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Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.24 김원수 외 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE Assessing Method Variance in Multitrait-Multimethod Matrices: The Case of Self-Reported Affect and Perceptions at Work
(Journal of Applied Psychology 75(5), 547-560)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE The Effects of Contextual Priming in Print Advertisements
(Journal of Consumer Research 17(2), 215-222)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE A critical review of consumer satisfaction
(Review of Marketing 68, 40-48)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE Cognitive and Affective Priming Effects of the Context for Print Advertisements
(Journal of Advertising 19(2), 40-48)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE Direct and Indirect Approaches to Advertising Persuasion : Which Is More Effective?
(Journal of Business Research 20(4), 279-291)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE The Indirect Effects of Advertisements Designed to Change Product Attribute Beliefs
(Psychology and Marketing 7(1), 47-63)
Youjae Yi 1990
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE The level of effort required for behaviour as a moderator of the attitude–behaviour relation
(European Journal of Social Psychology 20(1), 45-59)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi, Johann Baumgartner 1990
Journal Articles PARK, WON-WOO A Review of Research on Groupthink
(Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 3(4), 229-245)
Won-Woo Park 1990
Thesis/Dissertation CHOE, HYUK
Intertemporal and cross-sectional variation of corporate dividend policy
Hyuk Choe 1990
Thesis/Dissertation KIM, SANG-HOON
조직의 마케팅조사 수행과 의사결정자의 마케팅정보 활용에 영향을 미치는 요인
김상훈 1990
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.23 韓羲泳 외 1989
(Journal of International Business Studies 20(3), 437-463)
Susan P. Douglas, Dong Kee Rhee 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE Rejoinder to: An investigation of the structure of expectancy-value attitude and its implications
(International Journal of Research in Marketing 6(2), 89-94)
Youjae YI 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE An investigation of the structure of expectancy-value attitude and its implications
(International Journal of Research in Marketing 6(2), 71-83)
Youjae YI 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE The Degree of Intention Formation as a Moderator of the Attitude-Behavior Relationship
(Social Psychology Quarterly 52(4), 266-279)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE On the Use of Structural Equation Models in Experimental Designs
(Journal of Marketing Research 26(3), 271-284)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE Antecedents Of Behavior Change
(Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science 12, 12-17)
Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE An investigation into the role of intentions as mediators of the attitude-behavior relationship
(Journal of Economic Psychology 10(1), 35-62)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Johann Baumgartner, Youjae Yi 1989
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE On the Evaluation of Main Effects in Multiplicative Regression Models
(Journal of the Market Research Society 31(1), 133-138)
Youjae Yi 1989
Thesis/Dissertation SONG, JAEYONG
韓國財閥의 經營成果에 관한 硏究
宋在鎔 1989
Thesis/Dissertation Kho, Bong-Chan
株價指數先物去來의 株式市場 情報 效率性 增大效果에 관한 實證硏究
高奉贊 1989
Thesis/Dissertation PARK, WON-WOO
A comprehensive study of Janis' groupthink model : questionnaire development and empirical tests
Thesis/Dissertation CHO, JAEHO
Three essays on asset pricing theory
Jaeho Cho 1989
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.22 곽수일 외 1988
Thesis/Dissertation SEOG, S. HUN
情報의 遲延이 情報價値에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究
石承勳 1988
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models
(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 16(1), 74-94)
Richard P. Bagozzi, Youjae Yi 1988
Thesis/Dissertation LEE, KYUNGMOOK
小集團의 類型에 따른 集團有效性에 관한 硏究
李京默 1988
Thesis/Dissertation JOH, SUNG WOOK
市場構造가 技術革新에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究
趙成旭 1988
Thesis/Dissertation PARK, SANGWOOK
電力配分 시스템의 擴張 및 運營計劃에 사용되는 技法에 대한 硏究 : 動態的 接近法을 中心으로
朴相昱 1988
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.21 金元銖 외 1987
Journal Articles CHU, WUJIN Industrial Purchasing: An Empirical Exploration of the Buyclass Framework
(Journal of Marketing 51(3), 71-86)
Erin Anderson, Wujin Chu, Barton Weitz 1987
Thesis/Dissertation CHU, WUJIN
The effect of product and retail differentiation on prices and channel profits : a generalized framework
Wujin Chu 1987
Thesis/Dissertation YI, YOUJAE
The chain reaction effects of advertising on attitude
Youjae Yi 1987
Thesis/Dissertation AHN, TAESIK
Efficiency and related issues in higher education : a Data Development Analysis approach
Tae Sik Ahn 1987
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.20 金正年 외 1986
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.19 郭秀一 외 1985
Books PARK, WON-WOO Internationalization of Finance and the Role of Foreign Banks in Korea(Korea Development Institute Working Paper no. 8505) Joong-woong Kim, Wonwoo Park 1985
Thesis/Dissertation HWANG, LEESEOK
의사 결정 지원 기법이 경영자의 예측 성과에 미치는 영향
황이석 1985
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.18 김원수 외 1984
Thesis/Dissertation PARK, WON-WOO
組織의 環境適用에 있어서 經營戰略과 組織構造의 關係에 관한 연구
朴元雨 1984
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.17 한희영 외 1983
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.16 민상기 외 1982
Thesis/Dissertation RHEE, DONG-KEE
企業과 政府關係의 變遷에 대한 實證的 分析
李東琪 1982
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.15 吳相洛 외 1981
Thesis/Dissertation CHOE, HYUK
會計情報의 企業失敗豫測力에 關한 實證的 硏究
崔爀 1981
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.14 심병구 외 1980
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.13 金元銖 외 1979
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.12 吳相洛 외 1978
Books 경영연구소 경영논집 vol.11 오상락 외 1977
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