
2012 KFS Summer Internship 모집

등록일 2012-02-27 11:26:48l 조회 2420
  • - 접수기간 : ~
  • -회사명 : KFS

 안녕하세요, KFS에서 2012 KFS Summer Internship을 모집합니다.

간략하게 Korea Finance Society (KFS) 에 대해서 설명을 드리자면,
뉴욕 월가에서 investment bank, hedge fund, and other various financial institutions에서 활동하시는 한인분들의 비영리단체입니다.
약 4년 전에 설립되어 현재 500여명의 회원이 활동 중입니다. 자세한 사항은 http://www.kfsociety.com/ 을 참고해주세요.
KFS에서 현재 학부 3학년 재학, 경제/경영전공하시는 분들을 대상으로 2012 KFS Summer Internship을 모집합니다.
현재까지의 Participating Firms는 Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanely, Starwood Capital, AQR, Belstar, Moon capital 등이고,
Office location은 New York 혹은 Hong Kong입니다.
지원가능하신 분들은 현재 학부 3학년 혹은 졸업 전 약 1~2학기 정도 남으신 분들이십니다.
인턴쉽 후 성과평가에 따라서 회사들이 그 다음해 정규직 사원으로 채용될 수 있는 full time offer를 주기 때문입니다.
지원분야는 investment banking, sales and trading, asset management, etc. 다양합니다.
서류심사 및 1차 인터뷰는 KFS subcommittee 인 Young Executive Committee 멤버들을 통해 이루어 질 것입니다.
KFS가 선발한 Candidates 들은 KFS의 추천서를 받아 participating firms들과 2차/최종 인터뷰를 하게 됩니다.
모든 Recruiting Process는 영어로 진행되며 applicaiton deadline은 3월 2일이니 서둘러 지원 부탁드립니다.
Internship start date는 회사별로 상이하지만 대략 2012년 6월 초로 생각하시면 됩니다. Recruiting process에 관한 자세한 사항은 http://www.kfsociety.com/index.php/internship/2012_kfs_internship을 참조해주세요.
기타 질문 있으신 분들은 internship@kfsociety.com 으로 문의 부탁드립니다.
The KFS Global Financial Services Internship Program invites undergraduate students of Korean descent
and students passionate about promoting the mission of the Korea Finance Society (KFS) to apply for
summer internships at leading financial institutions in New York and Hong Kong, etc. These competitive internships
are designed to help Korean students gain access to rewarding opportunities and act as a valuable step
for students interested in careers in global finance.
In 2011, KFS successfully launched its first Internship Program in partnership with leading
Institutions including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Moon Capital and Morgan Stanley.
KFS is pleased to once again offer the Internship Program this year with many more partnering
institutions. We invite high-achieving, motivated students who are interested in Investment
Banking, Sales and Trading, Research, Asset Management, etc. to apply for the internship
Program Highlights
· Selected candidates will receive internships at one of the partner institutions for the summer of 2012
· Senior members of KFS will act as “senior mentors” to KFS interns and members of the KFS Young Executive Committee
(recent university graduates working in finance) will serve as “junior mentors”
Application and Selection Process
· Applicants must submit a one-page resume and one-page statement in English which describes why they are
interested in a career in finance and how a KFS internship can help them reach their career goals
· Applications may not exceed two pages (including resume) and must be submitted by March 2, 2012 (rolling basis)
· First round interviews will be conducted by phone
· Final round interviews will be conducted by partnering institutions
· Final decisions will be made by end of March
Preliminary Requirements to Apply
· Candidates must be juniors in an undergraduate program or equivalent (1 year remaining of undergraduate study)
· Highly competitive GPA
· Have highly advanced oral and written communication skills in English (advanced fluent/native speaker level required)
· Active involvement in extracurricular activities and/or previous work experience preferred
* Please note - Application deadline is March 2, 2012. However, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
For any inquiries please email internship@kfsociety.com