
[BTS Seoul]?전략?실행?컨설팅?그룹?-?컨설턴트(신입/경력)?채용(~9.15)

등록일 2021-08-31 17:38:22l 조회 157
  • - 접수기간 : ~ 2021-09-15
  • -회사명 : BTS Seoul

[BTS Seoul] 전략 실행 컨설팅 그룹 - 컨설턴트(신입/경력채용


BTS 추구하는 전략과 가치에 관심이 높은 동시에차별적인 프로페셔널로의 발전을 희망하는 인재들을 모집하오니 많은 관심과 지원 바랍니다.



BTS 그룹은 전략 실행에 특화된 경영 컨설팅 기업입니다스웨덴 스톡홀름 본사를 포함하여 미국유럽아시아   세계 34 지사에서 850 명의 직원이 근무하고 있으며현재 스웨덴 나스닥 OMX 스톡홀름 거래소에 상장되어 있습니다.


BTS 전략 실행(Strategy Execution)이라는 분야를 개척한 글로벌 리더로기업의 사업 성과와 직결되는 전략에 따른 변화를 담보하기 위해 최고 경영진리더핵심인재구성원들에게 개인화된 실행을 이끌어내는 다양한 컨설팅  체험 기반 Offering 제공하고 있습니다기존의 경영 컨설팅사들이 제공하는 일반적인 분석과 제언에 그치지 않고 기업이 추구하는 변화가 조직 전체로 확산될  있도록 종합적이고 차별적인 접근을 지향하고 있습니다지난 30 년간 쌓아온 노하우와 경험을 바탕으로 Fortune 100 기업  40  기업을 포함하여 1,200 이상의 기업들과 장기적인 파트너십을 통해 협력하고 있습니다.


BTS 서울 지사는 2011 설립 이후 주로 삼성전자, SK그룹, LG그룹현대자동차그룹두산그룹아모레퍼시픽 그룹  국내 대표적인 기업들 뿐만 아니라다양한 산업의 선도 기업들과 프로젝트를 진행하고 있으며 매년 급속한 성장을 거듭하고 있습니다.


 많은 정보는 www.bts.com  참고하십시오.



- BTS Culture and Core Value 소개 : https://www.bts.com/careers/who-we-are



- 1 to 4 years of post-undergraduate work experience

- A bachelor’s degree or above, demonstrating academic excellence regardless of discipline or field

- A solid understanding of business acumen including interest and relevant experience

- Proven communication skills with a fluent command of Korean and English (both written/oral)

- A mature and professional demeanor, appropriate for client facing situations

- Self-driven with a robust and resilient disposition

- Willingness to travel as needed (domestic and international)



- A hunger to learn and ability to flourish in a dynamic, high-growth, entrepreneurial environment

- Ability to thrive in a fast changing work environment

- Preferably experience from one of our focus industries: Manufacturing, FMCG, Telecom, Financial Services, Healthcare, IT/Hi-Tech, Professional Services



- Design and project manage programs linked to strategy and business priorities, drawing upon your own skills, knowledge and structured information gathering from key stakeholders within each client

- Conduct client interviews to develop an understanding of their company’s business challenges and what their people need to think and do differently to address those challenges

- Lead senior level executives through discovery based learning experiences and facilitate participant’s understanding of relevant content areas

- Work in multiple projects simultaneously with clients across varying industries

- Take on the responsibilities of growing existing accounts and assisting in creating new business opportunities



홈페이지 지원 >> https://careers.bts.com/?posId=a2W5w000009xoKGEAY

제출서류영문 Resume  Cover Letter

제출기한: 2021 9 15

채용절차: Application>Fit Interview>Capability Interview>Presentation>Final Interview (서류 전형 합격자 개별 통지  면접 진행)



- BTS 서울 지사 02.539.7676 / contact.korea@bts.com / www.bts.com