
[일반] 캐나다?McGill University?한건수?교수님?초청?MIS Special Talk (특별?세미나)

2022-07-12l 조회수 709

서울대학교 경영대학 MIS센터에서 아래와 같이
캐나다 McGill University 한건수 교수님 초청 MIS Special Talk (특별 세미나)를 개최하고자 합니다.
관심있는 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

- 주제: Does IT Risk Matter in Strategic Alliances? Impacts of IT Incompatibility on Alliance Performance and Design
- 일시: 7월 12일(화) 오후 4:00 ~ 5:00
-  발표자: Kunsoo Han (Associate Professor and Bensadoun Faculty Scholar, McGill University)
- 장소: 59동 301호 강의실  (대면 진행)

- 논문 초록:

A rapid decline in communication and coordination costs has enabled boundary-spanning organizational designs that generate rents from sophisticated interfirm collaboration such as strategic alliances. While the extant literature has enriched our understanding of how IT capabilities could help firms explore relational rent-seeking opportunities, little is known about the role of IT risk in strategic alliances. While a few studies have examined the topic, they have been mostly conceptual and offered conflicting views. As a result, we have a limited understanding of how IT risk affects the performance of strategic alliances and what firms can do to mitigate the risks. In this study, we measure IT risk in terms of the incompatibility between the allying firms’ enterprise IT systems by employing a word-embedding technique. Using data on 190 firms that had formed strategic alliances from 2007 to 2013, we find that IT incompatibility negatively affects alliance performance. In addition, our results suggest that as IT risk increases, firms are more likely to form joint ventures (rather than engaging in non-equity or minority equity alliances) to alleviate the risk. Interestingly, although contractual safeguards such as a joint venture mitigate the adverse effect of IT risk on performance, we do not find evidence of the efficacy of informal safeguards such as mutual trust based on prior relationships. This study contributes to the literature on IT and transaction risks by measuring IT risk and demonstrating its value implications in the context of strategic alliances.

 KEYWORDS: IT risk, incompatibility of IT systems, interfirm collaboration, alliance design, alliance performance, word embedding, Word2Vec