
[아카코그니티브] Reserach Assiant 인턴 채용

등록일 2023-09-25 14:49:40l 조회 98
  • - 접수기간 : ~ 2023-10-20
  • -회사명 : 아카코그니티브
Job Opening: 2023 AKA Research Assistant Full-time Internship

▶ About the Company
AKA develops Muse, an A.I. cognitive engine and the backbone of AKA’s services. Muse has
been embedded in social robots such as Pepper and Musio, an AI social robot companion
that can be socially connected to users while learning new phrases, ideas, and information
for the purpose of facilitating interaction and conversation with users. Mainly, Muse and
social robots are successfully used in the Education sector.. The company is currently
focusing on education, healthcare, and enterprise, where AKA’s products fit in.
AKA’s technical competitiveness revolves around multiple aspects of AI technology,
focusing on integrating artificial intelligence and data processing technologies and applying
its technology in providing people with effective communication tools (speaking, writing,
facial expressions) between people and objects other people. AKA operates in South Korea,
Germany, Japan, and the United States.

▶ What We Do Now
AKA is currently developing its AI cognitive engine Muse and Muse-based social robot
Musio in order to help improve human being’s cognitive abilities. This technology integrates
artificial intelligence and refined data to more effectively deliver essential tools for
accelerating our life abundantly and overcoming socio geographical limitations. The
company is currently focusing on education, healthcare, and farming, where AKA’s products
fit in.

● Website: https://akaintelligence.com/

● Blog: https://blog.themusio.com/category/a-i/en/

▶ Join our Rocketship!
If you work with us, we will match your field of interest with the company’s vision for your
work to be what you really want.

▶ Respected Colleagues
Our company's goal is to help our members discover the "bright light" they possess by
working together with various colleagues who shine as a multinational global team.

▶ Your Qualifications
? Able to work for a minimum of 3 months
? Applicant with a strong interest in working at Startup
? Interested in consulting, and entering both the U.S. and international markets
? Full working proficiency in English

▶Preferred Qualifications
?Understanding of Generative AI
?Relevant internship or work experience in the field
?Start-up Company Work Experiences
?Experience living in the United States
?Proficiency in Korean

▶Your Responsibilities
ㆍConducting market research, analyze and reporting for new biz
ㆍAssist with consulting tasks

▶Recruiting Process
ㆍResume(Cover Letter/Letter of Application) screening → Online or in-person interview
with the CEO

▶Job Type
ㆍFull-time internship
ㆍ5 days a week (Mon-Fri)
ㆍSalary: Negotiable
ㆍWorking Location: 9th floor, Signature Tower (West), 100, Cheonggyecheon-ro,
Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
ㆍ Remote work is not permitted

▶Deadline of the Application
ㆍ Rolling basis

▶Please Send Us Your:
ㆍResume (or Cover Letter/Letter of Application)
ㆍReference (if available)

▶How to Apply:

** False information found in application documents may lead to cancellation of
employment even after employment is confirmed.

2023 AKA Research Assistant 풀타임 인턴 채용

▶ 자격요건
? 3개월 이상 근무 가능하신 분
? 스타트업 근무에 관심 계신 분
? 컨설팅 업무, 미국 시장 & 해외시장 진출에 관심 계신 분
? 영어로 업무 수행 가능 하신 분

?Generative AI에 대한 이해가 있으신 분
?관련된 분야에서 유사한 경험 보유자
?스타트업 근무 경험 보유자
?미국 거주 경험 계신 분
?한국어 유창하신 분

ㆍ신사업 추진에 따른 시장 조사 & 분석 & 보고서 작성
ㆍ컨설팅 업무 보조

ㆍ서류 검토 → Team Leader와 온라인 or 대면 인터뷰

▶ 근무형태
ㆍ8시간 평일 근무
ㆍ급여: 회사 내규에 따름
ㆍ근무장소: 서울시 중구 청계천로 100 시그니쳐타워 서관, 9층
ㆍ원격 근무 불가

▶서류 마감 기간
ㆍ 채용 완료 될 때까지

▶ 제출 서류
ㆍ포트폴리오 (제작된 경우)

▶지원서 제출
**지원 서류에 허위 정보를 기재할 경우 채용이 확정된 후에도 채용이 취소될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.