PhD International Conference

Guidance on the Support Project of Overseas academic society Participation in Ph.D. Program in Business School

○ Article 12 of the Regulations for Operation of Ph.D. programs in business schools (Participants support of Overseas academic Societies) and Article 7 of the same Enforcement Regulations
1. Qualification for application
Ph.D. student or researcher at SNU Business School.
2. Supporting Content
  • - Details of support : Travel expenses are provided when doctoral students present papers at overseas academic societies.
    ※ Include co-authors (However, one-person support for each presentation paper)
  • - Support Limit: Up to 3 million won per student per year
  • - regional support limit
  • - Europe, Americas, Oceania: Up to 2 million won
  • - Middle East: up to 1 million won
  • - Asia: Up to 500,000 won
    · Airfare, accommodation, and participation fees are paid as actual expenses within the regional support limit (within the corporate travel regulations)
    · No longer supports the same thesis as the one already supported ※ There is no limit on the number of applications, and each person will receive less than 3 million won per year.
Academic Society Eligible for Support
Major Recognition
Society 1
Society 2
Society 3
Society 4
Society 5
Society 6
Management Information Systems ICIS (Internationl Conference on Information Systems) AMCIS
(Americas Conference on Information Systems)
PACIS (Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems) WISE (Workshop on Information Systems
and Economics)
(Workshop on information
Technology and systems )
(Hawaii international
Conference on Systems Scientes)
Strategy and International Management AIB
(Academy of
International Business)
(Strategic Management
Society )
AOM (Academy of Management) Asian AOM
(Asian Academy of Management)
Marketing AMA
(American Marketing
(Association for
Consumer Research)
INFORMS Marketing
SCP(Society for Consumer Psychology) INFORMS Annual
EMAC (European
Marketing Academy)
Operations Management INFORMS Annual Meeting (Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences) DSI Annual Meeting
(Decision Sciences Institute)
POMS (Production and Operations Management Society)Annual Conference MSOM Conference EURO-k Conference
(substituted by IFORS,
every three years)
Winter Simulation
Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management Academy of Management Meeting Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Meeting Labor and Employment Relations Association Meeting Organization Science Winter Conference Academy of Management(AOM) HR Division International Conference
Finance AFA
(American Finance
FMA (Financial
EFA (European Finance
CICF (China International
Conference in Finance)
EFMA (European Financial
Management Association)
AsFA (Asian Finance
Insurance ARIA (American Risk
and Insurance
APRIA (Asia-Pacific Risk
and Insurance
EGRIE (Euroean Group of
Risk and Insurance
RTS (Risk Theory
WRIA (Western Risk and
Insurance Association)
ASSA (Allied Social
Sciences Association)
Accounting American Accounting Association Conference European Accounting Association Conference JCAE
(Journal of Contemporary
Accounting and Economics) Conference
Accounting PhD Rookie Recruiting and Research Camp Conference SMU
(Singapore Management
(Massachusetts Institute
of Technology)
Asia Conferenc
※ Support without major classification
3. Application methods and support procedures
  • - Applicants must obtain prior approval from the principal professor of the Ph.D. program before participating in the thesis presentation of the Overseas Society
  • - Applicants are required to submit the following documents (forms 1, 2) to the school administration office of the business school before the 20th of each month, and apply to the corporate account in the last week of each month after an internal review.
    ※ Submission documents
    • 1. Applications form for participation in overseas academic society (format 1)
      - Certificate of participation (including invitation, program
      - Request submission by indicating the order of your presentation)
      - Journal of academic society presentation 1
    • 2. academic society result report (format 2)
      · One copy of the airfare receipt when applying for airfare.
      · One copy of the remittance receipt (card receipt) when applying for academic registration fee.
      · One copy of the receipt related to the accommodation fee when applying for it.
      · Passport copy (including details of immigration confirmation, if it is an electronic passport, it is attached with immigration certificate)
4. Time to implement the amendment: 2020.3.2.
※ Online overseas academic societies can also be applied during COVID19 period.
Application Download
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