
USA Canada United Kingdom Ireland Finland Sweden France Germany Netherlands Austria Italy Switzerland Spain Portugal Turkey Singapore China Hong Kong Japan Thailand Kazakhstan Vietnam Russia New Zealand
Region Country University / College Bachelor Master
Asia China Nankai University / Business School O O
Northwestern Polytechnical University / School of Management O
Peking University / Guanghua School of Management O O
Shanghai Jiaotong University / Antai College of Economics & Management O O
Tsinghua University / School of Economics & Management O O
Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong / Faculty of Business and Economics O
Japan Hosei University O O
Meiji University / School of Business Administration O O
Nagoya University of Commerce & Business O O
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics & Strategic Research O
Singapore National University of Singapore / Business School O O
Thailand Chulalongkorn University / Chulalongkorn Business School O O
Thammasat University / Thammasat Business School O O
Vietnam VinUniversity O
Europe Austria WU Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien (Vienna University) O O
Finland Aalto University / School of Business O O
France EDHEC Business School O O
Emlyon Business School O O
ESSEC Business School O O
HEC School of Management O O
ISC Paris School of Management O O
NEOMA Business School O O
Germany European Business School O O
Hamburg Business School O O
Munich Business School O O
Technische Universitat Munchen / TUM School of Management O O
University of Kalserslautern O O
University of Mannheim O O
WHU-OTTO Beisheim School of Management O O
Ireland University of Dublin / Trinity College O
Italy Bocconi University O O
Netherlands Maastricht University / School of Business and Economics O O
University of Groningen / Faculty of Economics and Business O
Portugal Universidade Catolica Portuguesa / Catolica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics O O
Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University / Business School O O
Spain IE Business School O
Sweden Lund University / School of Economics and Management O
Stockholm University / School of Business O O
Switzerland University of St. Gallen / Business School O O
Turkey Sabanci University O
UK City, University of London / Bayes Business School (formerly known as CASS Business School) O
North America USA Boston University / School of Management O
California State University, Fresno / Craig School of Business O
Miami University / Farmer School of Business O
Temple University / Fox School of Business O
University of Hawai`i at Manoa / College of Business Administration O O
University of Southern California / Marshall School of Business O
University of Texas, Austin / McCombs School of Business O
Canada HEC Montreal O
McGill University / Desautels Faculty of Management O
Queen's University / Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business O
University of British Columbia / Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration O
University of Calgary / Haskayne School of Business O O
University of Victoria / Peter B. Gustavson School of Business O
York University / Schulich School of Business O
Oceania Australia University of New South Wales / Faculty of Commerce and Economics O
University of Queensland / Faculty of Business, Economics and Law O
New Zealand University of Auckland O
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