Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
1433 HWANG, LEESEOK Stock Return Predictability of Residual‐Income‐Based Valuation: Risk or Mispricing? LEE-SEOK HWANG, WOO-JONG LEE 49(2) 219-241 2013 SCOPUS
1432 Choi, Sunhwa Business group affiliation, ownership structure, and the cost of debt Hae-Young Byun, Sunhwa Choi, Lee-Seok Hwang, Robert G. Kim 23 311-331 2013 SCOPUS
1431 Choi, Sunhwa Changes in Operational Efficiency and Firm Performance: A Frontier Analysis Approach BOK BAIK, JOON CHAE, SUNHWA CHOI, DAVID B. FARBER 30(3) 996-1026 2013 SCOPUS
1430 Choi, Sunhwa The Effect of Human Resource Investment in Internal Control on the Disclosure of Internal Control Weaknesses Jong-Hag Choi, Sunhwa Choi, Chris E. Hogan, Joonil Lee 32(4) 169-199 2013 SCOPUS
1429 SHIN, JAE YONG 기업지배구조와 이익유연화에 관한 연구 = Corporate Governance and Income Smoothing 서정우, 박종일, 신재용 38(3) 41-79 2013 SCOPUS
1428 SHIN, JAE YONG 지배주주-소액주주 간 대리인문제와 사외이사 보상 = The Effect of Agency Problem between Controlling Shareholders and Minority Shareholders on Compensation of Outside Directors 현정훈, 황인이, 신재용, 김범준 22(3) 1-29 2013 KCI
1427 SHIN, JAE YONG 사내독립기업제도를 위한 책임회계시스템 구축- 글로벌 텔레콤 사례 = Responsibility Accounting System for Company-in-Company Organization - The Case of Global Telecom 김범준, 신재용 22(4) 273-299 2013 KCI
1426 SHIN, JAE YONG 우정사업본부의 사회적 책임활동 개선방안에 대한 연구 신재용, 김범준, 권세원 23(1) 43-68 2013
1425 SHIN, JAE YONG Relative Performance Evaluation: A Review of M anagerial Accounting Research Ella Mae Matsumura, Jae Yong Shin
Journal of Management Accounting Japan
Supplement(2) 3-12 2013
1424 Lee, Yong Gyu Financial Reporting Quality, Structural Problems and the Informativeness of Mandated Disclosures on Internal Controls Aloke (Al) Ghosh, Yong Gyu Lee 40(3/4) 318-349 2013 SCOPUS
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