[일반] 독일 WHU Online Bachelor European Winter Program 홍보
문의사항은 이메일(sophie.schulze@whu.edu)로 연락 바랍니다.
지원 희망자는 아래 이메일로 지원 바랍니다.
아래 내용 참고 바랍니다.
Dear Partner,
Greetings from WHU - we hope this email finds you well!
With this email we would like to invite your students to participate in our short-term online program for undergraduate business students from our partner universities in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. We will offer this 2-week interactive program in January 2023 and it will cover a combination of business and cultural topics.
We would very much appreciate if you could let us know by the end of this week, whether this program may be of interest to your students and if you can promote the program among your undergraduate business students.
The application deadline is December 18th, 2022.
WHU is ranked among Europe’s top business schools and aims at providing students with a unique learning experience. In the online program students will have the opportunity to attend interactive live class meetings and get a better understanding of the international business world in Europe. Moreover, in virtual breakout sessions, students will get an opportunity to work in teams with students from different locations. This will be a great simulation of real-life in international business.
Please find the tentative schedule and syllabus with detailed information on the program attached. For more information about the program, please visit our website www.whu.edu/online-ba-esp.
Students can only be nominated by our partner institution on an exchange basis (3:1 ratio - meaning that for three students attending the Online Bachelor Program, WHU may send one semester exchange student).
Students only have to pay a registration fee of € 125.00.
Please feel free to send us your nominations via email.
This program is tailored to undergraduate students in Business Administration who already have some business administration background and who are interested in learning more about the business environment in Europe.
After you have nominated the student, please ask them to send the registration form via email to sophie.schulze@whu.edu.
The application deadline is December 18, 2022.
If you need an extension of the deadline, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Promotional Material
Please do not hesitate to download our promotional material. Feel free to spread the word in your institution and forward the information to all students who might be interested in doing an online program at WHU.
- Flyer Online Bachelor ESP AUS NZ ASIA 2023.pdf (664 KB, download:125)
- Schedule_Online Bachelor ESP AUS NZ ASIA 2023.pdf (113 KB, download:121)
- Syllabus Online Bachelor ESP.pdf (271 KB, download:116)