Journal Articles

* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Journal Vol. No. Page Year Evaluation IF
2553 CHOI, JIN NAM Multilevel homology and discontinuity of person-group fit on individual and team creativity Jee Young Seong, Jin Nam Choi 163(2) 269-286 2023 SCOPUS
2552 CHOI, JIN NAM How to Translate Creative Ideas into Innovation? Differential Resources for Proactive and Responsive Team Idea Generation Hyunjee Hannah Kim, Jin Nam Choi 35(1) 82-98 2023 SCOPUS
2551 CHOI, JIN NAM Happy but Deviant: How Does Positive Affect Disrupt Social Sustainability? Moon Joung Kim, Jin Nam Choi 15(5) 4567(1-13) 2023 SCIE
2550 Choi, Sunhwa Less timely earnings announcements and voluntary disclosure Hyunkwon Cho, Sunhwa Choi, Robert Kim 50(3/4) 524-564 2023 SCOPUS
2549 HWANG, INY Foreign Ownership and Managerial Short-termism:Cost-Stickiness Model Approach = 외국인 지분이 단기성과주의에 미치는 영향:Cost-Stickiness 모형 중심으로 Minsuk Kim, Hyunjin Oh, Iny Hwang, Sera Choi 23(1) 63-92 2023 KCI
2548 SEOG, S. HUN 이슬람 금융, 현실과 이상의 간극 오명석 엮음, 『이자 없는 금융은 가능한가: 말레이시아와 인도네시아 이슬람금융의 이론과 현실』(명인문화사, 2022)을 읽고 석승훈 13(1) 315-325 2023 KCI
2547 Kho, Bong-Chan 기업가치 평가 관련 규정과 현금흐름할인법의 도입 필요성 = Current Regulations on Corporate Valuation and the Need for Introduction of Discounted Cash Flow Method 고봉찬, 김진우 52(2) 301-329 2023 SCOPUS
2546 YI, YOUJAE Assessing moderation efects with a heterogeneous moderated regression analysis Sang-June Park, Youjae Yi 57(1) 701-719 2023 SCOPUS
2545 PARK, SUN HYUN Just Diverse Among Themselves: How Does Negative Performance Feedback Affect Boards’ Expertise vs. Ascriptive Diversity? HeeJung Jung, Yonghoon G. Lee, Sun Hyun Park 34(2) 657-679 2023 SCOPUS
2544 PARK, KIWAN Merits matter: A new perspective on multifaceted pride and its effects on conspicuous consumption Yongju Kwon, Kiwan Park 40(5) 995-1011 2023 SCOPUS
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