Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2043 HWANG, LEESEOK Asset Growth and Analysts’ Multi-Period Earnings Forecasts Hyungjin Cho, Sunhwa Choi, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 43(2) 89-127 2018 SCOPUS
2042 HWANG, LEESEOK 재벌의 소유구조와 원가 하방탄력성: 중핵기업을 중심으로 = Ownership Structure and Cost Downward Elasticity of Chaebol: Focusing on Central Firms 황이석, 이문영, 최세라 43(4) 161-199 2018 SCOPUS
2041 HWANG, LEESEOK Does Managerial Ability Matter in Private Firms? Evidence from Korea Lee-Seok Hwang, Taejin Jung, Seunghee Yang, Kyunghwa Yu 47(2) 213-247 2018 SCOPUS
2040 Choi, Sunhwa 기존 감사인의 감사실패로 인한 신규 감사인 선택과 감사인 교체 이후 감사품질 = Auditor Selection and Audit Quality after Audit Failure 최선화 60(4) 77-106 2018 KCI
2039 Choi, Sunhwa Asset Growth and Analysts’ Multi-Period Earnings Forecasts Hyungjin Cho, Sunhwa Choi, Lee-Seok Hwang, Woo-Jong Lee 43(2) 89-127 2018 SCOPUS
2038 Choi, Sunhwa 특수관계자 거래의 이해, 관련 규제와 공시 : H글로벌 사례를 중심으로 = Related Party Transactions, Regulations and Disclosures : A Case of H Global 최선화 27(4) 87-113 2018 KCI
2037 Choi, Sunhwa Auditors’ Strategic Audit Pricing: Evidence from the Preand Post-IFRS Periods Sunhwa Choi, Youn-Sik Choi, Bum-Joon Kim 37(4) 75-94 2018 SCOPUS
2036 SHIN, JAE YONG 보수적 외부감사로 인한 회계처리이슈 고찰 : 대우건설 J프로젝트를 중심으로 = The Study of Accounting Issues Caused by Conservative Auditing : The Case of Daewoo E&C Overseas Construction Projec 신재용, 강동창 32(5) 1-25 2018 KCI
2035 SHIN, JAE YONG 한국 기업의 임원 간 연봉격차 (Executive pay slice)와 조세회피의 관계 = Relation between Executive Pay Slice and Corporate Tax Avoidance in Korean Firms 권세원, 정선문, 김경원, 신재용 32(6) 165-190 2018 KCI
2034 SHIN, JAE YONG The effects of politically connected outside directors on firm performance: Evidence from Korean chaebol firms Jae Yong Shin, Jeong‐Hoon Hyun, Seungbin Oh, Hongsuk Yang 26(1) 23-44 2018 SCOPUS
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