
Ghent Univ. global campus Planning Mgr. (정규직 교직원 채용)

등록일 2016-11-29 10:23:36l 조회 2149
  • - 접수기간 : ~
  • -회사명 : 대학

(인천)Ghent University Global Campus(겐트대학교) Planning Manager(정규직 교직원) 채용


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Ghent University Global Campus(겐트대학교) Planning Manager(정규직 교직원)

Closing Date

12.09.2016 까지




Apply Position Via Email >>





채용안내: Ghent University Global Campus(겐트대학교) Planning Manager(정규직 교직원) 채용


벨기에 겐트대학교는 1817년에 설립되었습니다. 200년의 역사를 가진 겐트대학교는 상해교통대학 세계대학평가(Academic Ranking of World Universities) 70위 (생명과학분야 41위), 타임즈 세계대학평가(Times Higher Education World University Rankings) 90위(생명과학분야 38위)에 위치하는 등 유럽을 선도하는 유수한 대학이자 연구기관 중 하나입니다.


겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스는 산업통상자원부, 교육부, 인천시 경제자유구역청(IFEZA)이 함께 추진하는 해외 우수대학 유치사업에 초빙되어 2014년 9월 개교하였습니다.  현재 인천글로벌캠퍼스 내 소재하고 있으며, 벨기에 본교의 분자생명공학과, 환경공학과, 식품공학과 학부과정을 운영하고 있습니다.


모집부분 및 자격요건

- 근무부처 : 기획처

- 근무형태 : 정규직(수습기간 있음)

- 근무지 : 인천 연수구(송도)


전략/기획/경영 경력 3년 이상

영어능통자, 석사학위 소지자 우대

컴퓨터활용능력 우수자


접수기간 및 방법

- 접수기간 : 2016년 11월 24일~12월 9일

- 지원서 접수 : donghee.kim@ghent.ac.kr(Email 제목: Planning Manager_Name)



- 국/영문 이력서(자유양식, 경력기술서 제출(기타 증빙서류는 최종합격 후 제출)

- 지원서 송부시 첨부: 벨기에 초콜릿, 혹은 맥주(택1)의 한국 시장 진출 전략기획(자유양식, 국영문, pdf 2장 이내)

- 최종합격 후 졸업증명서, 최종학교 전 학년 성적 증명서, 공인시험 및 기타 자격증 사본(소지자에 한함)



Job Opening for a Planning Manager


Ghent University Global Campus


Ghent University Global Campus is a branch campus of the Ghent University Belgium. Ghent University is the first European university that is part of the Songdo Global University Campus (SGUC) in Incheon (Korea). Since September 2014 Ghent University from Belgium conducts Bachelor of Science programs in Molecular Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, and Food Technology at the Ghent University Global Campus in Incheon, South-Korea.


Ghent University Global Campus currently seeking experienced professional to join its team on the campus in Korea as Education Quality Assurance and Student Registrar Officer. Working closely with administrative and academic teams, selected candidate will have to ensure smooth enrollment process for students as well as to establish quality assurance process within the Ghent University Global Campus. This role is a vital part of the daily operation of the campus and candidate is expected to contribute to the continuous growth of Ghent University Global Campus as a reputed Global University within Korea as well as in Asia.


Please visit the Ghent University Global Campus official homepage for more information: http://www.ghent.ac.kr  



Job Position- Summary

  •           Planning: 1 person
  •           Work Experience: more than 3 years in planning or strategy team

Job Description

  •           Plan mid-term and long-term management strategies and set up a master plan
  •            Make a monthly performance report regarding campus operations
  •            Establish, organize and modify policy and regulation regarding university organization and operation 
  •            Create and modify internal communication document forms 
  •            Manage inventory lists of university assets and carry out regular inventory check-up.
  •            Propose new business plans
  •            preparation of written documents and reports (in both English and Korean)
  •            Find and provide research relevant information and set up database system
  •            Provide an assistance to set up campus events
  •           Work with other units within the university to support administrative needs such as campus facilities and faculty housing


Required skills

  •          A recognized university degree and preferential for Master Degree holder
  • Fluent in English (overseas education is a plus) 
  • Microsoft Office applications - Strong Excel and word skills are required
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Organizational skills 
  • A pro-active working attitude  
  • A strong sense of responsibility 
  • A great involvement 
  • The ability to work independently and to function in a team


Conditions of service

  •          Number of positons-1 
  • Work hours: 9am – 6pm; weekend work may be required in case of major school events (recuperation days will be provided)
  • Accommodation-Dormitory is available and offered at a discount; not covered by the university
  • Severance pay and Basic Insurance provided 
  • Expected starting date - As soon as possible
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled when there is a right candidate 
  • Successful candidate will receive holiday benefits and excellent remuneration package


Application process & Interview

  •          The process will follow the step of 
    •           Step 1) Resume Screening 
    •           Step 2) Final interview


  •          Regarding Step 1) 
    •     Send your resume and cover letter in English and Korean (both), plus your English score sheet toinfo@ghent.ac.kr or donghee.kim@ghent.ac.kr with “Planning Manager – Name” in the subject line.
    •     Attach 2 pages of the ‘Market Strategy for Belgium beer or chocolate(choose 1) in Korean food market.(Both Korean and English)


  •          Regarding Step 2) Submit below documents
    •           The original of College/University Graduation Certificate, 
    •           The original of College/University Transcript,



  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
  • For any inquiries, please contact us only via email.