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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
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Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles CHOI, JIN NAM Innovation Implementation as a Dynamic Equilibrium : Emergent Processes and Divergent Outcomes
(Group and Organization Management 43(6), 999-1036)
Goo Hyeok Chung, Jin Nam Choi 2018
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA Unethical Leader Behavior and Employee Knowledge Sharing : A Moderated-Mediation Analysis(비윤리적 리더 행동이 구성원의지식공유 행동에 미치는 영향)
(리더십연구 10(1), 89-108)
Soohyun Yoon, Jihye Lee, Sunghyuck Mah, Seokhwa Yun 2018
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA Suggesting Creative Solutions or Just Complaining : Perceived Organizational Support, Exchange Ideology, and Learning Goal Orientation as Determining Factors
(Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts 12(1), 68-78)
Wonseok Choi, Nora Madjar, Seokhwa Yun 2018
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA Abusive supervision and knowledge sharing : the moderating role of organizational tenure
(Personnel Review 47(1), 22-38)
Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Seung Yeon Son, Seokhwa Yun 2018
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA A moderated mediation model of the relationship between abusive supervision and knowledge sharing
(Leadership Quarterly 29(3), 403-413)
Soojin Lee, Seckyoung Loretta Kim, Seokhwa Yun 2018
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA Leaders’ Core Self-evaluation, Ethical Leadership, and Employees’ Job Performance : The Moderating Role of Employees’ Exchange Ideology
(Journal of Business Ethics 148(2), 457-470)
Jaehyung Ahn, Soojin Lee, Seokhwa Yun 2018
Journal Articles Seo, Kyoungwon Symmetry axioms and perceived ambiguity
(Mathematics and Financial Economics 12(1), 33–54)
Peter Klibanoff, Sujoy Mukerji, Kyoungwon Seo 2018
Journal Articles BAE, JONGHOON 경영과 불평등: 4차산업혁명을 중심으로(Management and Inequality: A Case of the Fourth Industrial Revolution)
(정부학연구 24(2), 5-27)
배종훈 2018
Journal Articles BAE, JONGHOON 한국 전략경영연구의 지난 20년 흐름과 내일을 위한 전망(Strategic Management Research in Korea: Past 20 Years and Future Directions)
(전략경영연구 21(2), 19-49)
김양민, 정의교, 배종훈 2018
Journal Articles BAE, JONGHOON 분산처리 시스템의 신화, 블록체인(Blockchain as a Myth of the Decentralized Processing System)
(공정거래연구 3(2), 1-13)
배종훈 2018
Book Chapters PARK, NAMGYOO K. 경영의 본질은 '이윤 추구'가 아니라 '새로운 삶의 창조'
(창의 혁명 : 4차 산업혁명 시대를 이끌 창조형 인재, 어떻게 키울 것인가? 291-306, 코리아닷컴)
박남규 2018
Book Chapters PARK, NAMGYOO K. 창의성, 불가능을 가능하게 바꾸는 원동력
(창의 혁명 : 4차 산업혁명 시대를 이끌 창조형 인재, 어떻게 키울 것인가? 79-91, 코리아닷컴)
박남규 2018
Book Chapters LEE, WOO-JONG 경영교육의 위기는 경영학의 위기로부터
(경영교육 뉴 패러다임 : 4차산업혁명시대 미래를 이끌 경영교육 융합과 혁신의 방향 43-59, 매일경제신문사)
이우종 2018
Book Chapters BAE, JONGHOON Competitive strategy and challenge for the chaebol
(Strategic, policy and social innovation for a post-industrial Korea : beyond the miracle 42-51, Routledge)
Books YOO, BYUNGJOON (FANG 시대의) 경영정보학(역저) Kenneth J. Sousa, Effy Oz 공저 ; 유병준 [외]공역 2018
Books CHOI, JONG HAG (서울대 최종학 교수의) 숫자로 경영하라 4 최종학 2018
Books CHOI, JONG HAG (사례와 함께하는) 회계원리(2판) 최종학, 송혁준, 곽수근 2018
Books OH, JUNGSUK CEO, 혁신으로 진화하라 : 경영학자 6인이 CEO에게 보내는 미래 혁신을 위한 경영멘토링 김수욱, 정규석, 김동재, 오정석, 유병준, 신현상 2018
Books KIM, BYUNGDO 도전력 김병도 2018
Books LEE, CHANG WOO 회계감사 study guide(5판) : Clarified ISA 반영 이창우, 송혁준, 전규안, 권오상 2018
Books Lee, Yong Gyu 회계와 사회(제8판) 최관, 백원선, 백태영, 이용규, 이종은, 정문기, 최영수 2018
Books CHOI, JONG HAG 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제3판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2018
Books BAIK, BOKHYEON 재무제표분석과 기업가치평가(제3판) 백복현, 장궈화, 최종학 2018
Books KIM, SONGKI 전략적 관리회계(제3판) 김성기, 윤성수, 이용규 2018
Books KIM, SANG-HOON 하이테크 마케팅(제4판) 김상훈, 이유석, 이지수 2018
(Strategic Management Journal 38(3), 751-769)
Journal Articles Lee, Joon Mahn Complementarities and Coordination: Implications for Governance Mode and Performance of Multiproduct Firms
(Organization Science 28(5), 931-946)
Joon Mahn Lee, Rahul Kapoor 2017
Book Chapters LEE, KYUNGMOOK 조직활력을 높이기 위한 개인, 기업, 정부의 역할
((K-매니지먼트 3.0) 초고령사회, 조직활력을 어떻게 높일까 : 개인, 기업, 정부의 역할 281-315, 클라우드나인)
이경묵 2017
Journal Articles KIM, SEONGSU 개인수준 인적자원관리시스템 연구의 의미와 현황, 그리고 나아갈 방향에 대한 제언 = The Past, Present, and Future of Research in Individual-Level Human Resource Management
(노사관계연구 28, 49-92)
장희근, 김성수 2017
Journal Articles JOH, SUNG WOOK Streaming, Tracking and Reading Achievement: A Multilevel Analysis of Students in 40 Countries
(Journal of Educational Psychology 109(7), 915-934)
Ming Ming Chiu, Bonnie Wing-Yin Chow, Sung Wook Joh 2017
Journal Articles JOH, SUNG WOOK Effects of Institutional Investors’ Bidding Information on Offer Prices and Initial Returns of IPOs
(Asia Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 46(1), 116-154)
Sung Wook Joh, Yoo-Hwan Kim 2017
Journal Articles PARK, CHOELSOON The Roles of Corporate Governance in a Firm’s Conformity to Institutional Pressures: Corporate Restructuring by Korean Firms, 1995~2005 = 기업지배구조와 제도적 압력에 대한 대응: 한국기업의 기업구조조정, 1995~2005
(전략경영연구 20(3), 53-77)
Seonghoon Kim, Choelsoon Park, Young-Jin Kim 2017
Journal Articles PARK, CHOELSOON 동성그룹: 성장을 향한 끊임없는 도전 = Dongsung Group: Perpetual Journey toward Growth
(Korea Business Review 21(2), 59-95)
구혜영, 박철순, 김성훈 2017
Journal Articles PARK, CHOELSOON 제이에스티나의 전략적 혁신과 다각화 = J.ESTINA’s Strategic Innovation and Diversification
(Korea Business Review 21(3), 47-78)
홍성민, 박철순, 권기환 2017
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK Fast Close: A Case of Financial Close Process Automation = 결산 자동화 시스템 사례
(기업가정신과 벤처연구 20(1), 47-57)
Dae-Hyun Kwon, Tae-Sik Ahn, Iny Hwang, Jin-Ha Park 2017
Journal Articles CHOI, JONG HAG Did the 1998 Merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand Increase Audit Quality?
(Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2), 1071-1102)
Journal Articles CHOI, JONG HAG 감사위원회 재무전문성의 세부구성이 산업전문가 감사인 선임 및 감사보수에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of the Composition of Audit Committee Financial Expertise on Industry Specialist Auditor Choice and Audit Fees
(회계학연구 42(5), 209-243)
송보미, 안혜진, 최종학 2017
Journal Articles CHOI, JONG HAG 내부정보를 이용한 공인회계사의 주식거래와 직업윤리 = Case on the Auditors’ Stock Trading Using Inside Information and Professional Ethics
(회계저널 26(1), 253-277)
이유진, 최종학, 하원석 2017
Journal Articles CHOI, JONG HAG 감사인의 세무관련 비감사서비스 제공이 피감기업의 공격적 조세회피성향과 감사보수 및 감사품질 사이의 관계에 미치는 영향 = How Auditor-Provided Tax Services Change the Effect of Tax Aggressiveness on Audit Fees and Audit Quality
(회계저널 26(5), 33-68)
선우희연, 이유진, 최종학 2017
Journal Articles CHOI, JONG HAG The Effect of Audit Partner on Accounting Comparability
(경영학연구 46(1), 235-265)
Hyejin Ahn, Jong-Hag Choi, Moon Ki Chung 2017
Journal Articles BAIK, BOKHYEON Research on Financial Reporting and Disclosure: Recent Literature Review
(회계학연구 42(2), 255-311)
Bok Baik, Seung-youb Han, Jae Gyung Jung, Wonsun Paek 2017
Journal Articles BAIK, BOKHYEON Erratum to: Research on Financial Reporting and Disclosure: Recent Literature Review
(회계학연구 42(3), 259-263)
Bok Baik, Seung-youb Han, Jae Gyung Jung, Wonsun Paek 2017
Journal Articles CHU, WUJIN 전기차 구매의사 영향요인에 대한 문헌 리뷰 및 실증분석: 소비자 심리적 특성 변인의 영향을 중심으로 = Review and Empirical Analysis on Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicles in Korea: The Role of Consumer Psychological Characteristics
(소비자학연구 28(6), 97-127)
주우진, 임미자, 송미령 2017
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR) 활동에 대한 홍보가 기업가치에 미치는 영향 = Impact of Publicizing Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Value
(경영학연구 46(6), 1663-1688)
석준희, 이유석, 고사랑, 김병도 2017
Journal Articles SHIN, JAE YONG The Effect of CEO Compensation Structure on CSR Disclosure = CEO의 연봉구조가 CSR 공시에 미치는 영향
(경영학연구 46(1), 1-23)
Sewon Kwon, Bum-Joon Kim, Su-keun Kwak, Jae Yong Shin 2017
Journal Articles SHIN, JAE YONG The Effects of Academic Outside Directors on Firm Performance: Evidence from Korean Chaebol Firms = 교수 사외이사가 한국 재벌 기업 성과에 미치는 영향
(경영학연구 46(4), 1097-1125)
Jae Yong Shin, Sewon Kwon, Jeong-Hoon Hyun, Natalie Kyung Won Kim 2017
Journal Articles SHIN, JAE YONG Executive Bonus Target Ratcheting: Evidence from the New Executive Compensation Disclosure Rules
(Contemporary Accounting Research 34(4), 1843-1879)
Journal Articles LEE, WOO-JONG Personnel is Policy: Labor Investment Efficiency and Firm Value
(회계학연구 42(2), 125-168)
Woo-Jong Lee, Kyunghwa Yu 2017
Journal Articles LEE, WOO-JONG 코스닥시장 신규상장기업의 이익조정과 종업원의 지분참여 = An Analysis of Accruals Management and Employee Ownership in KOSDAQ IPO Firms
(회계저널 26(3), 79-104)
기은선, 이우종, 이종용 2017
Journal Articles LEE, WOO-JONG Auditors’ Responses to Organized Labor in Client Firms
(Seoul Journal of Business 23(2), 23-65)
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