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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
Material Type Faculty/
Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA An examination of crossover and spillover effects of spousal and expatriate cross-cultural adjustment on expatriate outcomes
(Journal of Applied Psychology 87(4), 655-666)
Riki Takeuchi, S. Lawrence Yun, Paul E. Tesluk 2002
Book Chapters PARK, WON-WOO The corporate culture change campaigns in Korea : lessons from their failures
(Managing korean business : organization, culture, human resources and change 89-110, Frank Cass)
Book Chapters LEE, KYUNGMOOK 기업지배구조의 형성배경과 개선방안
(한국경영의 새로운 도전 37-72, 다산출판사)
이경묵 2002
Thesis/Dissertation OH, JUNGSUK
Alliance incentives in the online content market
Christopher Jungsuk Oh 2002
Thesis/Dissertation SONG, INSEONG
Empirical analysis of dynamic consumer choice behavior : micromodeling the new product adoption process with heterogeneous and forward-looking consumers
Inseong Song 2002
Thesis/Dissertation Seo, Kyoungwon
Pricing the floating rate note : a case of Korea deposit insurance corporation
徐慶元 2002
Thesis/Dissertation Lee, Yong Gyu
경영성과의 회계적 측정치와 경영자 보상간의 관계 : 한국기업 경영자보상의 하방경직성을 중심으로
이용규 2002
Books CHU, WUJIN 인터넷 마케팅 주우진, 김재범 2002
Books RHEE, DONG-KEE 중국의 전자상거래 현황 및 한국기업의 진출전략 이동기 2002
Books LEE, KYUNGMOOK 근로자 참여의 영향요인과 성과 김동배, 이경묵 2002
Books LEE, KYUNGMOOK 인터넷 시대에서의 사회적 자산의 형성과 활용 이경묵 2002
Books CHOE, HYUK 재무관리 최혁, 김종호 2002
Books PARK, WON-WOO M&A와 문화충돌 관리 박원우 2002
Books PARK, WON-WOO 웹기반 임원교육 박원우 2002
Books PARK, SANGWOOK 공급사슬 관리의 전략적 가치 박상욱 2002
Books RHO, SANGKYU 가상 커뮤니티(virtual community)와 집합재(collective goods) 노상규, 박정일 2002
Journal Articles PARK, CHOELSOON 전략적 혁신과 기업 경쟁력 = Strategic Innovations and Corporate Competitiveness
(경영논집 35(4), 117-136)
박철순 2001
Journal Articles PARK, CHOELSOON 연구 논단 : 기업경쟁력과 최고경영자의 역할 : 전략적 혁신
(ITBI Review 7(2), 85-100)
박철순 2001
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK 조직특성과 사업부 성과지표의 상대적 중요도
(회계학연구 26(4), 59-82)
안태식, 한승수 2001
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK 방산업체 적정원가 보상 대책: 이윤 제도 중심
(국방과 기술 266, 16-23)
安泰植 2001
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK 방산업체 적정원가 보상 대책(2): 이윤 제도 중심
(국방과 기술 267, 20-33)
安泰植 2001
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK 방산업체 적정원가 보상 대책(3): 이윤 제도 중심
(국방과 기술 268, 34-49)
安泰植 2001
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK 방위산업 원가보상제도의 분석 = A Cost Reimbursement System Analysis for the Korean Defense Industry
(경영논집 35(1), 87-112)
안태식, 진선근 2001
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO Reward Programs and Tacit Collusion
(Marketing Science 20(2), 99-120)
Byung-Do Kim, Mengze Shi, Kannan Srinivasan 2001
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO CRM: 기업이익극대화를 위한 새로운 패러다임
(Marketing Communication Review 7(2), 3-20)
김병도 2001
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO A new recommender system to combine content-based and collaborative filtering systems
(Journal of Database Marketing 8(3), 244-252)
Byung-Do Kim, Sun-Ok Kim 2001
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 비모수 회귀분석 = Nonparametric Regression with Genetic Algorithm
(경영정보학연구 11(1), 61-73)
김병도, 노상규 2001
Journal Articles HWANG, LEESEOK The use of individualized problems to improve students' learning
(Journal of Accounting Education 19(3), 189-210)
Harry Z. Davis, Lee-Seok Hwang, Victory Shoaf 2001
Journal Articles HWANG, LEESEOK Assessment of Analysts' Target Prices
(CPA Journal 71(7), 47-52)
Stephen Bryan, Lee-Seok Hwang, Steven Lilien 2001
Journal Articles CHOE, HYUK Share repurchase tender offers and bid–ask spreads
(Journal of Banking and Finance 25(3), 445-478)
Hee-Joon Ahn, Charles Cao, Hyuk Choe 2001
Journal Articles SONG, JAEYONG Strategic Alliances and Firm Value in the Electronic Marketplace
(E-Business Review 1, 165-168)
Namgyoo P. Park, Jaeyong Song 2001
Journal Articles PARK, NAMGYOO K. E-alliances: How to select alliance partners and alliance types
(International Journal of e-Business Strategy Management 3(2), 151-157)
Namgyoo K. Park 2001
Journal Articles RHEE, DONG-KEE 합작투자기업의 지분 변화 결정 요인에 관한 연구 : 경영성과와 초기지분구조의 영향을 중심으로 = Performance and Change in Ownership Structure of International Joint Ventures
(국제경영연구 12(2), 1-18)
이동기, 김명숙, 조영곤 2001
Journal Articles RHEE, DONG-KEE 이사회 구조가 연구개발투자에 미치는 영향 = A Study of the Effect of Board Composition on R & D Investment of Firms
(경영학연구 30(4), 1251-1263)
이동기, 조영곤 2001
Journal Articles RHEE, DONG-KEE 인터넷 기업간 합병을 위한 협상 : 네이버와 새롬기술 = The Case of M&A Negotiation between Naver and Serome
(경영교육연구 5(1), 159-178)
이동기, 조영곤 2001
Journal Articles RHEE, DONG-KEE The Relationship between Psychic Distance and Foreign Direct Investment Decisions: A Korean Study
(International Journal of Management 18(3), 286-293)
Jai-Beom Kim, Dongkee Rhee 2001
Journal Articles Cho, Theresa Seung Ah The effects of top executive team composition, pay structure and attention on strategic change : A case of airline deregulation
(Academy of Management Proceedings 2001(1), 1-6)
Theresa S. Cho 2001
Journal Articles Lee, Jeho Innovation and Industry Bifurcation: the Evolution of R&D Strategy
(Industrial and Corporate Change 10(1), 115-149)
Jeho Lee, J. Richard Harrison 2001
Journal Articles NAM, ICKHYUN 총품질비용을 고려한 최적 투자
(경영정보논총 11, 43-51)
남익현 2001
Journal Articles NAM, ICKHYUN Dynamic Scheduling for a Flexible Processing Network
(Operations Research 49(2), 305-315)
Ick-Hyun Nam 2001
Journal Articles LEE, KYUNGMOOK Internal capabilities, external networks, and performance : a study on technology‐based ventures
(Strategic Management Journal 22(6/7), 615-640)
Choonwoo Lee, Kyungmook Lee, Johannes M. Pennings 2001
Journal Articles LEE, KYUNGMOOK 최고경영진 구성에 대한 정부규제 : 사외이사제도의 형성과정에 대한 고찰 = Regulatory changes in corporate governance structure in Korea
(인사관리연구 24(2), 317-348)
이경묵, 오종향 2001
Journal Articles PARK, HEE-JOON The Effects of personality similarity on peer ratings of contextual work behaviors
(Personnel Psychology 54(2), 331-360)
David Antonioni, Heejoon Park 2001
Journal Articles PARK, HEE-JOON The relationship between rater affect and three sources of 360-degree feedback ratings
(Journal of Management 27(4), 479-495)
David Antonioni, Heejoon Park 2001
Journal Articles JAHNG, JUNGJOO The Impact of Electronic Commerce Environment on User Behavior: The Case of a Complex Product
(e-Service Journal 1(1), 41-53)
Jungjoo Jahng, Hemant Jain, K. Ramamurthy 2001
Journal Articles RHO, SANGKYU 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 비모수 회귀분석 = Nonparametric Regression with Genetic Algorithm
(경영정보학연구 11(1), 61-73)
김병도, 노상규 2001
Journal Articles PARK, SANGWOOK 공급업자의 공급불확실성이 재고관리 비용에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구
(한국경영과학회지 26(3), 105-117)
박상욱 2001
Journal Articles PARK, SANGWOOK 확률적 조달기간을 갖는 정기주문시스템의 최적주문정책에 관한 연구
(경영논집 35(1), 29-40)
박상욱 2001
Journal Articles Kho, Bong-Chan 변동금리채의 기준금리와 차익거래기회에 관한 실증연구 = Reference rates and arbitrage opportunities in the floating rate notes in Korea
(한국증권학회지 28, 21-56)
최도성, 고봉찬, 정재만 2001
Journal Articles Kho, Bong-Chan Threshold Cointegration을 이용한 KOSPI 200 현·선물의 비선형 동적관계 연구
(선물연구 9(1), 105-139)
고봉찬, 김봉한, 서병선 2001
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