관리
9. 251.306 관리회계
10. 251.320 생산관리
11. 251.321 마케팅관리
12. 251.424 경영전략