Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
1203 CHU, WUJIN The determinants of trust in supplier–automaker relationships in the US, Japan, and Korea Jeff Dyer, Wujin Chu 42(1) 10-27 2011 SCOPUS
1202 CHU, WUJIN The Influence of Art-provoked Affect on Product and Product Attributes Evaluation = 명화(名畵)에서 유발된 감정이 차용된 제품과 제품속성 평가에 미치는 영향 김한구, 정보희, 주우진 13(2) 100-130 2011
1201 CHU, WUJIN 서비스 & 제품 묶음상품의 공정성 지각 제고를 위한 가격인상 제시 전략 = Increasing the Price of a Bundled Product with Fairness Perception in Mind 주우진, 임미자 26(2) 1-23 2011 KCI
1200 KIM, BYUNGDO 고객지향적 서비스 상품 개발: 하나은행 사례 = Customer-Oriented New Service Development: A Case Study of Hana Bank 김병도, 전종근 22(2) 1-22 2011 KCI
1199 HWANG, LEESEOK 풋백옵션(주식매도선택권)의 가치평가 및 위험관리 - 금호산업 사례를 중심으로 = Valuation and Risk Management of the Put Back Option: A Case of Kumho Industrial 조형진, 이문영, 황이석 20(5) 275-301 2011 KCI
1198 HWANG, LEESEOK How does ownership concentration exacerbate information asymmetry among equity investors? Hae-Young Byun, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 19(5) 511-534 2011 SCOPUS
1197 HWANG, LEESEOK Value Information of Corporate Decisions and Corporate Governance Practices Hae-Young Byun, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 40(1) 69-108 2011 SCOPUS
1196 SHIN, JAE YONG Institutional Investment Horizons and CEO Compensation JAE YONG SHIN 17(1) 93-135 2011 KCI
1195 SHIN, JAE YONG Less Pay and More Sensitivity? Institutional Investor Heterogeneity and CEO Pay Jae Yong Shin, Jeongil Seo 37(6) 1719-1746 2011 SCOPUS
1194 SHIN, JAE YONG Relative Performance Evaluation and Related Peer Groups in Executive Compensation Contracts Guojin Gong, Laura Yue Li, Jae Yong Shin 86(3) 1007-1043 2011 SCOPUS
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