
[일반] 오스트리아 WU Vienna University Summer Program 홍보

2021-11-16l 조회수 2394
경영대학과 협정을 맺고 있는 오스트리아 WU Vienna University의 썸머프로그램 홍보입니다. 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

1. 프로그램명: 2022 ISU WU Program
2. 프로그램 기간:
  - ISUwu 7월 세션: 2022년 7월 11일(월) ~ 7월 29일(금)
  - ISUwu 8월 세션: 2022년 8월 1일(월) ~ 8월 19일(금)
3. 지원마감일: 2022년 3월 15일(화)
4. 온라인 등록기간: 2022년 2월 15일(화) ~ 3월 31일(목)
5. 프로그램 비용: 협정교 학생은 강의료(tuition fee)는 면제되고 프로그램 비용만 지불하면 됩니다. 국제교류실을 통한 지원자만이 해당 혜택을 받을 수 있으므로 지원희망자는 아래 문의처로 연락 바랍니다. 더 자세한 내용은 아래 내용 및 첨부파일(factsheet) 확인하시기 바랍니다.
6. 문의처: 경영대학 국제교류실 김재연 (excba@snu.ac.kr, 내선: 8597)


We are pleased to share more details on the 2022 ISUWU program.

Important dates and deadlines

Program dates:

ISUWU July Session: July 11 – July 29, 2022

ISUWU August Session: August 1 – August 19, 2022

Nomination deadline:

March 15, 2022

Online application period:

February 15 – March 31, 2022

Program fees and nomination

In the attached fact sheet you can find information on the program fees for the ISUWU 2022. Tuition is waived for nominated exchange students from a WU partner university as part of the general exchange agreement. These students pay solely the program fee.

Should you like to nominate students under the waived (exchange students) or reduced (non-exchange students) tuition scheme please send your nomination email to the program manager at isuwu@wu.ac.at by March 15, 2022, using the official ISUWU nomination form attached. Please reach out if you would like to discuss quotas / numbers of spots for your students (if you haven’t done so yet).

Students can also apply by themselves directly during our online application period as non-exchange students from our partner universities and pay a reduced tuition fee.

ISUWU Webinar sessions for students

Students can join us for one of our webinar sessions via MS Teams to learn more about the ISUWU 2022. The meeting links will be published on our website. No prior registration is needed. There will be two live chats available:

- January 27, 2022 (3 p.m. CEST)

- March 1, 2022 (3 p.m. CEST)


Further Information can be found in the attached Factsheet as well as on the ISUWU website.

Information regarding COVID: As of today, the International Summer UniversityWU 2022 is planned to take place on campus. Please be assured that the program will be held in accordance to the public health requirements and regulations implemented by WU. Depending on how the situation develops, we may need to adjust the program according to public health updates.

 첨부파일 (1개)