
[일반] 스웨덴 Stockholm Business School Summer program홍보

2018-04-10l 조회수 2578

경영대학과 협정을 맺고있는 스웨덴 스톡홀롬 대학의 Summer Program 안내입니다.


더 자세한 정보는 아래내용 및 첨부한 파일을 확인바랍니다.


참가희망 지원자는 직접 온라인 지원과 함께, 지원사실 여부를 알려주시기 바랍니다.
(이메일: michelle28@snu.ac.kr)

We are pleased to announce our Summer Program exclusively for students from our partner universities. 

This year we have added on another session starting in the beginning of July.


Dates and Sessions:

Session 1: July 2, 2018 to July 13, 2018

Session 2: July 16, 2018 to July 27, 2018

Session 3: July 30, 2018 to August 10, 2018

More detailed information about the Summer School can be found on 




Subject areas:

  • Management (3.0 ECTS)
  • Marketing(3.0 ECTS)
  • Accounting (3.0 ECTS) 
  • Finance (3.0 ECTS) 
  • PR & Marketing (3.0 ECTS) 




Housing will be provided in Stockholm University’s student housing. In addition to coursework, an extracurricular program will be arranged with social and cultural events and company visits.



There are no tuition fee for the program/courses for students coming from one of our partner institutions. The fees are related to costs for housing, class materials and social events etc. Since the schedule for the courses are designed to enable the students to participate in two courses each two week period we encourage the students to sign up for as many courses as possible during their stay, in order to make the most of their visit to Sweden from both a knowledge and social perspective.

2 weeks stay (1 - 2 courses): 7.500 SEK*

4 weeks stay (2-4 courses): 15.000 SEK*

6 weeks stay (3-6 courses): 22.500 SEK*

The following is included in the fees:           

  • Housing in single rooms   ( see link to housing )              
  • Wireless internet on campus     
  • Welcome and farewell lunch                          
  • Social and cultural events                               
  • Company visits                     


*비용특전: 협정교측에서 오는 학생은 tuition면제.




Attached is a flyer containing information about the program and more information about the program and the application can be found here www.sbs.su.se/summer 



Students are welcome to contact us for more information at summer@sbs.su.se 

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