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* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
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Academic Unit
Title Author Year
Journal Articles Kim, Song-Hee Admission Control Biases in Hospital Unit Capacity Management: How Occupancy Information Hurdles and Decision Noise Impact Utilization
(Management Science 66(11), 5151-5170)
Song-Hee Kim, Jordan Tong, Carol Peden 2020
Journal Articles Kim, Song-Hee Should Hospitals Keep Their Patients Longer? The Role of Inpatient Care in Reducing Postdischarge Mortality
(Management Science 66(6), 2326-2346)
Ann P. Bartel, Carri W. Chan, Song-Hee Kim 2020
Journal Articles YUN, SEOKHWA The Effects of Supervisor Support on Creativity: Investigating the Mediating Effect of Job Crafting = 구성원의 직무 변화 행위와 창의성에 대한 연구: 상사의 지원 행위를 중심으로
(노사관계연구 31, 95-113)
Jeewon Gwak, Seokhwa Yun 2020
Journal Articles KIM, SEONGSU Promotion Focus and Employee Turnover
(노사관계연구 31, 77-93)
Han Ho Lee, Seongsu Kim 2020
Journal Articles LEE, KYUNGMOOK 최저임금제도 개혁방안 = Suggestions to Reform Minimum Wage System in Korea
(노사관계연구 31, 59-75)
이경묵 2020
Journal Articles PARK, WON-WOO 조직문화 충돌과 효과적 조직문화 관리 = Organizational culture collision and effective organizational culture management
(노사관계연구 31, 33-58)
박원우 2020
Journal Articles KIM, SEONGSU Narcissism and Empowerment: How Narcissism Influences the Trickle‐Down Effects of Organizational Empowerment Climate on Performance
(Journal of Management Studies 57(6), 1217-1245)
Joo Hun Han, Hui Liao, Seongsu Kim, Jian Han 2020
Journal Articles Choi, Sunhwa Financial Statement Comparability and the Market Value of Cash Holdings
(Accounting Horizons 34(3), 1-21)
Hyejin Ahn, Sunhwa Choi, Sunho Chris Yun 2020
Journal Articles Choi, Sunhwa Audit committee members with CEO experience and the value of cash holdings
(Managerial Auditing Journal 35(7), 897-926)
Sunhwa Choi, Jinwoong Han, Taejin Jung 2020
Journal Articles Choi, Dong Beom Bank Leverage Limits and Regulatory Arbitrage: Old Question‐New Evidence
(Journal of Money Credit and Banking 52(S1), 241-266)
Journal Articles CHAE, JOON Investor Attention from Internet Search Volume and Underreaction to Earnings Announcements in Korea
(Sustainability 12(22), 9358(1-29))
Joon Chae, Ryumi Kim, Jaehee Han 2020
Journal Articles Seo, Kyoungwon Self-fulfilling arbitrages necessitate crash risk
(Journal of Financial Markets 51, 100547(1-26))
Dong-Hyun Ahn, Soohun Kim, Kyoungwon Seo 2020
Journal Articles CHOI, JIN NAM Visionary leadership effectiveness: Moderating roles of power distance and middle-way thinking
(Social Behavior and Personality 48(12), e9593(1-12))
Yuan Jing Luo, Yan Ping Li, Jin Nam Choi, Jing Du 2020
Journal Articles BAE, JONGHOON Network Structure of Affective Communication and Shared Emotion in Teams
(Behavioral Sciences 10(10), 159(1-17))
Seung-Yoon Rhee, Hyewon Park, Jonghoon Bae 2020
Journal Articles PARK, WON-WOO Why Employees Help Teammates When Their Leader Looks Powerful: A Multilevel Investigation
(Group and Organization Management 45(6), 808-835)
Mee Sook Kim, Haeseen Park, Won-Woo Park 2020
Journal Articles PARK, SANGWOOK Closed-Loop Supply Chain Coordination under a Reward–Penalty and a Manufacturer’s Subsidy Policy
(Sustainability 12(22), 9329(1-28))
Sungki Kim, Nina Shin, Sangwook Park 2020
Journal Articles PARK, SANGWOOK Facilitating Vulnerable Supplier Network Management Using Bicriterion Network Resilience Management Approach
(Applied Sciences-basel 10(23), 8502(1-17))
Nina Shin, Sangwook Park 2020
Journal Articles KANG, SUNGCHOON Knowledge Management and Value Creation = 지식경영과 가치창조
(경영논집 54, 79-99)
Sung-Choon Kang 2020
Journal Articles KANG, SUNGCHOON A Review of Literature on Group Incentive Plans = 집단 인센티브제도에 대한 문헌 고찰
(경영논집 54, 59-77)
Sung-Choon Kang 2020
Journal Articles SONG, INSEONG 마케팅 애널리틱스에서 머신 러닝 기법 활용의 한계 = Limitations of Machine Learning Approaches in Marketing Analytics
(경영논집 54, 39-57)
송인성 2020
Journal Articles JAHNG, JUNGJOO 디지털 플랫폼 기업의 부상과 경영 패러다임의 변화 = Rising of Digital Platform Enterprises and Change of Corporate Management Paradigm
(경영논집 54, 31-37)
장정주 2020
Journal Articles NAM, ICKHYUN Brownian Motion 수요에 대한 (r, q) 재고정책 = (r, q) Inventory Model with Brownian Motion Demand
(경영논집 54, 19-29)
남익현 2020
Journal Articles Lee, Jeho 미국 정부의 화웨이 제재와 삼성전자의 플랫폼 전략 = The Huawei Ban and Samsung Electronics' Platform Strategy
(경영논집 54, 1-18)
이제호 2020
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE When the American dream fails: The effect of perceived economic inequality on present-oriented behavior
(Psychology and Marketing 37(10), 1321-1341)
Hyuna Bak, Youjae Yi 2020
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE The boomerang effect of brand personality congruency in a product-harm crisis
(Australian Journal of Management 45(4), 645-661)
Tom Joonhwan Kim, Youjae Yi, Jongan Choi 2020
Journal Articles PARK, SUNGHO Technical Note: Should an Online Seller Post Inventory Scarcity Messages?
(Decision Sciences 51(5), 1288-1308)
Sungho Park, Elliot Rabinovich, Christopher S. Tang, Rui Yin, Jiayi Joey Yu 2020
Journal Articles PARK, KIWAN The Impact of Visual Art and High Affective Arousal on Heuristic Decision-Making in Consumers
(Frontiers in Psychology 11, 565829(1-16))
Yaeri Kim, Kiwan Park, Yaeeun Kim, Wooyun Yang, Donguk Han, Wuon-Shik Kim 2020
Journal Articles PARK, KIWAN When the Underdog Positioning Backfires! The Effects of Ethical Transgressions on Attitudes Toward Underdog Brands
(Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1988(1-15))
Yaeri Kim, Kiwan Park 2020
Journal Articles PARK, KIWAN Which Visual Modality Is Important When Judging the Naturalness of the Agent (Artificial Versus Human Intelligence) Providing Recommendations in the Symbolic Consumption Context?
(Sensors 20(17), 5016(1-14))
Kyungmi Chung, Jin Young Park, Kiwan Park, Yaeri Kim 2020
Journal Articles KIM, SANG-HOON A quantile regression approach to gaining insights for reacquition of defected customers
(Journal of Business Research 120, 443-452)
Changsok Yoo, Kyoung Cheon Cha, Sang-Hoon Kim 2020
Journal Articles PARK, NAMGYOO K. Examining the pull, the push, and their simultaneous effects on managerial turnover
(Management Decision 58(12), 2639-2654)
Yoonhee Choi, Namgyoo K. Park 2020
Journal Articles PARK, SUN HYUN Cultural Entrepreneurship in Corporate Governance Practice Diffusion: Framing of "Independent Directors" by U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies
(Organization Science 31(6), 1359-1384)
Sun Hyun Park, Yanlong Zhang 2020
Journal Articles HWANG, INY Distorted Cost Allocation: An Encouragement or Discouragement?
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(2), 89-120)
Journal Articles AHN, TAESIK Distorted Cost Allocation: An Encouragement or Discouragement?
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(2), 89-120)
Journal Articles SHIN, JAE YONG 직급 간 승진가능성과 임원 보수의 결정 = The Effects of Promotion Probability on Executive Pay
(회계저널 29(6), 95-128)
신재용, 정선문, 안상우 2020
Journal Articles KIM, WOOJIN Holding Period and Investor Performance: An Analysis of Account-Level ELW Transactions
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(2), 1-49)
Journal Articles KIM, WOOJIN 동일인 지정 제도에 대한 비판적 검토: Centrality 적용 실증분석 및 제도 개선 방향 = Critical Evaluation of ‘Same Person’ Concept in the Korean Fair Trade Act: Empirical Analysis Based on Centrality and a New Policy Direction
(법경제학연구 17(3), 561-584)
김우진, 이은정, 최난설헌 2020
Journal Articles LIM, MICHAEL K. 형태 기반 군집화와 랜덤포레스트를 이용한 개별 건물의 단기 전력 수요 예측 = Short-Term Load Forecasting for an Individual Building Using Shape-based Clustering and Random Forest
(경영과학 37(4), 21-31)
이예담, 임재현, 최동구 2020
Journal Articles OH, JUNGSUK Measuring Electronic Service Quality (E-SQ) in Mobile E-Commerce Services Using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(2), 121-138)
Journal Articles PARK, SUN HYUN 상징적 경영(Symbolic Management): 제도환경과 지배구조, 경영전략의 경계에서 = Symbolic Management: At the Boundaries of Institutional Environment, Governance and Strategy
(전략경영연구 23(3), 117-142)
박선현 2020
Journal Articles PARK, SUN HYUN Value of Friendship: Instrumental and Sentimental Motivations for Corporate Executives’ Networking Behavior
(Seoul Journal of Business 26(2), 49-88)
Journal Articles RHO, SANGKYU An Exploratory Study on Measuring Brand Image from a Network Perspective = 네트워크 관점에서 바라본 브랜드 이미지 측정에 대한 탐색적 연구
(한국전자거래학회지 25(4), 33-60)
Sangyoon Jung, Jung Ah Chang, Sangkyu Rho 2020
Journal Articles LEE, WOO-JONG 주기적 감사인 지정제의 이행비용: 피감법인의 효용변화를 중심으로 = Compliance Costs of Auditor Designation Rules: Evidence from Client Surplus Losses
(회계학연구 45(6), 111-147)
선우희연, 이우종 2020
Journal Articles Choi, Sunhwa 신설된 재무기준 감사인 지정 사유가 기업의 이익과 영업현금흐름의 조정에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of New Financial Conditions for Auditor Designation on Firms’ Earnings and Operating Cash Flow Management
(회계학연구 45(5), 39-77)
황지회, 최선화 2020
Books YI, YOUJAE 광고관리 : 이론과 실제가 만나다(제4판) 안광호, 이유재, 유창조 2020
Journal Articles KIM, BYUNGDO Impact of Negative Word of Mouth on Firm Value
(Asia Marketing Journal 22(3), 1-28)
Jaihyun Jeon, Byung-Do Kim, Junhee Seok 2020
Journal Articles LEE, WOO-JONG The Role of Business Press in Security Pricing: Initial Evidence from the Korean Stock Market
(회계저널 29(5), 311-351)
Sehee Kim, Meeok Cho, Woo-Jong Lee, David Park 2020
Journal Articles YI, YOUJAE 고객만족, 서비스품질, 고객참여행동에 대한 종합적 고찰 = A Comprehensive Review of Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality and Customer Participation Behavior
(소비자학연구 31(5), 49-90)
이유재, 박현아 2020
Journal Articles Lee, Yong Gyu Earnings Management, IFRS Adoption, and the Correlation between Accruals and Cash Flows: Evidence from Korea
(회계저널 29(5), 153-190)
Sunyoung Park, Yong Gyu Lee, Catherine Heyjung Sonu 2020
Journal Articles CHU, WUJIN 공유경제 서비스 만족도에 대한 서비스 속성 및 심리 특성의 영향 연구: 차량공유, 숙박공유, 유아용품 공유서비스를 중심으로 = The Effect of Consumer Psychological Characteristics and Service Attributes on Usage Satisfaction of Sharing Economy Services: A Study of Car Sharing, Room Sharing and Children’s Goods Sharing
(소비자학연구 31(5), 249-276)
임주애, 주우진, 임미자 2020
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