
Opportunities at HSBC Securities Services

등록일 2015-01-22 09:55:08l 조회 3113
  • - 접수기간 : ~
  • -회사명 : HSBC

Opportunities at HSBC Securities Services


At HSBC, potential candidates could have the opportunity to become a part of one of the most respected and internationally connected banks in the world. The opportunities are across Asia including China, Singapore and Hong Kong. I attach a job description for you that outlines both programmes and the specific criteria required.

“These vacancies are relevant to students from all degree backgrounds with an interest in a career in banking. In the past we have received some excellent applications from your university by lecturers circulating this information within seminars, student societies discussing the roles at their meetings, faculty members emailing students directly and careers services forwarding information across the university”.


The application process is now live and very competitive; HSBC are selecting only the finest of calibre for their bespoke programmes. Application closing date is23 February 2015. The assessment centre will be operating in Shanghai and locally across the respective countries from early March 2015. Please kindly confirm if you are able to post this advert internally to students and graduates. Please get in touch if you need any further details.  

Happy to discuss any recruitment questions you and your graduates may have, my contact email address is soni.bains@gtisolutions.co.uk

Applications for Summer Internship in Hong Kong: Please click here

Applications for Full time Analyst in Singapore: Please click here  

Applications for Full time Analyst in Shanghai: Please click here

Learn about HSBC and beginning your journey: click here