
* Browse or search publications from SNU BUSINESS SCHOOL Faculty and Academic Unit.
No. Faculty Title Author Publisher Year Master's/Doctoral
56 CHOI, JONG HAG A reexamination of bias in management earnings forecasts Jong-Hag Choi. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2000 Doctoral
55 JAHNG, JUNGJOO Successful design of electronic commerce environments : the role of sense of presence on user behavior Jungjoo Jahng University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee 2000 Doctoral
54 PARK, NAMGYOO K. Resource access and firm value : a test of resource effects in the international airline industry Namgyoo K. Park New York University 2000 Doctoral
53 KIM, SANG-HOON Modeling buyers' upgrading behavior on successive versions of high-tech products : theoretical and empirical analyses Sang-Hoon Kim Stanford University 2000 Doctoral
52 CHOI, JIN NAM Microprocesses in implementing innovations : the role of person-innovation fit Jin Nam Choi The University of Michigan 2000 Doctoral
51 Cho, Theresa Seung Ah The effects of increased managerial discretion on top executive team composition, compensation and attention ; the implications for strategic change and performance Seung Ah THeresa Cho Columbia University 1999 Doctoral
50 PARK, JINSOO Facilitating interoperability among heterogeneous geographic database systems : A theoretical framework, a prototype system, and evaluation Jinsoo Park The University of Arizona 1999 Doctoral
49 Kim, Jun Beom A goal-oriented design evaluation framework for decision making under uncertainty Jun Beom Kim Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 1999 Doctoral
48 LEE, KUAN-HUI 주가수익률과 해외상장 DR 수익률을 이용한 금융위기 기간동안의 본국시장주도 가설에 관한 실증연구 李官徽 서울대학교 1999 Master's
47 LEE, KYOUNGMI 브랜드개성이 소비자-브랜드 관계의 질적차원에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 소비자의 Self-monitoring을 중심으로 李京美 서울대학교 1999 Master's
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